Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where our Heroes talk Xbox Rumours | Ep #46
The One Where our Heroes talk Xbox Rumours | Ep #46 | Wired Unplugged Podcast.
On this week's podcast, Jake and Aaron chat about The Last of Us Tv show, a brand new AAA studio based in Lemington Spa, Borderlands Reshoots, The rumoured Xbox showcase and reveal Wired is off to PAX!
We also wanted to give a special shout-out to all our Bulgarian listeners!
Also talked about:
- What DLC does Aaron want?
- Tin Hearts News
- What Single player game would you want Co-Op?
- Last Weeks Viewer Answers
- The Last of Us TV Show
- Borderlands Movie Reshoots
- Playground games News
- Xbox Rumours
QUESTION OF THE WEEK – What Single player games would you want to have Co-Op or Multiplayer?
Thank you @DkChrissie from Twitter for the inspiration.
Tweet us at https://twitter.com/wiredunplugged and the best answer will feature on our next podcast!
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wired unplugged[Music] hello everybody and welcome to the wide unplugged podcast episode 46. how you doing Anne I'm good I'm good mate how are you I'm doing all right thank you very much um I'm doing a lot about now that I know that like the number 46. we are also in the top 50 in Bulgaria this podcast is a certified Bulgarian classic no there's a theory there's a theory internally about why that may be uh and Steve Steve believes it's down to our good friends at uh hi hi oh my God I always struggle to say the name hi my name um yeah who works with on uh Victor van awesome developers uh yeah very rock and roll um and we we have a feeling that you know they've been spreading the the word amongst fellow bulgarians so go check this out but in Bulgaria I've been I've been looking into Bulgarian dishes yeah so I'm actually for our Bulgarian fans next week I will give you a review of a food I will make at home called Dragon's Breath okay so there we go yeah it's a trip soup and I'm gonna do it for the culture and I'll be back next week with a dragon's breath review so this has nothing to do with anything but you just said dragon's breath and there is another breath related food item uh to do with a far-off land so uh in Afrikaans yeah right yeah so South Africa yeah um they have uh something called uh spur costume yeah right which translates into English as ghost breath ghost breath yeah and yeah it's candy floss candy floss is candy floss yeah yeah yeah yeah that's awesome I love it that's breath yeah yeah I'm here for that that's really cool that's a really good username by the way I don't know if ghosts will be taken on Twitter um ASMR channel in it yeah yes um if you're on Twitter and I don't recommend looking up the user ghost breath because I have no idea if they're a channel they might post horrible stuff but what you can do is look up us we're at wide unplugged we're on there there's also wired P which is the general umbrella wired uh you know sort of hive mind where you can find out yeah guys yes and you can people guys yeah Paranormal Activity um so you can actually use the podcast uh Twitter account to ask us questions that's where most of the people do it uh you can also email us at unplug that white production.com but most people tweet us stuff and we basically use that to kind of springboard a question and answer aspect of the show which we'll get into in just a little bit so that's exciting in case you just joined us and you don't know how to use Twitter there's a quick bit of mansplaining for you all right let's get into some propaganda and see what we've all been up to this week propaganda you know what to say that uh I kind of describe how to use Twitter every week just in case somebody's new but I wanted to say a big shout out to everybody who listens to this every week and hears me explain Twitter every week I really appreciate that let's be honest let's be honest as it stands it changes every week at the moment so have you got Square profile pictures right now already Circle okay four thousand cancer limits oh my gosh yeah in this essay yes okay so it's if this is a section of the podcast where we take a look what's going on at wired towers and see the latest and greatest it's 2023 we've had the sort of you know the easy going first week um things are going to go start going crazy yeah well how did they start this week what have we got going on so we'll remember the game arcade Paradise over Christmas uh you know it made it into best games of 2022 which is amazing um uh before Christmas as well on PC we released a new set of DLC uh which was Kung Fury uh a new cabinet that you can get in the game which Again full length game experience really cool Jake as you mentioned based on a movie yeah you know Huff measures anyway I can bring that in um you know feature David Hasselhoff um but uh the DLC is now coming actually by the time this has gone out it is out now on switch PlayStation and Xbox formats it's out now you can play so you know listen to this at the same time yeah yeah see what it's all about yeah and to sort of try and explain what kind of Fury is like without you know get into any particularly difficult lawsuits you can just kind of Rage around in the streets you know what I mean so yeah if that helps you kind of set a tone in your head streets of this quiet yeah exactly yeah yeah exactly there's there's certainly a commotion going on in them streets but uh yeah so you can check out long side 35 other games in case you don't know what okay Paradise is uh but you probably should find out yeah they're small though they're small though because we don't want to stop there yes so um there's going to be more information soon and this is a bit of a tease but we've already announced that there is more DLC come to Arcade paradise and next month there will be a brand new set of DLC for the game so stay tuned for more details it's going to be I I think I think people are going to be happy I think people are going to be happy with uh you know in terms of uh offering up some interesting alternative game machine that's really really interesting because what I do know is that come Furious professor of licensed game that's been added and I'm like and yeah I was like okay well I'll find out what what what what would you like what would you like to see well actually actually I'll tell you something I haven't seen it since it came out sorry this is a tangent I promise it's going to come back thank you in advance everybody when I was a young man no um there's a cinema chain called it's in a world I don't know I don't know if I think they are oh no yeah you're right I can't remember if they have but they're still around but it takes ages for them to sort of just you know anyway whatever I used to work for cineworld before that though I used to have to cineworld unlimited card and like it's like a Netflix subscription you pay every month and you can go and see unlimited movies in cinema back in the day I went uh and they used to like have mystery movies anyway I went back like ages ago and the mystery movie was this thing called Wreck-It Ralph right you know yeah and I saw it yeah months before it