Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where our Heroes go Down Under | Ep #47
The One Where our Heroes go Down Under.
G'day mates,
We have a ripper of podcast this week as Jake and Aaron discover Wired Unplugged Podcast is big in Melbourne. They also chinwag about the reaction to The Last of Us TV show, Stadia closing, Microsofts layoffs, Naming a 3D printer and the infestation of googly eyes in the Wired office. Chuck another shrimp on the barbie and rip open a cold one as you settle back to enjoy episode 47.
*Editors note: Apologies to our Australian viewers for the overuse of "Aussie" slang. Our copywriter was a huge Neighbours fan and got carried away.
Also discussed:
- Tin Hearts News
- Bulwark News
- Gori News
- Conflict at Wired Towers
- Borderlands Movie viewer opinions
- Metal gear teasing
- Callisto Protocol underperforms
Question for the show? Email unplugged@wiredproductions or tweet us on @WiredP and @WiredUnplugged
Want to watch the podcast: https://youtu.be/18e8ueGAQ5o
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Hello. I was going to say that today is going to be a G'day G'day and welcome to Melbourne's favourite podcast well yeah hey Aaron good to see you on episode 47 of the wired unplugged and hello to everybody at home and everybody in the city of Melbourne which did you know that is the city globally with the most downloads of the wide unplugged podcast last year would you like to share anything positive about Australia that's Bonzer you know the Australians like won't download this again if that's it yeah he's done it what what have I got to add to what have I got for our Australians like I mean I'll tell you this yeah huh do you remember Aunt boomerang no no it was a kids TV show I think it was on maybe it was on like citv back in the day and it featured this woman who played a character called Aunt Boomerang yeah um and her catchphrase was Bonza sweetheart um and I can't remember what it was about but it was a thing and uh yeah it had a really catchy theme tune where it was just like of Australian sort of culture it is I'm sure it'll be great but I I think it was legitimately yeah it was a legitimate Australian show but Melvin tell us if not yeah um but what would I know I was like six so uh but like the only thing I've got about Australia yet that I I can talk about with love is that like Tim Tam slam it's a it's a fantastic cultural thing do you know what the 10 times I know what Tim Tam is I do not know what Tim Thomas right okay so for those that don't know this is a quick bit of Australian traveler for uh like you know uh Melbourne fans and whatever but Tim Tam if you're from the UK it's basically like a penguin but like way better and basically you take you buy one corner off then you bite the opposing corner off and you use it like a little straw and you can and if you've got a hot drink you dip it in your hot drink so it becomes all melty and gooey the inside's become I don't know almost like hollowed out and then you drink your hot drink through it and it adds this chocolatey little effect to your cup of tea so there we go the Tim Tam slam I'm sure other hot drinks you know it works for two but there we go if you've done a 10 pound slime before uh you can let us know uh in the comments to this YouTube video if you're listening uh elsewhere we're on Twitter at Wyatt unplugged or you can email in unplug that wireproductions.com um got a bit more sort of trivia before we get into things about where we've been listening to 72 countries do you see that 22. it's like Spotify wrapped isn't it yeah if you want to know the top five it's UK USA Australia Germany and Brazil I love Brazil I love Brazil I love Brazil it's I think it's like the best I'm always always talking about it like in my day job I love working with Last Time creators I love working with Brazilian creators specifically it's so do I they are so passionate and welcoming and like yeah yeah I'm really big but you're cool yeah exactly I love I love time playing this m G that was like an absolute hit in Brazil called the tibia and I spent I've probably got about 3 000 hours on tibia in my sort of teen years where I I spoke well didn't speak I typed loads of Portuguese to Brazilians but only like sort of so I only know sort of fantasy RPG Brazilian Portuguese like don't kill me I'm just trying to hunt dragons I don't understand stuff like that um a lot of years of tourists in Brazil yeah you know last week we were on the cusp of talking about animals because um yes we've been asking what people have been playing for uh around the Christmas break and wow came up and I nearly went down the rabbit hole of do you know what mmor I used to play and the answer anyway was tibia so more on that my Brazilian transfer go on uh the legend of Mia or the legend of Mer some people might have called it yeah and that was all because that was all because um I I had a friend his name was Steve McGee back in school yeah um and his brother used to play but the reason he started playing it and the reason why we got kind of into knowing what it was it was because Game Network yeah um they used to have a regular role in segment where it'd be like adventures in Legend of me and there'd be The Two Hosts like going and doing challenges it was it was really cool um and they were it's very weird because Game Network it had yeah I had English language content but it was born out of Italy yeah um yeah yeah and uh it was like this sometimes it'd be in Italian sometimes it'd be in English but no matter what it's like Legend the mirror love that stuff all right that was good that was good I uh I didn't have I didn't really have the internet for it and it was at a time where you know going on to the internet it was like remember when you used to get your phone bill through the door and your parents would look at it and be like who's phoned this number yeah who's been on the call for 30 minutes and uh you can see all the internet usage and stuff it was that time so it was like you have to be very cautious with that much internet use I'm like yeah MMOs are hopefully going to be a big Topic at this year on unplugged as uh you know a lot of the news stories are sort of revolving around MMO lights and things like that but I'm interested to see if we get any announcements from our big MMOs on the way like ashes of the creation and things like that but hey there's a lot going on uh this year like in general but no more so then internally at the Wyatt Towers so this is the segment in the podcast where we talk about everything wired here's a little jingle to get us started wired propaganda that was a bit of juxtaposition now because I sounded like a blue Peter presenter in beginning and then it just starts going in you know um right I I keep forgetting how good they are not enough that I listen to them when I'm not doing this I don't just like randomly press the button as tempting as it is to be honest because they are in front of me at all times pretty much um it's a little pick me up maybe like a little espresso shot but I don't and then when I hear it every time it's a little treat so uh if you're listening to the audio version of this podcast there is a YouTube equivalent and you always see us reacting to it 47 episodes in so there we go right so what's happening at wired this week Aaron what have we got going on so um we're kicking