Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where Our Heroes Call for the Medic | Ep #49
This week our heroes mull over if bicentennial means 50 or 200, Which Battlefield is the best, Is the Xbox 360 Retro, The amazing RRR Movie fans and Derek Acorah name goes clang as Aaron Name drops it heavy. Also covered:
- Let’s talk about talk about that there Xbox Developer Direct!!
- Star Wars Jedi: Survivor delayed six weeks until April
- E3 news
- Dead Space
- Platinum Games
- Ubisoft have announced The Crew Motorfest
- Resident Evil 4
Play the Tiny Troopers Crossplay demo on Steam and Xbox insiders:
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Question for the show? Email unplugged@wiredproductions or tweet us on @WiredP and @WiredUnplugged or if you are Derek Acorah, contact us in a spiritual manner.
Want to watch the podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2oxQvg7jc1nAwC6AUAm8g17hmwo7grfn
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wired unplugged hey everybody and welcome to wide unplugged episode 49 feeling fine but you're not feeling fine are we not already done a bingo call episode like that I was gonna say we're just at that age now yeah uh next episode is the uh I don't know what half of a 100 is isn't a bicentennial every 200 GS what would this be don't know anyway wow it's weird right because you know when people put in your calendar it's like oh yeah this uh this is going to be um bi-weekly call and it's like okay do you mean twice a week what do you mean every two weeks four every two weeks yeah fortnightly yeah but it turns out bi-weekly can mean both so it's like maybe this is it then maybe it's a bicentennial episode if you know let us know I sent anyone man what a film very good yeah right okay so uh listen please let us know what it is the big 50th special bash uh if you want to do that you can email and unplug the wireproductions.com or you can tweet us at ydp or why it's unplugged which is our official sort of Twitter account um anyway good to see you Aaron uh and uh we can left things on a bit of a lot of cliffhanger really but the industry left us on a bit of cliffhanger because just before we uh left we were mere hours away from the Xbox developer direct we said we're going to talk about that when we came back we'd have updates and everything like that so happy to say we're going to be doing that in a little bit if anyone listening we're gonna we're gonna breach that big old subject of Xbox developer direct as well as some other stuff but if you've been here before you'll know that we start things off relevant tight-knit in the wired headquarters which had the a nice exciting update last week actually regarding uh certain fairy friends and uh tell you what why don't we get into the segment and you can tell me all about that let me play another jingle for you guys wired propaganda two jingles in a space or two minutes now it was a bit of a short intro because you know it's like 49 which is rounded up just come on yeah yeah I mean it lasts last week we spent the opening talking about the Oscars right um and RR um yeah and it's it's really interesting because this this gets clipped this gets clips and thrown on yeah and one of the clips that was taken was us talking about RR the Oscars and the whole James Cameron thing and yada yada and that's sweet the interaction on it versus everything else is ridiculous it's insane it's insane RR just has a very loyal fan base and they're like yes people are talking about this amazing movie and it's like yes yeah it's great that it feels like everyone's personal movie it feels like they're despite being huge you know I like it when that happens so hey get cool well that's it tangent City baby I'm sure we're going to what I thought about In Bruges I was like that's my film that's my film no one else knows about this yeah it's like oh no everyone knows about it okay yeah so like a spiritual success to that recently like a bunch of Bunches of issues yeah I don't know but listen everybody we're gonna go down some tangents we're gonna have some fun like we do every week you know we don't know what it's gonna happen we just slipped down the deep deep rabbit hole and we come out you know capable basically don't we um uh maybe this is a great segue into our first bit of white propaganda this week the world of Twitter uh our home not a spiritual home but that's where our social Clips are that's why people ask us questions or answer them what's going on on Twitter this week where your dog at I'll tell you where the dogs are on Twitter on Twitter so not cool very good but yeah uh we mentioned last week that there's a new office wired dog now uh wide office dog I should say um but it does run the place now and she's called Leah and uh the the wonderful social team at White have given Leia uh the the ultimate honor of having her own Twitter okay isn't it like people have like Instagrams for cats and whatnot yeah yeah my cats have Instagram I mean it's a thing it's a real it's a real thing yeah they're really good at it as well I'm like teach me teach me your ways better things different you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well that's been exciting there's a lot of pet lovers out there who I'm sure heard the news and would like to ah appropriately uh now you can do that yeah you can get all your updates uh from dog level of what goes on in a video game publisher um so you know it's very interesting like usually you know there could be something really cool that we haven't announced on a screen and we'd be excited but the dog is just like oh someone's ankle I'll go for that so yeah you know um again different level you know different level different level not too happy not too happy about um the the Gory cuddly Carnage play test and that's going on at the moment