came out you have to like something yes anyway I haven't seen it since and then two days ago I watched Wreck-It Ralph again I was like blimey it's just like arcade Paradise that gave me some you know you I loved I forgot just how many references to real things are in there because it's like you know in it there's like sugar rush and then there's Hero's Duty which is like not really anything but they have real licensed characters in there and then there was a rule there was a rule right about uh that Bowser should be the largest Bowser has to be against like yeah yeah yeah I can't it's kind of like Sakurai uh master or Sakurai working on Smash right and all of these different yeah it's a mind it's always impressive that game gets made anyway but when you start throwing all of these different licenses and smashes all these different guest characters going at it against each other yeah all the specific requirements to represent the character well but then also in terms of yeah yeah yeah it's really important because I love it very strict order so anyway the point I'm making is that when like Ralph's in the little in between you know when he's yeah he's hopping between games like you can see all these references like they don't really ever explicitly show it but it just has like you know names of the games on doors so like they have like Altered Beast eyes from your grave so yeah and so in spirit of that classic and that classic weird bit crushed voice line add like a bit of altar Beast or uh do you know what big dog gets a bit of a classic to be honest Victor gets a bit of a classic I actually had like some Dig Dug deeper I think it was called that's one of the first PC games I ever had so it would be one of them two but yeah so shout out with Beast oh Beast I'm I'm there with you on that that would be awesome because I I I I I played altar Beast as a kid right but um my dad also I don't know why uh but I remember once he bought me uh Altered Beast on tiger handheld yeah it's like those and the the soundtrack which was like yes that's my favorite thing like so iconic and the logo as well the right the logo and the name is proper like a death metal band as well like uh I work with Sega yeah and I was like can I have one of them all the Beast t-shirts but they're in such high demand that they said no so oh thanks for nothing Sega he works with them that's where I draw the line I'll tell you what I did think about when I was thinking about wreck it rather another tangent maybe we could add this to occupies because then I'll actually play it Cubit because I don't know what the hell that is oh yeah look cool but I realize I've never played it so yeah what I would like is um I don't know if you ever had one of these or experienced one of these as a kid but they used to be these little handheldy type things and essentially they were just filled with water you have two buttons they have hoops yeah I I'd love that that would be hours on that and I'd get no uh yeah damn yeah that's such a good thing that's beautiful digital virtual water physics oh yeah yeah all right that's that's a beautiful thing you know so hey yeah great maybe it may be like part of it because because you know that like RK Paradise is never this is this game right it's always like a turn and change and a fusion I think what would be good at the same time is if like it's about a war and when you're doing that there's like sea monkeys like living in there as well and they're growing and stuff oh come on yes there we go you can have that for free so you know yeah here all day what else have we got going on in the world alive this week right so last week um we mentioned that before Christmas we did a cool announcement with Nintendo about tin Hearts yeah uh and that game is very very much very quickly coming for Nintendo switch we've announced the date on switch um but um next week yeah you know if you want to know where it might be coming to other formats you might want to swing by you might want to swing goodbye next week that's brilliant this is it do you know what I've got to tell you this is one of my most anticipated games of the whole year that's that's good because that segues me into the fact that you know also next week you may you may or may not be able to get information on playing a beta a brand new shiny hot speaker for the game so you know I know you're excited for it so you can potentially sign up and sync some uh some houses into this club yeah I really should join the Discord I'm going to do that right after this podcast actually so if you want to come and hang out with me in the Disco please do that and we can talk about how good 10 Hearts is when we can play it all right yeah cool you spoke about cineworld as well a few times in a world and the this not Secret Cinema but you know the mystery movie and sometimes you might see something aware that's going to come back later that's going to come back later down the line in this in this flow I promise all right yeah yeah uh the final the final thing though and it should come as no surprise it comes as no surprise because we did an amazing we did an amazing live version of this last year yeah and hopefully maybe we can do it again who knows but uh we are going to be going to Pax Austin isn't ready uh but of course it always is that's perfect you know usually on the second day you can swing by and grab some sort of big pastry that Leo has bought an oversized one that is either the size of a chair or giant massive cannoli that we can never all eat uh so you know full meal you know I was going through my sort of memories of the of the last of 2022 to put on Facebook or whatever that makes cannoli every year it's a tradition what a beautiful thing yeah so that's it so the wires game yeah so what we're announcing right now is we're going to be at Pax that's exciting what we're going to be showing had the hearts and minds of the many okay that went down a smash and uh yeah that was very exciting and we'll talk what also went down well is uh York was there as well um and he for some reason an incredible really he had a friend he had a sidekick he had a sidekick in this robot that would just follow a little like a compartment and you could store stuff in there there was no I don't think I ever saw a cannoli in there at any point but there certainly was stuff in there some stickers it consumes the cannoli there's no way to save it exactly yeah yeah yeah imagine you put it in a robot and then you went to open it it was just gone yeah it's like that's proof of sentience it's good cannoli yeah that's it that sounds like an art House movie right very very cool so yeah more on that to follow in the weeks ahead for a week two of 2023 that's good doing that popping aren't we yeah yeah so all right well thank you very much propaganda Minister extraordinaire um I still don't have a jingle for this part to be honest the questions and answers section so I'll just remind everybody how Twitter works for the last time on this podcast more on that next week um yeah so if you use Twitter other social media problems are available but that's the one that we check the most because