into the year uh there are going to be new releases coming up there are some games that are already on the horizon on the radar such as time Troopers uh there is tin hearts and the last worker so over the next few weeks you're going to hear more of those as we build to Launch and before Christmas we partnered with Nintendo to do a sneaky little tin Hearts announcement um as part of their really cool Indie Christmas proceedings that they had which was awesome thank you Nintendo um and uh during that we announced that tin Hearts was going to be coming to Nintendo switch on April 20th um just a Nintendo switch but today today is now known that April 20th is the release date for all format so it's also going to become to PC switch obviously PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5. and the Xbox family of consoles um but not only that not only if we announced a release date now or attributed it to the other platforms um but Tim hearts it's got hearts in the name Valentine's Day is coming up so you know the tenuous link there is it's not as tenuous as it could be that's quite good yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's a it's it's a link with heart um but uh We've also announced that uh there's gonna be uh a special PC beta for people to get involved with which they can sign up for now so if you head over to wired on Twitter at ydp or head to the website you'll find out more on how to get signed up to that and it'll give you a nice little look of uh the game in advance up if you do not play on PC if you are not that person you can still see right now right now if you go through the wide switch page uh the First Act of the game being played by our very own Steph the wonderful Steph um Wow's death from the last episode yeah um and you can get a little you can get a little luck you can look but don't touch at this point um but you can still get an idea of how the game kicks off what it's doing with the story and some of the mechanics in play as well that's brilliant because it's really not long to go to you can get your hands on it for Valentine's Day and uh yeah hey honestly Valentine's Day is in February the game's coming out in April it's a nice way to get into the game uh way ahead of launch and and see see how uh rockshire world because it is one of those games that you do want to spend your own time with as well um and you know spend time get comfortable work out different solutions work out how to be more efficient and um experiment experiment and I think you know having it watch traveling in your own time is is good it's it's one of those that um you know because it's been to packs it's been to West it's been to lots of shows yeah um and you know I think initially there was some concern that hey this is a very involved game right will it will it display well that shows um and it it turns out it does um we mentioned we mentioned before Pax there was there was the same people that would come back every day yeah and spend about a whole chunk of time so you know if you don't want to go to packs in Boston uh to play tin Hearts you can play at home in the beta in February yeah um very exciting yeah nice okay great so we've got ten Hearts finally the the veil has been lifted all right what else are you ready this is the one for me this this is the one this is this is actually quite exciting as well and this is a game again that is going to start to be come to the more for in the conversations and it's going to be great to get uh Thomas Salah on uh to talk about this but um but look uh the falconer Chronicles um that's going to be included in the steam base Builder Fest on 23rd to the 30th of Jan um and this is going to give you a nice early Hands-On look at what Thomas has been doing uh with I I I I I don't want to call it a sequel to the falconer because it's a genre flip but it's set within the world that you want yeah know and love um and uh it's if you don't follow him on Twitter Falconer Dev on Twitter yes because you know he has been giving a lot of insight into his development process giving a sneaky look at how he as the developers pushed the game like he has sent it over to over Max of what will probably be possible is like I just want more more more pixels more everything um he's he he does some really cool experiments with the game he's always thinking he's sharing his process of how he's making it really cool guy to follow and it's very very soon so by the time this episode goes live it'll be in me if three days so yeah between now and when we meet again next week you will have a chance to play it yeah check it out yeah uh if you're listening to this in real time not like you know in the podcast if you're on a podcast binge forget about that and shout out to you in whatever time you're in whatever time Melbourne is in yeah yeah yeah yeah podcast binge is like such a thing that like there'll be people that like listen to a backlog and go out just caught up with your podcast oh yeah yeah 47 episodes yeah okay right yeah yeah from 2017 yeah another queen so the steam base Builder festivals very very soon right I had this team next person everything like that and it's a type it's it's actually like you know one of the kind of genres that I'm I'm loving watching The Return of so like you know it's no surprise I keep mentioning that but I'm really looking forward to this and I loved that Thomas Twitter is like that it reminds me of like an open Kitchen in a restaurant where you can if you there to look you can see it all being made in front of you there's no there's no surprises he's not The Wizard of Oz you know it's it's very very transparent and not only like is there uh a cool thing about that but it it's an art form itself the code and you know when you get to see you go home so that's a you know the mystery isn't the cool thing it's actually seeing it all all the pieces get put together which is funny enough how you build the base so I love I love as well that he's he's open he is open to just asking other developers and other programmers of yeah I've stumbled upon this I think this could be the solution is it right is it wrong someone will start a conversation and then it ends up in this massive thread of really intellectual back and forth yeah that's really insightful it's like well actually have you tried this with the vertex lighting and things like it's like it's basically you're watching a student and a master in the same body you know like he's he's somehow both so brilliant yeah I I kind of want to like him uh if you follow him on Twitter they used to be these shows I don't know if they do them anymore but it was again on crtv I think and they would have um like Disney animators sit down in like three minute Snippets and it's like this is how you uh draw this character and you go through the design process and simple ways to learn things like a little How It's Made kind of thing yeah yeah and you know you end up with a nice picture of the character but with Thomas uh this is if you scroll back this is this is how I've made the game uh enjoy uh you don't need the source files just read it's too early so there's something to it and so yeah uh yeah looking forward I'm looking forward to getting my teeth into this over the next few days actually so yeah brilliant all right cool um that's not it though no no speaking of cool people to follow on Twitter