my enemy yeah very good uh you know uh the heck of a tangent I'm gonna have to just tell you what I was gonna talk about in more detail bring it bring it you mentioned Derek core a couple of weeks ago yes Derek and Sam I started watching most haunted again oh yeah in my free time at night it was haunted on the very first episode it's like talking about how dogs see ghosts different and about how dogs are just not bothered about anything and they're just looking at like put things in the room and it reminded me of what you said about Leah not being bothered about something cool yeah but no seriously I I did go ghost hunting with Derek Cora which was amazing piece yeah and um you know during the Ghost Hunt uh like lots of cool interesting things are described and whatnot and then you know step outside and he'd have a he'd have a little cigarette um it's quite cold and I remember just going outside because it was alone I was like I've just got to talk to Derek Cora for a bit um and I did um and then I started asking him questions about you know well just the spirits of dinosaurs what happens to them uh and then he was telling me uh they were in their own separate realm and all that jazz but uh is that an extended part you played Star Fox Adventures recently yeah there's just every question inspired by dinosaur planets like it's a dinosaur yeah dinosaur XYZ yeah tell me about it oh yeah do you know what's so weird about that though you mentioned Dinosaur Planet and I did play that and complete it recently yeah it was uh my over Christmas I just randomly broke out the GameCube um and what was offensive what was really offensive about my time with it is um I looked I looked at the bottom of the screen and it said uh rare Nintendo 2002 and I was like this game is 20 years old yeah the GameCube that game came out 20 years ago on the GameCube which I don't consider retro no yeah I mean yeah and there's the the N64 before that and then the SNES and I'm like oh no I've I've I've just aged like that yeah bags just appeared under my eyes they've got wrinkles dinosaur goes to haunted me in my house I think I was watching something recently and uh yeah uh this hasn't been out since the now retro Xbox 360 and I was like excuse me yeah what was I watching I think it might have been about dead space remake or something and it was like The Originals on the Retro Xbox 360 and I was like what did you just say anyway crazy so there we go them rudimentary 3D graphics with really cool lighting like that it also just brings me to a point that I do feel sorry for Steve as well like Steve at wide Legend um you know it's because he will take any opportunity to talk about the ZX spectrum and I'm like well that's it's quiet but he's like no it's really good it's really good yeah back in his day at the time it's actually quite groundbreaking yeah and that's what we're gonna be like about the GameCube you know I mean Sonic Adventure battle too yeah yeah all right we had to be there did you um yeah wow yeah sorry Steve all right so what else have we got going on what the white headquarters by the way also Steve was the the sort of the the sort of Trailblazer here that got RR onto everybody's radar so I'd like to you know yeah radar all right what we got next um so um if you are listening to this when it comes out or after um you'll be happy to know that the Martha's dead collectors editions uh which are absolutely gorgeous and beautifully made have now been pushed out into the world they should be arriving um so you know you can look forward to owning a piece of beautiful gaming history honestly there's um you know we spoke about Black Label before and um you know one thing one thing that wired always to a lot and and this is why some things take so long is the quality the quality so it's um you know uh these collector's positions are a love letter to the developers and to the games themselves as well so to have something that is um how do you say beautiful and fitting for what the game is you know a lot of time effort goes into it there's always there's always logistical challenges across the way you know ever since we're living a post-brexit world yeah yeah yeah Logistics can become a bit tricky yeah um but you know what that why I'd always get it done and they get it done well so yeah so look forward to if you did order one you should be dropping through your door well it won't drop through your door because of its uh size but uh yeah yeah that's that's really good it's a interesting stuff Collector's Editions and stuff like that it's been on my mind a lot this week because uh of two things uh and it's been mostly to do with um the Pokemon Trading Card Game announcing that like the online version shutting down uh and what uh yeah TCG or whatever it's no longer being supported uh it's it's it's gonna kind of exist but they're not you know new packs the new physical packs aren't getting a digital version of them and it's because they're pushing um TCG live instead um so that game is kind of and I'm a magic the Gathering online player and the new magic track is out like next week and people on about had the joy of tangible stuff collectors edition things you know I am I just think it's a really really nice thing to just find little things that you've had from years ago God look at this you start going through the manual games anymore so imagine like your marvelous edition five years time you go oh I remember this and you open it you're gonna start looking for all the little the trinkety bits the cute the cute things lithographs and whatnot and you're going to be like this is this was good this yeah yeah I might I might break it out again on my retro PS5 yeah this is exactly it exactly yeah so yeah Martha's dad on the way through the ether the network systems brexit whatever it's happening