it's easier to communicate with us you can kind of ask us questions and that's what people do and the best question of the week we normally theme a little part of the podcast about it that is this section of the podcast see it's a lot easier if it's a six or seven second bit of music instead of that but now you've got a full context all right so this week's question you know what do you think the jingle would be heavy or soft or um ponderous ponderous yeah and you'd have to end it would have to end unresolved so you could yeah yeah exactly what I was going to say like knives yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah um all right so this week's question is courtesy of DK Chrissy who asks Which single player game would you like to play in either Co-op or multiplayer so that's a great question and that end bit confused me a little bit because I was like either play implies the existence of a sort of rival aspect to the multiplayer um which is quite interesting because I suppose like I don't know if you're playing Fallout four whatever not 76 by four and then there was you know other yeah definitely for something yeah anyway what what sort of came to mind for you when you thought of this I think what came to my mind for me was the simple answer of any I have no friends that play games it's just um try to make everything a line it's Again difficult yeah Co-op time um I think um I I would really I would really like a joints connected horror experience like along the lines of PT where that experience is shared and you're going along for the ride together seeing certain things from different uh viewpoints and you know someone might see something run across a staircase and you're like oh my God you know I think that sort of experience would be interesting like a shared horror expense because I once went uh that's a sort of a weird story I think I've told it before but I once went uh ghost hunting with Derek akora uh from uh yeah go on yeah um and we asked him all these stupid questions about you know what about dinosaur ghosts and things like that but he straight face gave me answers I won't drive off uh unfortunately it's my uncle with us or is he uh we went we went ghost hunting together it was great and it was all um it was for in support of uh Saints Row Gat out of hell is very cool um and sharing that experience with people and going around and you know everyone's skeptical but you get swept up in the hysteria and the group uh you know the littlest sounds are Amplified because you're in a dark silent space um and we're in like went into like a ruined underground flooded dungeony type thing that used to be a nightclub or something no some weird thing but it was part of Barnes and someone got grotted there in typical their kakora fashion yeah it was great it was something about having that moment together it was like oh chills um yeah I think and so experience because like I guess horror stuff is becoming a bit more multiplayer but they all very anecdote also like phasmophobia or whatever so actually funnily enough let's see if I can tie this to your answer and we can make the Megazord answer how about that okay yeah I was thinking about like the amount of games lately that a single player but they've got such complex like AI companions that I was thinking like why don't we just let someone else do that I'll give you an example God of War right you've got you've got that and you've got the boy the boy is such an integral part of the story he's he can you have to control him with your you know you you decided when he shoots arrows and all of that and you're helping him but just let him put another player do it same with like there's a lot of games where you've got like quite complex integral companions that follow you all the way through another one uh more on that in a bit The Last of Us so like Jill and Ellie what happens if one of you just played Ellie that would be great right right and and so Prince of Persia if you remember when they did the Standalone Prince of Persia and you had uh was it a liquor or something I can't remember the name but you had like a companion character exactly yeah exactly that came up from Aiko or whatever I think yeah a couple of uh episodes ago but um yeah so maybe tying that in then what about Resident Evil famously has two stories that you play through you know you're impressing your jail or blah blah blah you always got two why not new player both at once and actually they do cross paths don't need quite a lot of it what happens if maybe you started off somewhere you met in the middle you had a little bit together then you veered off you carry you know and and then sort of like trade things that the other might be low on and stuff and be like okay us hopefully I'll see you on the other side and then diverge again exactly did you know I there's something that I wish I could talk on I worked at a company a long long time ago and uh it was I'm talking a long long time ago and I'm not gonna Forge any information but uh they got to create[Music] um they got to create a silent hill pitch so I'm talking yeah like yeah a long long time ago um that may have had a similar Vibe but you have to remember technology was very different at the time so it wasn't very viable yeah but that never got made but I I like that I do like I do like that idea because you know I've played um I played Resident Evil 5 which yep yeah well it's not the best Resident Evil game but I did play that in full Co-op over a couple of nights it was it was an amazing experience to go through it together but it wasn't a horror game it didn't feel horrid or creepy but I I think if you could dial that up um I think I think between us yeah that was very good so here's here's here's the one line pitch right here's a one-line pitch for anybody listening okay he doesn't hit like a picture this okay PT meets portal 2. ah thank you very much all right okay so there we go uh if you like if you'd like to to sort of uh answer the same question we'd love to hear um last week I I was very curious to know what games uh the folks at home have been playing over Christmas so for this week's question which single player game would you like to play in either Co-op or multiplayer there's so many good options and you know a lot of the time your dreams can become reality I remember stardew Valley a great game Co-op was single player for years and years people were really requesting it um so yeah feel free to send us a tweet or an email unplugged wireproductions.com and uh next week we will read out the answers to last week's question just like now okay last week games played over Christmas I was very cute well we've got some answers should we uh should we take it in turns we'll LeapFrog yeah do you want me to go first yeah please yeah okay so uh the first game played over Christmas came from Sean R Murray which is at Woodland Spirit on Twitter if you would like to know how to use Twitter red wine to listen to Jake once again uh but uh they have been playing uh The Witcher 3 now that the Next Gen update has landed uh the combination of quick resume and fast load times on Xbox series X make