you want to go check out um Angry demon studio um onto edera angry demon games uh on Twitter um and they are doing some hilarious and Brilliant again really insightful things um for gory cuddly Carnage yeah uh for example you know they're they're posing the question now of which which some people have tackled before like uh Sunset Overdrive and things like that where it's like is it is it right to do a traditional game over screen uh we're cooking up some ways to try and tackle that to keep people in the experience and they've done some really cool uh in-engine mock-ups of what that could look like so you have uh gory being slapped by the uh the hoverboards to injection back to life with like a little uh what do you call the defibrillator yeah yeah and then there's also another one where it just Springs up in a toy box like uh like in toy store and stuff and it just opens it Springs out it's they do a lot of they do a lot of awesome stuff and and the speed at which they can iterate and test and Challenge and I'll talk a bit more about this later because something funny happened that I only Steve flagged something and it's like that's interesting and then I saw something later so I'll come back to that later um go go check him out again you know really cool a bunch of heavy metal devs um I really like cats and uh skateboarding doing awesome stuff and again I was gonna say you know I remember angry demon team were on uh the unplug podcast but I couldn't remember which episode but if you don't want to check that out it's episode nine there we go so if you want to go back in the time capsule they'll be back they'll be back again as well absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah it's been funny actually because when they were on last they were talking about like starting that process of wanting to like push more things up and do things on social and things like that and here they are you know what I mean it's crazy you get nearly a year on so yeah well I'm sure we'll have them back again um great yep what else is happening in the wired Towers listen I I don't I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about this but there's been a bit of uh internal division recently like the office is at loggerheads I think that's a phrase there is war there is controversy there is debate uh and there is um it's got ugly that's life ugly um and lines are being drawn in the sand in the sand because they have sand in the office they've got a little beach in the back um essentially um who knew that uh grabbing a new 3D printer could cause so much uh anger and rage um and essentially this has come down to everyone wanting to uh name definitively the printer so give it a name right I'm going to read I'm going to read some of the ones that have come through completely natural in this in case my opinion you know she used weaponized so I'll I'll start so name one Percy the printer yes a fine name yeah alliteration um that's not one of the names uh Prince and equally fine name yeah or a symbol uh this is my favorite one Captain Plastic Fantastic little rhyme there yeah fantastic uh and then out of the blue uh at the side is Somerset why why some uh essentially this is this is this is matter yeah so uh the the the the individual responsible for the 3D printing craze in the office and is going to be used for some really cool things I promise uh so stay tuned for that yeah um is the guy is his name is Devin um and Somerset is close to Devon uh and because the 3D printing machine is next to him they've decided that Somerset would be a good name for it um I think I think that we should put the question out to everyone to give better suggestions uh and just to quell the anger uh within the office and just settle it once and for all I I've got to say this although I'm keeping completely neutral in this situation of course and I'd just like to sort of mention that I've just understood that Prince princess yeah yeah so I thought yeah I was like because it prints things prints I think that's Gary I think that's garyism I think that's a Gary special sounds like a garyism yeah I'm sure anyway Prince that's so clever that is only now only that's what I mean yeah I didn't want to say clever but but uh what I said I just noticed it and I and I again remain composed it has many layers of that one uh yes it just like a 3D printer that's how they make him isn't it yes yes it's completely irrelevant but I'll bring up maybe just for a bit of J claw if anyone that cares my boyfriend will like he's like a software developer and he got to take home the work printer and it stays at his house now so in my vicinity there's a three I haven't used it for anything like it's one of them things where you kind of get option processes like do you need a different printing like what like what that what am I gonna print an amulet what am I going to print I mean you could I but then I started thinking of all the possibilities like The Witcher amulet well that's what he was like saying he was like saying I thought you know uh or like a miniature yeah yeah you're getting back into um I don't actually can our 3D printed uh Warhammer it's a I don't did you say you were getting back in you're looking to get back into Warhammer um no no sorry the the other day sorry yeah yeah I work I work with Games Workshop on quite a few things I also just forgot sorry I forgot that wasn't actually a part of when we press record friendship you just happen to know I'm I've decided it's my terrible news just illusion if anyone listen is to get back into Magic the Gathering which is actively like saying do you know what I want to eat a Big Mac every day why would you do it to yourself I don't know well it's because big ones are delicious and so is Magic the government anyway yeah so the 3D printer like battle and shoes I mean look yeah this is a fantastic time to mention it um kind of we uh ask questions outwardly to you all every single week um and um perhaps this is this week's question what would you name a 3D printer uh I mean if you've got a pool of answers to choose from already Percy the printer Prince Captain Plastic Fantastic or Somerset because it's close to 11. got any ideas yourself I don't want to sort of say like pick a favorite because I know that basically that will just sort of mobilize the wired internal team to Twitter yeah and it's all going to get very messy so I just like to put out a statement calling for peace people start shoving ad spending behind their tweets it's Prince yeah did you know did you know that it's technically feasible and possible to 3D print food uh I didn't actually go on that's it really uh yeah um it it hasn't come really to where it needs to be in terms of efficiency and cost Effectiveness and stuff but um it's uh it's essentially um like soil some sort of tofu protein type thing right yeah um yeah Soylent Green yeah yeah yeah yeah but I have no more information actually I was just like yeah that's cool I've had a couple of like American cheeses that taste like it was 3D printed so I I'm sure like premium you know yeah right yeah more on that yeah yeah that's interesting yeah all cheeses are definitely available and I could recommend nearly every other type of cheese okay so yeah what uh what else have we got going on again a bit of Madness signs have been put up around the office for this uh if you follow wide on