this huge game very accessible uh if you can only play it uh in hour long bursts and so I I agree that I think what a good game especially um you know at a time where you're trying to relax to revisit something that you're comfortable with that you know that you love but also have this new visual upheaval um and some new content added I think is brilliant and I totally agree with the uh quick resume and the fast load time things as well because this is this is how I've had to play games you know I played um I I I've played some games over you know short periods of time that I have to just put in sleep mode and then I'll come back to it yeah um I I think I think that's amazing the only downside I see to that is that you miss out on a really good title screen from time to time but yeah exactly and so yeah I'm here for that yeah that's it because the yeah the witch has got that nice one where it kind of gives you the story so far when you yeah reload it from the main menu so yeah but I mean I mean you can trade that out for the fact that yeah you can pick up a lot easier and especially when you're playing it in a piecemeal so yeah yeah kind of great and I'm sure you're not alone I'm sure tons of people Millions even probably picked this up again over Christmas considering that the update was free so yeah cool yeah and I think what a good what good Avenue to um because I'm speaking anecdotally I've seen a few people on that place Twitter game journalists as well um but also just my brother uh who were well into Witcher 3 but didn't play the the very very final DLC expansion which is so I think again it's just a another reason to go to go back and get in I think is yeah exactly go mop everything up yeah so that's a great one uh with Neil marwood says uh Christmas Day we got Jack box nine out it was Carnage uh euphemism well if it's a chat box player probably is yeah but anyone that doesn't know is Like Cards Against Humanity or or whatever and uh incredible games incredible games incredible games and Incredibly dangerous to play do you have a favorite one a pack but you have a favorite game Within jackbox yeah uh I like the fibbage I like Finnish I I consider myself quite goodbye because I'm so I I played it at work actually uh yeah and I played it with my team and I get into their heads and I try and answer like Bev I'm like yeah it's like Poco it's like poker but it is you know yeah no that's my favorite one just a classic fibbage and the new one uh I think it's probably about nine right that has the um the weird like movie scenes but they seem to all be horror based in my ones so I've been really enjoying that at the end yeah so I I haven't played nine yet but I think I I do I do need to check it out but my favorite one is um I can't remember what party packaging um but it's the uh it's it's it's the one where you like on a horror mystery tour game show type thing yeah yeah yeah you got the voice of like hello welcome to the game and then as it goes further it gets a bit more stupid and it's like oh that's not fair where'd you answer it I don't get to cut your head off yeah yeah it isn't it yeah yeah that's a really good one there's um yeah in the latest one they have this one where you can't be like a Salesman uh Peter Marley would be really good at this but you just basically like you get given a random item and you've got like make this elaborate backstory with it and stuff like that sell me this pencil yeah it was like somebody's statue of a raccoon but it's got like a plastic bag stuck to it you know something like that it's just and then you've got to be like oh the reason for that is um so there we go symbol of good luck yeah it right itself so yeah jackbox that is an incredibly like Christmas Day type thing isn't it yeah yeah nice one all right good yeah with Neil marwood with jackbox9 what have we got uh so Eternal stuff hi Steph uh wow wow wow and more wow um the new dragonfly expansion has been so much fun so obviously seemingly uh massive into World of Warcraft yeah um I haven't played World of Warcraft for a long long time now um I so I haven't checked out dragonflight but uh yeah I don't know if you're if you're in the mix or if you've got close people I got close people I got close to people you know I've got people in the mix I also what yeah I got my best friend on it Steph's My Chosen Warrior for this I think everybody no yeah I think I think what it is is um Steph in uh streaming streaming it I don't think so no are you on about Steph or Steph uh actually I was on about internal stuff this time but stuff okay because actually my stuff anime friend of the show um she's a fan of fantasy convert and actually my brother he was a big world of war we used to play together yeah and we play we're we're old now compared to like a lot of the wild plays you know we played it um we were there at the beginning oh yeah that was it and then burning Crusade and then Wrath of the Lich King was the last one I played a thousand and I think 2008 right and then since then I remember cataclysm came out that had a nice box art and that came out around attempt at Starcraft 2 and since then I can't remember any of them was that Mr Pandaria and this one came out in November but um and I'm not trying to I'm just saying a lot of people I know anecdotally completely anecdotally not indicative of anything the five or six wild die hards I know all of them are now on Final Fantasy 14 and I don't know what that is but when I think back to it they all quite like anime so maybe there's something in it um but yeah and and so actually I only know World of Warcraft really from from watching twitch um but I've seen that a lot of people you know yeah it's it's that South Park episode is like the one I always think of it's my favorite word yeah yeah and the sword of a thousand troops but it's like blizzard seemed to have um been you know kind of fallen out of paper with a lot of fan sentiment but this new wow was it's like I think sentimentally that's not a word but you know I mean sentiment wise it's um probably that the highest rated thing that they've done in a very long time so it seems to be really making people happy it's um it's a very interesting thing why right because you know there was the time where it was it was nmo dominance by blizzard right um where I was the first Port court I do think that has swung to Final Fantasy I I it's hard because obviously they've done something incredible with wow yeah um but you have that conversation because they've also done the the D makes right so going back to original sort of thing but um that's right it's what do you do next with wow now especially now they're at the point of maybe there is a shift in balance between Final Fantasy and why is it do we now say hey we're going to release an up-to-date modern SQL um because you know there is a disparity in the visuals and the feel yeah um yeah it's it's a strange one isn't it because and for those who who don't really know the World of Warcraft actually was a spin-off in itself because it was set in the world of well Warcraft which was its own series of games it was a strategy series of games the