Twitter you'll see that actual printed signs have been put up yeah uh to stop people from doing this because the culprit hasn't been found uh for some reason and this this is this is from Steve um someone has been putting up uh 3D uh 3D uh googly eyes yeah stick on googly eyes in the office on pretty much everything they're on the toaster uh they're on the 3D printer actually I think um even on the sign that says please stop putting up and then and then and and this is uh this is another reason to follow the angry demon guys on Twitter as well not too long after that was put out angry demon fired back with a little funny in-game test where gory is slowing down on his skateboard going forward and then swings around and they've put a googly eyes on him in games and they they work they work is like googly eyes um yeah and I was like wow how much time do they have on there before that I was like yeah I'm just going to do a bit of extra work just again yeah yeah but the googly eyes look great as well they they animate properly and everything it's I loved it yeah taking the time yeah but also I I don't know I don't know who the corporate is um it's not me yeah this is like you know when the police kind of make a statement to somebody and they say you will be found okay just call if anyone knows any information I'll do this like a police commissioner yeah yeah if anyone has any information and you'd like to come forward um you can reach out privately um there's no Rewards what the glory will be yours thank you everybody that's I don't know what the police say to be honest you should just start you should have just stopped out there'll be no reward there'll be no yeah no just Justice yeah there we go Batman and he'll solve it yeah exactly that's what we had a crusade there that's what's come to this is the um the part of the podcast that's jingle free at the moment uh unfortunately um but uh we can just consider it completely organic because it is it's not shaped by us it's shaped by you The Listener slash viewer uh this is normally the partner podcast where we answer questions I normally pose a question to you in those answers but in fact we kind of derailed it last time by talking about a video game movie adaptations I think I did actually ask what people's favorites were yeah and it's kind of uh been spearheaded by the discussion to do the Borderlands movie discussion that we kind of talked about last week so uh should we do another LeapFrog situation where yeah all right okay all right well uh absolutely um so so so uh to put this in context um our our illustrious wonderful magical editor he he chopped some of these up and then choose for social on the the wide unplugged uh Twitter feed yeah yeah yeah for for for Stefan gang to lovingly use um and one of the questions posed with our Borderlands bit was are you excited for the Borderlands movie um so that will give this some context when when you begin reading it and people did certainly answer uh why I don't put VIP DK Chrissy on Twitter says I am very much excited for this movie there we go yeah like typed like they've got a gun to their head there oh yeah yeah yeah um okay yeah yeah yeah yeah um okay so the the next comment came from uh at ricardo15 on Twitter um who says um Gran Turismo and Borderlands are definitely not films which need to be made that's quite controversial and I I think um we'll touch on this specifically with the Gran Turismo point and we'll talk about you know a Sony production a little later on um which just recently released um I saw the teaser trailer for Gran Turismo and I think it's I in my head I was like how the flip are they gonna make a movie out of Gran Turismo but one it seems very cool two it's based on a very cool true story uh and three the cast seems excellent top to bottom yeah um yeah I I I it's weird for me because I I'm not really big into racing games outside Mario Kart right you know and wipe out but um you know the the trailer the trailer for it has me intrigued um and uh I think visually from a cinematography point of view as well it looks beautiful as as Gran Turismo is known for right um but it's going to be very interesting to see how they inject the store into it like I said the store is based on um is based on a true story I won't spoil it in case I I don't know it's a true story it's a story that happened in real life yes yeah yeah um yeah well I I just kind of provide the sort of you know like I'll be the Microsoft sort of paper clip that provides use this information that might kind of like to say so in case anyone doesn't know Gran Turismo Gran Turismo isn't I know that Sony have been I've been championing for a long long time now uh 1997 was the first Gran Turismo entry and it's kind of there but uh if you like um it's it's there racing Sim it's not a really wacky racing Sim with blue shells and ghosts and you know skeletal Cooper Troopers it's just literally a a driving Sim that tries its best in every iteration to emulate racing and it's normally always the whenever like a new PlayStation launches it's normally the one that gets shown off because look at the graphics right so at first I was like why the hell would they out of all of the IP Sony own why would the one they pick be the one that's just the closest to real life like especially because there is like a like if you go on Wikipedia and you look at successful movies I want to as the Avatar last week so did I right the less I say about that the better but what I will say is that the first one is for some reason like the biggest movie ever then the second one is the seventh biggest movie ever when you look at the rest of the biggest movies Evers like Fast and Furious is is the only like non-mavilly one that's really in that apart from Avatar Fast and Furious we have a huge car series is what I'm saying like in fact it's so big I don't think it can be it can be beaten and Gran Turismo uh you know so so at first I was like that that's how I felt at first but then like you say I found out what it's kind of based on and then I realized well actually maybe that's why they've done it because unlike other video game stories that are about like I don't know billionaire tomb Raiders I don't know this is a bit more like you know Normie you could go and see this with your petrol at that or anyone who likes Fast and the Furious or anyone who's not a game you don't have to be a gamer to get it right maybe like the idea of like robot dinosaurs in a found future environment is a bit goofy to some people I I don't know but then I looked at the cast right you mentioned the cast are just sort of reel off well I just look come on I mean I'll give you the top the two main stars and then I give you a wild card starts to go oh David harp isn't it because he's in African at the moment Orlando blooms in it then Jerry Halliwell isn't it who's Ginger Spice for the you know I did not know that she was in it is she is she playing herself I I don't know because there's quite a few of the cast that haven't got a role so uh interesting I don't know because obviously she's she's connected with uh F1 um because she's Jerry Horner now no Yes actually well I don't know it still says Halliwell on here yeah maybe I've missed out on drama and insta is still Halliwell well it might just be like a you know posterity thing but anyway the point is yeah a huge sort of pop star