last one was what Walker three wasn't that thing yeah and then yeah and then so now people kind of it's kind of like Persona and shin Megami tensei people have kind of Forgotten which ones are spin off of itself so what I'm saying is in my mind in an Ideal World I'd love it if the RTS kind of was a genre kind of had the Resurgence and what Warcraft could take its place but the warcraft Universe I know most of my law about Warcraft Universe from Hearthstone um okay yeah you know because you know murlocs and whatnot but um yeah it is strange because like you say they they did um why I say strange I don't mean that in any negative light like some people can say something's weird or strange in a bad way but I do you find it genuinely strange that they did this thing with World of Warcraft classic where three years ago they just went okay if anyone to play the original we're going to put the original back out again exactly as it was okay that's kind of like not the gimmick but how they have old school RuneScape they've just gone right here's here's just the original again and now they're updating that so it's like you've gone back in time um but not that long in time just like you know yeah um they were making a World of Warcraft mobile game but it got canceled uh about six months ago I know that um I only knew that because like it was like a big news story because of the Diablo mobile game and you know oh yeah so yeah that was blizzard than netease that did that so wow yeah I mean literally wow um it's it's interesting do you know what it is I'm a I'm a fantasy kind of guy right so I'm always looking at it and I look you know aesthetically it's great and I do remember my time in it but um yeah that's a really uh that's a really good one um I I'm not gonna go down the tangent but I tell you what I've got a good question for a week's podcast I might I might email in a question under a series but I I would like to know on a different day I'll ask it another time officially but like I'm interested to know which MMOs people played at the moment I could go there right now but I know mine's mine's like really weird all right good so so establishment smashing while to Smithereens because of the new dragonflies function that's very very good right ho ho ho finally old artist an ordinary artist anything but ordinary here my hero Curtis uh said and he's played a couple of games all right look there's a connoisseur played a couple of games started with Sonic Frontiers that was the amuse Bouche and then Pokemon Violet pretty fun despite some performance issues played Garfield cut with my sister witch well is horrendous to put it nicely to put it nicely he called it horrendous and then at the end went back to my little faith can't beat a bit of binding of iso Binding of Isaac is it's the one um tell you what though I'll say this yesterday or the day before started Pokemon Violet finally so I have started it last week right I think yeah I like the music actually and I actually the music is cool yeah I'm playing it docked Toby Fox it's Toby Fox yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is um because I remember thinking oh this is actually a bit unusually I don't know Western kind of yeah written so I was like I Googled it later like what's the piano it's it's Toby Fox right okay yeah he's from undertale if anyone doesn't know what we're about undertale to Legend So yeah so weirdly and I'll tell you what though performance issue wise that hasn't been bad a bit of frame rate drops that's all I've seen yeah I've I've um I haven't seen anything as bad as what I saw during that you know the the Mad phase of what the hell yeah yeah exactly uh I will say though um it is a fun Pokemon experience right it's it's very freeing to play and it feels nice um I will say that you know it's no better visually than than Legends Arceus Pokemon Legends Arceus which yeah it's what they can't seem to work out techwise at the moment is when it when it goes to looking over big landscapes uh and how the level of these hell is handled because you know you end up with just the repeating water tiles or mounting tiles that you can see are just the squares repeated um and you know I don't think that is something that game freak what I will say is though the Pokemon look great when you are just in the confined areas just having battles and stuff it feels nice it looks okay and yeah um you know I think people compare people say oh yeah but you know Xenoblade Chronicles free that looks amazing compared to this and it's like yeah it's that's it does but then also you have you know x hundred amount of Pokemon that have been accurately modeled that have ai that live in a world they're very different experiences right they've been built in different ways and I think it's always good to know that gameplay has been put forward first and that does feel good it's just a shame that at the moment they don't seem to have um cracked the 3D uh visual side of it in terms of the world you know what made me feel really weird about everything when I was playing it I thought and I shouldn't think about this because this is a full price product or whatever but I went this is fine do you find Mr mime attractive[Laughter] wow this is a really good beta test for the next Pokemon that's going to come out on the next Nintendo console yeah that's more power because that's the only thing holding it back right that Fidelity and I was like imagine this on like imagine this was like the power of the PS5 right yeah oh my gosh because this is kind of the game that I wanted when I was a young boy and I I heard that Pokemon was coming to like N64 yeah and I was like yeah and then it was slapping costume no problem with them but in my head I wanted a sort of Ocarina return Pokemon red so this is you know the graphics aren't that similar to some of the polygonly mountains in some places but this is what I mean when if they can pass that up oh my gosh like that I don't know yeah um but yeah so I agree and on on that side I I I don't think it's necessarily because you know there are people say ah you know Pokemon team shouldn't be forced to put out a game this regularly and they need more time I don't think time is the issue on this I think it's a technical yeah a technical ability or you know some sort of team member that they are missing in some way um but yeah I think they're because yeah you have to remember they haven't made as a team that haven't made many 3D games at all you know it's the same with Nintendo way back in the day they hired people in to help with getting into the 3D space because they didn't have the expertise their expertise was in 2D Parallax scrolling mode seven you know all of that sort of stuff and right yeah they weren't experts and that took them a long time to get into it it's the same with the Pokemon company it's like what the second or third really 3D enabled game in this sort of era of tech so that that like uh weird like situation because of covered and whatnot so like yeah yeah um but there we go so yeah Garfield cart nothing to art really apart from back again if that was you put it nicely my gosh I'm glad I'm on the right side of this lab all right so there we go and just as a reminder then that they were just literally people answering questions that I asked last week and uh this week's question once more is Which single player would you we're single play a game Sorry which a good player would you like to come up with wait a single player game would you like to play uh or multiplayer which sort of does that imply that there could be a PVP element to everything um you can ask us on Twitter uh or answer us whatever and we'll get on it all right thank you very very much everybody that was a decent haul of answers in the festive season I wish I asked what cheese the compliment they had of it but I don't know right let's let's have a look come on with some Bree yeah exactly yeah exactly all right let's have a look at what's going on in The Wider world because you know what some things have caught my eye and you've got them all here so let's go jingle time[Music] all right if you're listening to this kind of live contemporary up to date it's the end of the week we're about to start the weekend and there's only kind of one bit of news I've seen all week that's been on my timeline and you've got it right here so Aaron can you kick us off please with the big one that has been the discourse as they would say on internet this week I I I I yeah so uh The Last of Us TV show is run the cusp of again it being able to watch ourselves but the reviews have started to land yeah uh for for the series and at the moment um they are pretty positive there are some interesting outliers um actually it's it's quite interesting to see how it's been perceived by game Outlets reviewing it versus entertainment Outlets um you know it seems to be in the entertainment Outlet side where it is being given probably more praise in terms of as a show yeah this is this is what it is on the game side as well it is still getting the same praise um you know there's some uh compliments towards some deviations and things that have been done slightly differently um there was an interesting one earlier that I saw though which was you know in an era of many multiple uh zombie uh zombie infested wastelands uh why would this one uh perform any better um which hey yeah I'm I'm I'm interested to watch it um but yeah I mean I that's that's kind of the steer from the reviews at the moment it's mostly positive but on the flip side on the flip side um again related to The Last of Us around uh around there's been press tours right so obviously people involved with the show have been doing interviews and so on that includes the main cast members but it also includes uh Neil druckman as well who The Last of Us the video game series is his baby um and he's made an interesting comment about uh future games not necessarily to do with the last of us but just in terms of game uh Creation in in general um and he would like to focus Less on cut scenes and traditional narratives and games and is intrigued by tiles that don't hold the player's hand and the first thing that comes to mind straight away is well Alden Rings done ring did it yeah exactly exactly and but there's a breath of breath of the world as well a lot is implied by I recently and I mean literally 12 no not 12 24 hours ago completed in one sitting again inside the phenomenal video game by played that which is the spiritual successor to limbo um played that of course and no more they've split into two well Somerville came out a couple of months ago and the new game by the other guy from play dead Aunt Jensen who's coming out soon I guess I'm I'm really looking forward to it because I love what they do what they did with inside is told an entire story pretty much in the background of a 2d platformer with no words and that is video games to me my hot take on this and it is a bit of a hot take and it hopefully it don't sound too miserable when I read everywhere today it's the best video game adaptation the first thing I thought of was well what is the best video game adaptation it'd be well in my opinion it was Castlevania and what they did yes and and that I reckon that for two reasons one half the people I know and I could totally again didn't even know that that was a video game first they just thought it was a Netflix show and two they took a load of nonsense about vampires and turned it into a fully flesh thing now my thing was the last of us is and again look I'm happy to watch it and everything like that but it was a film anyway it was a film anyway the the game and I'm glad when you wrote this uh you know Aaron sends me the stuff I had the time I didn't know what you just said about Neil Trump maybe and I was happy because that has been my kind of you know my little moaney little gripe about video games lately not not too many because I'm still incredibly positive about it I just wish that there was a little bit less focus on the cutscenes remember I was talking about it with God of War yeah and I actually think that the kind of thing that really brought that into fashion it's the naughty dog stuff being such a great example of it so The Last of Us of course it's going to be a great adaptation because really it's a film anyway it's a it's a western isn't it it's about two people that don't want to do it have anything to do with each other and over the course of the story that plays out through the narrative they learn and they adapt and they grow and it took so much from TV and film that you know when you think about the last of us how many of you at home are thinking about the gameplay you're not you're thinking of the amazing story so I'm really glad that the story is good in this as it should but what I'm trying to say is it was all right there for the most of it but it's you know for me Castlevania they had to really I I'm interested to see because you know apparently they have and these are these aren't spoilers but the things that have been put out publicly um in interviews and so on um they have made some deviations and changes to make sense for a TV show now I don't know if they're necessarily yeah plot specific deviations in terms of how you thought we were going to go right but we went left um but um you know for example they've done little things like um the spores don't exist now uh you know where everyone just have the masks otherwise you'd get infected sort of thing and now there's these tendril things instead right which I've stepped in yeah um so you know they're interesting things like that and I wonder if they factor into any sort of other thing or not um and if they take any bigger side steps or elaborate in different areas what they've got actually without being too much of a little armchair pundit about it they've got some incredibly powerful that a lot of adaptations didn't have I'll give you an example Resident Evil right the Resident Evil movies they're cheaper than fun you know that's a good thing by the way life has to be clever and serious it's funny it's millerjokovic spin kicking skinless dogs into laser beams and all that for like five or six films right but is it Resident Evil not really well what this has is it not only has it got a very