from the 90s uh Jerry Howell isn't it and and the only other thing to tell you that is maybe uh worth mentioning for anyone it doesn't know what the heck this is is it's made by like Neil blomkamp who I don't know he's on some films he's a district he did not strip nine and he did chappie which I didn't see unfortunately and now he's doing this so he hasn't done many but uh yeah so I mean okay it's a bit odd um it is a bit odd but cool I guess I don't know it it just it just seems it seems uh like I guess this is the way that I see it right to to put it this way the more boring or weird or bad something sounds the more it must be good because how did they elevate a picture do you know like when you say oh let's swim on an Oscar and it's about a disgraced tennis star who gets the flu and you think what the hell are you on about but that if that exciting pitch isn't exciting enough what what has solved it it must be the content you know what I mean yeah well exactly right because it's not too dissimilar I mean it is but uh it's not too similar to the same topic as um I've got what the name of the show is but you know the folks on Netflix going into room uh and saying we want to make a series about Chess yeah exactly and then you go right okay yeah right okay um and she's addicted to drugs right okay that sounds like depressing in chess yeah but yeah okay and there's loads of flashbacks huh show me a script and then when you look at the script you go okay yeah you're like okay and sometimes if there's loads of things as well in there there's like loads of reality TV and I like we want to do a cooking show and you go yeah yeah like everyone else then when you look at it you go yes so maybe that's what it is that the Gran Turismo thing maybe because it doesn't on paper maybe it's not that groundbreaking but maybe it's a really good refinement of something so there we go Ricardo I'm I'm you know maybe we've blown the whole case wide open but uh I kind of agreed with you until I thought about it more and I was like it kind of doesn't but maybe that's why it's so cool you could say though that does any film need to be made does any gaming film need to be made because you know and again I get the point because you know if you look at Borderlands you know the game it's it's it's Shining Moment isn't the story it's it's the gameplay it's the gameplay and yeah and the mechanics and so on and don't get wrong it's got an interesting world and quirky characters but it's never narrative narrative narrative so I get I get the point that it's like I mean you can only go in and be surprised I think yeah exactly and and again I think Borderlands has Borderlands has a an interesting good uh cast uh it feels um yeah it's like Jumanji Ensemble I guess yeah um and it's got potential I I'm very curious to see you know if it leads into comedy action or something more apocalyptic I don't know I'm actually actually out of wallet because of like you know what you're dead on right because it's so many different ways it it can go and and still work kind of that's why I'm interested in it like with Mario the Mario movie there's only one way I want it to be there's only in my opinion one way it can work and it seems like they're doing it which is odd right because I think the moment you I think the moment I heard oh Nintendo and illumination are making a Mario movie my mind went to minions my mind went to a Mario movie mine went to the old Mario movie and I'm like how do you do a Mario movie how do you do a Mario movie because again the games it's the The Narrative and premise is quite simple you are Mario go save the princess the joy of that game is the challenges that you have along the way in the different levels and so on yeah yeah uh so for me when I first had that I was like how how do you make a good Mario movie and I can't say that this Mario movie is good but everything so far shows that it's like incredible and I'm I'm internally impressed and trying to refer withhold the massive grin because yeah I'm like this is this is happiness on the screen yeah that's it right yeah so it's so tonally like they got it right but maybe Borderlands will impressed I don't know what hey we got one more uh opinion to sort of read out here that I think is uh is is could be the key to Borderland success right here it is okay so stress local says uh if clap chop gets it in the first few minutes and they use the music and soundtrack from Borderlands 2. then count them in account count you in I think that's what you mean but yeah when you say if claptrap gets it in the first few minutes do you mean if claptrick gets got As in cup shop gets booted he gets a line drawn across this thing that would actually be so funny if like because Club trap is gonna clearly be kind of the mascot imagine if like like the opening before the credits claptrap gets if your contract was like scratch from Ice Age yeah you know just a pure like you know uh bookend that would be well funny actually I like that I like the idea there's a nice a nice like kickoff and everyone's about to go off on this beastly adventure and they start off in the first five minutes and the first thing is just a giant massive set of stairs and claptruck can go no further and it's like oh well uh bye see you in the next video yeah so I mean look this is one to watch I guess and uh yeah I mean look this is the best segue ever into what we're about to talk about next because I was gonna say just then it's gonna set us up for what might be a beautiful year of video game adaptations and we know that the Mario movie is out soon we saw it um we've got Borderlands on we've got Gran Turismo on the way and Netflix have been working on a slew of adaptations there the more Castlevania more Castlevania that The Witcher blood origin came out really recent recently actually when I went to see the Avatar movie there was a trailer for that um but that is not the main event is it and uh as we take a moment to think about this I will play a jingle um when the guitarist of this jingle wrote that I really wonder if you thought here we are a year later we'll be slamming that every week good job right so I mean you know what I mean he probably had two one about this right when you're like a guitarist of that magnitude and Talon yeah it's just like that isn't it you've probably thought of that and then he probably forgot it about an hour after he wrote it and here it is eternal anyway right so we've got stuff to talk about you've brought some really good news this week but I think this one is you've got some stats to back up and everything it's brilliant what have we got this week going on yeah yeah so um hopefully everyone that's watched this is getting ready for episode two but um just gone uh the week just gone uh The Last of Us uh TV show episode one premiered we spoke about it last week in terms of the reviews and how people were feeling um but there's there's something really cool about this in terms of the uh effect uh and the reception so in terms of number of people that watched it so um according to HBO um it's the second biggest debut of a new show um and it debuted to an audience of over 4.7 million viewers uh on HBO so we're not including sky and Sky Atlantic um and this is second um and this was this blew my mind this blew my mind that it was this show um but it was second only to uh House of dragon uh