nice plot to follow but any deviations have been steered by Neil dropman who's pretty much the creator of it who's actually gone on record to say quite a lot of the changes here are actually how we originally envisaged the story so they've got this incredible thing of of having an opportunity to kind of retell something in a way that's not only true to the original but kind of how the original um might have actually been because you know you you are making a video game so these spores that you describe yeah if anyone doesn't know that there are sports and there's parts of the game we've got to put a gas mask on and Limits The Player's vision so you know that might have been a game design Choice yeah because maybe this the tendrils could have been a bit boring mechanically so they've got that brilliant thing of actually being able to have the original you know when they did the Evil Dead remake that was Sam Raimi as well yeah so he's like look this is kind of what I wanted to do originally but I had no budget and no one can go unsuccessful now yeah yeah exactly yeah so so yeah hey that's the big news this week really is that we've got this really really high profile adaptation of a beloved game The Last of Us I think is the fourth High straight game of all time uh and uh right off the back of this the guy who's done it has gone do you know what I want to do unless it is and I'm making some games that aren't all in your hand yeah good luck Neil so um yeah that that's an interesting story for me yeah and all right this is a well so here's the thing we we did so much before this again we don't have time for everything so did you want to pick do you want to pick which one floats your boat because we've already done the move you want we can cut the Borderlands movie one but we'll read it out loud anyway shall we yeah that was going to be my revisit to your cineworld days in terms of uh free screens no no it's fine though because essentially there was some uh early screenings of the Borderlands movie last year in 2022 when the film was meant to originally come out uh the film hasn't come out um and at the moment there is going to be two weeks of reshoots uh Eli Roth uh who's directed the movie isn't going to be handling those because he's got another project uh so Tim Miller is going to step in for the two weeks to finish off the reshoots um I I I wonder I wonder what they're reshooting I wonder why it missed its release date at the moment there is no new release date confirmed for the movie um but you know the cast the cast itself seems very solid it looks like a very good uh cast and um I mean trick to see how it all comes together but you know every every movie every movie has reshoots yeah so so um down the line like you know it doesn't mean oh my God there's trouble um I think the no new release date means there's trouble but uh um but I'm I'm intrigued I'm intrigued you know I I in my past have worked on uh Borderlands uh and you know with with gearbox and the people over there for the most part are very wonderful individuals um and I'm interested to see how how it takes a step into the the Silver Screen oh very good all right well I think we burnt through that uh I reckon I'll tell you what why don't we burn through the other one and then we can go in straight into the big juicy Xbox one oh yeah yeah because this is one that's relevant to our this isn't relevant to our friends in Bulgaria the legions of you that there are but it might be well it might be one day but right now this is a very UK focused story that has been probably on your timeline as much as it has in mind but yeah uh playground games uh Forza Horizon uh Studio as well as the studio working on the the new Fable um well some of the leads there have basically formed a new AAA studio in lemington Spa one of the most prominent areas of UK video game development well I first had my first game into job as well it's that yeah this is where it all goes down huh yeah and that's it very nice quiet place Cody's around the corner you know yeah exactly and and uh yeah there's been a new studio called uh Maverick games the first game all we know about it is it's going to be open world so they're not not tied to any specific genre at the moment so they haven't said it's a racing game so yeah could be interesting exciting though exciting lemon to Spa wonderful place yeah exactly let me spa right it's sandwich shop as well the final the finest uh and and probably the most uh prominent bit of news for the week uh the weeks ahead certainly is that well what have we got here would you like to do the honest yeah so uh word for the Grapevine is uh that Microsoft are potentially having a brand new Xbox showcase uh which is apparently planned for late January um there are some tiles that are tipped off as being shown there but um I think what I wanted to talk about is what you think what would you like to see from Xbox and we have to remember now that Xbox is technically includes the likes of obsidian Bethesda you know a lot of a a lot of massive Studios with a lot of titles on um yeah personally for me I would like to see more direct from Xbox first party uh in terms of their key uh core Studios um you know we know that there's a lot on a lot going on there's um a new Perfect Dark thing uh made at the moment and there is is it ever wild uh the that's the rare the rare joint yeah the rare game yeah like sea of Thieves has done incredibly well for them because he used to be a success really cool content continues to be added to it I'm excited to see what they do with ever wild because I got to meet the I spoke about being visiting rare for the game Jam before right I think yeah that's it Wednesday I got to meet uh yeah yeah um but when I was there as well I got to meet uh Louise Louise O'Connor I think I think their name is uh who is one of the key members on everwild now uh but also did uh the voice of the gardener in um in Viva Pinata I just randomly started doing the voice commanders like guys this is amazing um yeah yeah oh actually sorry no that wasn't for the rare game Jam that that was just I went to visit one time a couple of years after that it was a couple of years ago um yeah and uh yeah yeah it was nice of them um but I'm excited to see what what they're doing with that you know it it seems like they're doing something experimental and interesting and I think we could all do with more interesting experimental quality based things either I couldn't agree more actually actually the new rare thing is is is what I would like to see the most I remember I was deep in the YouTube news cycle as a YouTuber I mean when to see if thieves came out and I remember watching the kind of conversation go from what the hell do we do in this game to oh we make our own fun that's annoying to oh for that's cool so this is great if this is you know it's like watching people like look at those Lego bricks and then slowly realize what they can do with it and I just have so much love for for rare I still think that like I don't actually think that they've you know I've got a lot of love for it and so yeah I'm still believing the rare Magic um