the Game of Thrones uh spin-off Series yeah um and that uh has the hot the the largest audience that any new original series um unpaid cable TV so that includes like AMC like Breaking Bad The Walking Dead yeah yeah yeah or whatever right which is more than Game of Thrones itself as well which is I'm like okay interesting but I suppose because like all the Game of Thrones audience came to it then because you only get one debut don't you yeah yeah but still no I I I when I read that the same though I was like oh that's the number one right and I mean if anyone's I'm not gonna lie I'm not surprised because uh I don't know if you've seen it yet have you did you get to watch it what house of the dragon or no no no no uh The Last of Us episode one look I'm not being hipster right I didn't watch The Last of Us for two reasons one everyone was saying such nice things I knew I'd be miserable sit there and go go on and impress me and two I started doing Patrol and I'm quite interrupt however however this is smooth Beyond and I'm thinking it's only an hour I'm sure I can like yeah one of my Doom Patrol hours or whatever 70 minutes or whatever to this and I know I know the story I know what to expect I'm I'm really looking forward to it I've been uh my friend Stefan Powell has been smashing it with the demon reporting on the BBC Etc yeah it's been he's been I I feel I think he it's like he's wrote the thing he's he's you know he's a fantastic journalist for WC but he's he's he wants us to win so bad and I'm happy to say that just before this I looked at like you know the um what kind of passed the stage of reviews now we're at a stage where there's articles being written about how good the reviews are you know it's when they accumulate them all so like the guardian and the BBC and IGN they've all been going guys look look everybody look at how much people love this and it's based on a video game and it's of Madness so so um have have uh if you've seen it yeah so here's the thing here's the thing right I think I've mentioned this before maybe it was one of my unpopular opinions but um I I do not like the last of us I didn't like the last of us as a game playing it myself Ah that's very interesting though you know yeah I I played the opening uh and I was like ah this is really good and then it starts to get further and further into the game and then I start to get annoyed that it had 10 out of tens because it was because it wasn't clicking with me the gameplay yeah yeah yeah um I should clarify I don't like playing The Last of Us I will happily watch someone play The Last of Us and taking the story that's not a problem but I didn't personally like the experience myself yeah I loved the first episode I thought it was brilliant um this is great yeah Pedro Pascal Bella Ramsey they're absolutely on fire um I don't know her name but the actor um who played um Joel's daughter in the opening section of the show is absolutely incredible like a stellar performance for you know I don't say anything because there are now people who haven't played the game and they're going to start getting into show but there is not a second of emotion wasted in that performance and it is just so beautifully delivered across it's wonderful I enjoyed it and the good thing is as well is that they haven't gone let's take The Last of Us and you know just make a TV show they have done things as well that if if you have played the game um there are little things that you'll be like even things like Signs and stuff you'd be like oh oh yeah they've got the aesthetic dancer tea um but also some of the the camera angles they use as well um because there was a bit that I remember that I was like I didn't like playing the game and it was uh there a little later on in the show they get outside of the city uh and they're they're creeping in the dark um around like a junkyard thing yeah and there's this one section where they go into a like a rusted pipe yeah I was like I remember that pipe from the game but it's just the way it's presented and everything it's yeah it's done it's it's done really well and they've um you know they've changed they've changed a few things around they've added some stuff um wow as well and it doesn't so far we're one episode in right out of nine I think it is right okay um but I it's good it's good TV it's really good TV man it's just rich and everything you know I might do I might honestly watch it tonight you know yeah but delay delay Magic the Gathering for now it's fine it got me you got me that's all right um yeah yeah look like um yeah also a little bit of a little bit of uh I don't know trivia again we're trivia heavy this time but I thought it might be worth mentioning uh Joe's daughter Sarah right uh yes in the actress who plays her is the daughter of uh Tandy Newton do you know she's no way yeah yeah yeah yeah who I guess Tandy Newton's biggest roles probably she's like Maeve in Westworld but she's in line of duty as well she's in wrong before I run like a bunch of stuff Chronicles of Riddick but yeah Ross anyway so yeah um last of us if you've been watching it and you care to be lovely and let us know in a spoil the free environment then you can do let us know what you've been thinking of The Last of Us uh is it in line with everybody else's seemingly incredibly positive views I'd love to know and I was actually really interested to know what the thoughts are of uh there are a lot of people who kind of didn't really get on with the last of us well it's hard to kind of find them I'm glad that we found one here but I I'll admit I'll admit when I played The Last of Us right I actually bought a PlayStation 3 just to play it because I was an Xbox 360 guy and and the three was the one generation I didn't have so I got I got one like second hand on eBay for like 55 quid with all of the like Classics on there so I played Uncharted one two and three just before the last of us like is in a week before then we're not getting the last of us I realized how similar because it's the same Developers for those that don't know just how similar they are to doing chartered games in scope but Uncharted felt like this sort of ass kicking World Tour like the Tomb Raider whereas you know The Last of Us was kind of like all right cool so I'm just like sort of falling in the dirt looking for like Rusty Spoons whereas I was just Nathan Drake kind of helicopter doing backflips and like smoking cigars and now I'm kind of like I've got this girl and and and and you know Mega asthma like so I I was like sadness and sadness that's what I mean so but when I was doing I was like this is cool because I've not seen something in a while do that linear TV show thing you know so cool there is one really cool thing about uh the first episode as well um the first part opens on a recording of uh a TV show but like back in the 60s I think 60s or 70s um like a talk show of two uh professionals talking about scientists and one of them is played by um uh what's his name John Hannah yeah John Hannah um the the guy who plays uh the brother in The Mummy yeah yeah he he is on screen for about a minute and a half a minute and a half two minutes right yeah and his performance in that is F-bomb brilliant brilliant just everything about it is like yes I I love you um I love doing the mummy yeah that's wicked that he's in there yeah again I don't think he's gonna