like look I mean for me there's one thing I want to talk about uh from obsidian obsidian for me are a very complicated uh Studio because I am like it's it's really hit or miss but when it's a hit it's a critical hit and they they're responsible for my favorite IP in the whole of video games sentiment uh pentament is a a one that did really really well recently right yeah yeah but even the black Isle days of of obsidian they did the outer worlds and grounded they were probably the last big outputs from them uh grounded and out worlds two has been announced as well yeah exactly so afterwards I kind of fell off that but I know that it's probably because I've got a bit of an aversion to like kind of like sort of 50 sci-fi stuff but I'll tell you what I am a sucker for despite it being so homogeneous and see me and how many times can you see a glowing sword and a fireball well apparently not enough this is interesting though right because you know Xbox they have obsidian and they have Bethesda and you have a studio here that are making that the outer world and a vowed and then you have a studio here that is making Fallout and um yeah and Elder Scrolls and it's like kids I'm just I'm just intrigued because of similarities but they're also very incredibly different as well so yeah a vouch though the motor Festival has like years looks great yeah a vow this is my sort of thing and you know you know uh I I like the I do like the graphics of our world I thought it was good and the thing for me about art was it was a bit uh it's not disappointing I suppose but the thing that was a bit like okay it was the scope I I was kind of you know so but with a valve because now it's going to be I'm assuming it's gonna be a little bit more of a funneled experience rather than like a Skyrim size thing you know I'm hoping um that'll be something but uh yeah I'm ready uh you know what um I I I I'm fairly sure I can guess that there'll be no star field that's that's that's like a you know in the marketing World they call it like what Temple moment like they could drop anything literally Bethesda could drop tomorrow lol star for your trailer coming tomorrow see you soon XOXO and everybody will drop what they're doing it's like Nintendo drop in a direct right they don't need to I don't yeah rock star moment isn't it surely they don't have another chance to do this until the new Elder Scrolls so I'd like that of course I'm I'm sort of you know like in a horror movie like when you watch Harmony on your feet for your eyes like that that's what I'm like with the new Fable you know I'm I'm morbidly curious but I really want it to do well and I think I think Fable would be saved for E3 fables that's one more thing yeah yeah that's that's uh because we don't necessarily understand how far along it is but you know I I think if anything maybe is a good one to save as a key core powerful experience for E3 you know I've got one last one last question it's a weird one it's a bit of a weird one but hopefully everyone listening goes oh yeah um Bethesda have a lot of Studios under their wing and one of the kind of not I would say that was prominent but a game that quite delighted a lot of people when it came out and people were actually surprised at how nice it was was um Wolfenstein the recent Wolfenstein reboots by machine games so yes what we'll say is what if it's a new Wolfenstein or not I don't really care but machine games that studio have been quiet for about six or seven years since Wolfenstein yeah so I'm really interested to see what they do because they have the makings of a studio that could do a sort of titanfall-esque kind of really high quality shooter with you know with a really really nice scope story and things without it being bloated so I don't know like machine games whatever they're up to uh I'm really interested because all they've done historically is Quake like the original Quake Wolfenstein the Wolfenstein reboots and that's it so who knows what they're up to but but that that's that's you know yeah I like that I I think I I enjoyed the Wolfenstein games that they did as well um I think it's played the DLC but um yeah yeah I mean the funny thing was blood and New Blood yeah and the funny thing is I swear it was on Game Pass and I still missed it but there we go um so yeah but look top of the pilot wait and see rare new rare stuff to be honest yeah do you do you think and again it's probably best served for E3 but it's hard to balance that many studios with that many games to to put forward the most uh it's it's it's it's it's it's interesting because what maybe we don't have time to go into this and we'll see how to send out some pans out and talk about it again but um I am very interested to see though what is going to be tense Poll for Xbox game studios you know because there's Halo is doing whatever Halo's doing Gears of War I I wonder what sort of if there will be a new IP or a cool franchise that comes back in a grander way yeah because I do feel like there is something I know what you mean I don't think they've got enough like they haven't got enough IP in their tank like Nintendo where they can just rotate an animal crossing a Pikmin or whatever over and over and over again yeah they've got they've got Master Chief and they've got whatever what's up what's up with the big chest Marcus Phoenix yeah yeah you know or whoever it is now probably not even Marcus Phoenix anymore is it but yeah and that's the thing to me like the Halo thing that everyone say no Halo can do whatever Halo is up to so people don't know what's happening with Veno remember infinite it's changed so much so yeah yeah I wonder what they're cooking up but what I think we will see like almost definitely um is because we spoke about actually we ended last week's podcast talking about this and I guess we'll do the same redfall that Bethesda yes is it Arcane I can't remember um the vampiry Boston game it's it's soon and it's so soon for Bethesda that I think it's that's why uh when we were kind of talking about is starfield's coming out the first half of this year first half of this year we're also putting that red fall and surely they want both of those games to do really well yeah time's ticking on I reckon we're going to see redfall this month and we'll see Starfield just before Pax that's my okay that's my complete guess I mean interesting just shoot wildly in the dark here I've been right before but I've been completely wrong before so we'll find out when we all have yeah well yeah thank you everybody for joining us for another episode can't believe that we're starting the year with some things to look forward to and then next week you're going to find out a little bit more information about 10 Hearts I'm gonna have some information about some beaters and we're probably going to be one step closer to find out just what the heck Xbox are doing this year because they're seemingly the ones making all the moves uh the last few weeks so yeah thank you very much Aaron thank you to the folks pleasure thank you to Bulgaria as a nation we'll see you on episode 47 you're all wonderful see you soon bye wired unplugged[Music]