return him anyway I don't know I I don't know but his uh his his performance is uh ridiculous just everything's about his time so and I don't want to you know I'm gonna just say this quickly for those right shoot there's a little treat for everyone who's been listening to us for 49 minutes sometimes I think it always spoils TV when you've got an actor of that magnitude and a minor role because I think you're coming back mate yeah so I wonder if he is going to come back because you can't have him for that then again uh what was I watching recently um I was watching that Fantastic Mr Fox Anderson's a stop-motion classic yeah and I have Brian Cox as in Logan Roy from uh succession the best thing on TV right now in my opinion is a succession uh he's he's like a tiny role as a news reporter in it and I was like what anyway so the last fantastic incredible uh TV show by all accounts uh we'll find out together next week when I I'll let you know but Hey listen who cares what I think it's all about what you think and if you'd like to let us know what you think of the last of a show you can do so uh it's at yfp you can email us but it's probably going to be like a little tweet clip thing short that you can reply to here I'd like to know um okay we got some someone who's we've got like 10 minutes to burn through as much news as we can yeah so I I don't bring this one up it's uh it's quite interesting no um no official announcements have been made at the moment but um the voice actor for Ryden uh from metal gear solid uh two um and ryzen revengeance Ryden Ryden we know Ryden Ryden Raiden Ryden that's right I think it is right then yeah yeah um but he has teased that there may be some exciting announcements coming uh in the next few weeks um some people starting to speculate that this might mean um some new metal gear solid announcements now we've said not too long ago Konami have recently been said it said that they're working on stuff in their bunkers essentially that have gone unnoticed um and not leaks and uh you know could this be um something new from the Metal Gear Solid Universe coming to the fore the First new thing outside of that weird zombie game that no one talks about are we looking at um are we looking at some sort of remakes remix of the classic collections um the classic games in some way which way could this go here's here's a voice actor right so it might not even be that'll get solid related I don't know what else he has done what else but uh so try and uh to try and add a bit to this because um yeah he did do a tweet but what was the Tweet well his tweet was in a direct reply to somebody who is called literally zedx Solid Snake ZX who said perhaps a Metal Gear Rising 2 along with the rest of the upcoming Metal Gear showcase it might just make it and he said stay tuned for things so it was either direct thing about Metal Gear Solid uh oh no sorry not that Metal Gear Rising sorry yeah Metal Gear Solid two is the game that ride the mix's first appearance yeah I was there and I just want to mention this yeah we wrote that I look well the sad truth is probably some people listening weren't were they old enough to remember what it feels like forever ago Metal Gear Solid one in my top five ever I think I absolutely love it love it the second game came out and I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of just take you back there if anyone that didn't remember what happened PS2 came out one of the first like demos that you could do was Metal Gear Solid 2. finally someone snake is back baby the demo was very generous and you got to play a solid snake then when a game came out you you that prologue section was there prologue section I hear you say yeah because it turns out you don't even play a solid snake in battle gear solid two you play some guy that no one asked for could ride in it turns out to be pretty cool but because everyone was like what the hell um it caused like a massive stir yeah but people now love him so tied in what I'm saying is you know what you mentioned it could be some sort of remaster of the classics all I know is I'm I'm just like look Konami just like got me by the throat EF I asked for silent nail they give it me and they were like bloopers doing it now and then there's loads of other things so like Castlevania what's gonna go on with air no one saw that dead cells thing coming today nobody oh but here we go and so so who knows what's going on all I know is out of all of konami's Ip right and without being too pundit D and two gossip channely about it here's the truth isn't it Konami off a really really high profile ex-boyfriend so to speak with hideo Kojima who is no longer with the company he's doing his own thing with death stranding but he really is the kind of author behind the metal gear franchise so elephant Metal Gear related with Kojima still really active in the industry is going to be super interesting to watch how it goes maybe even they've kind of kissed the maid up and he's kind of given a blessing that's what I'd hope you just want everyone to get on right but we also know that's not how things work but that I didn't notice until I read your notes about it so this is a great find and but but also also if if they you would think that at some point um given what is going on with other franchise Metal Gear is something they will revisit in some way right it's quite a hefty a hefty name uh to have on your books yeah um my the interesting thing for me is you know if they make another Metal Gear what route do they go do they carry on from uh not not in terms of narrative but in terms of style of game right they carry on from the last metal gear game where it was quite um open and sandboxy to some degree or do they go back towards a more traditional formula um where you know it feels open but you really are you you kind of have places to go in an order I guess yeah oh gosh you know that game man like it's so metal gear solid five like that was really a great sandbox wasn't it like yeah but the story left a lot to be desired because it kind of just ends like unfinished and which is I don't know why yeah because if we know what happened but I guess we're never gonna find out and and it would I feel like it'd be such a bad thing to like finish it without Kojima so yeah that's right I think it just I thought oh man there's so much that it could be so yeah this is this is this is great and and for Quinton Flynn who still to this day kind of mostly known for Ryden Quinton Flynn obviously has been a ride from voice actors that we're referring to for him to kind of be uh tweeting like in such a cheeky way he'll be doing himself with the service if he's kind of you know uh I don't know messing people about really you know or maybe oh sorry bleep that out uh maybe maybe he has uh maybe he has angst because it's been replaced by Orlando Bloom or something I don't know yeah so yeah that this is great I mean the last three bits of news we've got are fairly I don't say negative but I don't know if we have time for all of them either so I think we need to pick one all right well I mean I'll tell you what we'll do we'll pick one but then the very last one we'll just kind of see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right well it was something that we've we've been talking about over the last few weeks and it's something that uh you know has been kind of on people's minds is the Callisto protocol because uh we've got this new game come out by the developers of the Dead Space series but at the same time we've got this dead space kind of remake on the way it's actually come out next week I think it's actually a week of the yeah the day that episode 48 comes out the podcast uh I think it's the same day that's business up um so you found some pretty interesting news about this what have we got yeah so um we we spoke about closer protocol I've started playing it as well so I'll give a bit of a take from my side as well and you know it had very mixed very mixed reviews um which I think caused some uncertainty with potential people wanting to pick up the game because there's a lot of excitement around the game initially but um essentially um the the publisher was expecting them to sell uh to sell five million copies um and they're now saying that it's seeming unlikely that they'll reach uh that they'll have a bit of a time trying to get to 2 million sales this year um the game uh reportedly costs 162 million dollars um but uh they have not made that back they have not made that back which has caused the stock and share prices to fall um for crafting the the publisher um so it's um it's a bit of a shame really and like I said I've I've started playing it and I think it um I think it looks I think it looks beautiful right there's obviously a lot of craftsmanship gone into that um I like it because to me and I've said this to a few people it feels manageable it feels manageable to play like in my life it's like okay I can I can play this I don't have a map with 12 million things to do and you know 30 alternate paths it's rather linear I guess um and I'm enjoying it as you know just an experience to sit down on an evening and say I'll play 30 minutes of this and get to the next Point sort of thing um I think where it struggles for me is what I didn't what I didn't really like was in the first you know two minutes of the game when you have control it does the same jump scares that you have seen before in almost exactly the same ways and then there are scenarios where it's like you know where it is again it's kind of like dead space previous um and you know even things like the original Bioshock where it's like okay I'm gonna walk through an area I'll reach a dead end I'll get something and then I know as soon as I turn around and I'm on the return Journey Something's Gonna Pop out of a great and everyone kind of already knows um yeah but but I I think it looks great um since the update it feels better to play yeah um but yeah it's it's it's an interesting one like I said I'm enjoying it just because it feels like a manageable yeah exactly what you mean yeah it's it's quite respectful of your time in that sense you know and it's a bit of a shame because it's it's such a great potential there so if anyone doesn't know what kind of happened with it I'd give you the tldr craft on a kind of uh the big uh Korean publisher right of um of video games and I think one of the most famous sort of uh Acquisitions of late was playerunknown's Battlegrounds which was yes getting into pubg which is the biggest battle royale on the planet uh you know people's maybe unfamiliar with that it is bigger than fortnite mostly because of its sales in the East um so yeah they they actually found it and and found the Striking Distance Studios which is the um Glenn Schofield says it's the studio that made Callisto protocol right and they actually founded this um to make narrative driven games set in the pubg universe and the first one was the Callisto protocol so that was gonna be a survival horror game in the pubg universe and then I did not know this yeah this is fascinating that was it and then it was actually uh announced only in May last last year 2022. that it was no longer in the pubg universe so I feel like right um in my opinion it's what's kind of happened they've gone we'll deal with dead space in a pubg universe but now that there's no pubg Universe they've kind of just gone we'll do you a dead space and and whenever you're trying to describe this game it's impossible to describe Callisto protocol without saying Dead Space isn't it you have to be completely like reductive and and I think the problem with the game I guess in terms of in terms of it's sort of uh sales expectations that are I think Craft on were kind of expecting it to be a bit more than the sum of its parts and to have a bit of a magic and a word of mouth but now all anyone ever doesn't say it's that kind of it's the death space people they made kind of a dead space game hmm there's that space coming out this month I think it's weird because I think when they first kicked off and you know they're not Striking Distance they said oh you know this this is going to be uh you everyone's familiar with the furries AAA but they were like this is going to be a quadruple quadruple a game quadruple a game um but the the the thing is I uh it's fascinating to take a Gamble on a genre that notoriously doesn't necessarily do those numbers right because um I think I saw some um you know Resident Evil um village that came out right that is part of a a very good franchise that has existed for many years is reinvented itself into a better place that people have adapted and accepted and like this is this is a great experience um but you know I think I think what that sold six million six million and that's probably the best thing in the genre right in terms of like yeah yeah yeah and I it's um to say we want to come out the gate and smash in 5 million units is it's lofty it's a new IP a new IP um new studio you can say you know based on you know from from the folks who made Dead Space you know specifically call that Glenn there um yeah but and it's it the the the the the the I think for me um they went too close to what they were trying to riff off and didn't from my experience so far he hasn't done anything um it hasn't done from a gameplay perspective anything new you know from a visual perspective I'm like this is this is this is fantastic like you can see the quality all over the place but from a gameplay storytelling and yeah it's it's still exactly what you imagine it to be and I think you need to surpass expectations but I thought I'm okay with that but I'm okay with that for my life yeah but you know in terms of saying this is going to be the next big driver of games in the genre it's a lot to work off so I'm really excited to see what they do next like I really really want to see them like take stock and hopefully like they don't get you know put out to pasture because of this one thing because that would be an incredible loss I think so there we go and speaking of incredible losses I think Curtis it will be time for you to edit something very mournful and respectful for uh at the end of the podcast because we'll end it on this sort of note a sign off a big salute a viking burial uh shout out to the stadiums for the final time because stay there has now closed Curtis please add that a moment of silencing all right Aaron thank you very very much thank you very much so 47. what a joy thank you everybody at home we will see you next week bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is that a thing yeah yeah you've watched Fantastic Mr Fox okay watch Fantastic Mr Fox baby see you next week everybody goodbye word unplugged