going on this week uh so next up we've got a set of news around uh the upcoming tiny Troopers uh go so this weekend if you listen to this on the Friday when this goes out uh this weekend we are doing uh a cross play uh test uh on Steam and for uh Xbox Insider program as well so this is just to help us um get a bit of data and just see how the cross play functionality holds up how effective it is and so on yeah yeah do you know it helps us tweak and change things just before we get to putting it out into the world um so you know if you do want to check out uh this game ahead of launch which is always exciting uh try some cosplay Co-op give it a go give it a go sign up get involved um but there's more there's more Jake there's more time Troopers go goodness okay I can't say that fast goodness time trips go goodness I don't know I I turn into a star I could goodness goodness me uh no but uh on utomic utomic the really cool uh digital game platform as well uh we're going to be running the beta on the 17th uh to the 19th of February and that's going to be for all you Atomic subscribers so if you play games on utomic you'll get instant access uh to to get involved and check this out um if you haven't heard of the atomic um they've been really good to us over time we've done several uh game releases with them um and again it's it's it's a nice Online subscription service you can sign up get access to games right there and then um you know if you're not uh Gone oh I was gonna say I I I I remember you Tomic right um and uh I'm for those that aren't maybe vastly aware of my situation I live in rural North Wales where the Internet isn't the fastest like it's better than it's been like but I've never been able to subscribe to like the stadia or the xcloud or the online for the atomics of the world but I'd always try the free trials just to see is this the one that can somehow do it yeah but I remember you told me from back in the day and steady has sort of came and went and it it did its its course and on life does no longer exist and and myself just remember remember that oh yeah I was like the first one to do it I think and then so what I'm wondering is I've got no real proof of sources but it's something worth thinking about is atomic one of the longest running streaming platform sort of thing you know what I think it's like the Netflix for games thing that everyone's trying to crack you Thomas been doing it for a long time now yeah um and yeah it's their Twitter was was May 2014 nearly 10 years strong wow there we go so yeah yeah and like you mentioned you Tom make a good to like Indie Publishers and they're not just looking for the you know the Assassin's Creeds of the world are they no so that's a really nice thing that's really good that Community is really active and fun as well and we noticed from Stadium right stadiums are like Mad in the wired and stadia respect was proper air wasn't it so it was like a big salute when when that sort of got put out to pasture so you told me it's the same thing in it and that's the thing I think it's good that um without this becoming the youth homic podcast I think it's good that you know if if you are a particular type of gamer if you don't have you know if you can't keep Upstate with consoles latest releases and stuff going that route via a utomic or similar it it could be a good way to keep you engaged with games without having to worry about hey I need to buy this sink I need to buy that thing I need to just pay between you know 50 and 60 quid to get a brand new game it's just you know it's a nice easy way to keep your gaming um gaming Uh current you know congratulations going yeah you're never going to be retro if you've got utomic you know also one last Atomic tidbit for you you know grip is on their Twitter Banner so shout out to you Thomas sick shout out to the grappler all right cool cool cool cool cool so yeah yeah you just mentioned grip and I'm like oh that was fun I love that on the Retro PS1 I used to play roll cage and then yeah wow yeah again without going to too far down a rabbit hole the developers are like absolutely um wonderful as well there's Chris uh in Canada who's who just really loves roll cage the Frog cage you approach the developers at different shows and stuff and said you should make a new roll cage they're like now we've we're doing life now um it's been a while uh and then he started doing it on his own then he got to a point where he started recruiting uh some of the members of the roll cage team and that develops in into grip and you know he had to teach I remember we we were at Pax with grip and uh we we had an Airbnb which had this cool little it was like a it was cool but anyway I remember uh we had some down time and he's just there he's there working away on the kitchen table on his laptop and was like oh yeah uh I've just learned how to do this so I'm just pushing this through the rest of the game and I'm like cool um you know yeah but it's just a very good example of um you know he was he he was sorry he's still alive um his amazing passionate he was very driven and he he learned for what he wanted to achieve and I think his wonderful really good deaf story in there as well Griff is great go play it yeah nice ones to shout out you can play it on utomic and play on Nintendo switch as well and the switch version is amazing yeah on Twitter tropical news global Ops uh-huh yeah so goofy threw me off then because I was like because I was what was it that we said earlier yeah sorry it's not like Pokemon go yeah yeah um no so um we um you know in in the coming period of time without being too uh uh pointed on on specifics we're gonna start to learn about the release date of Tiny Troopers and when that's going to be coming out into the world things are obviously gearing up so expect some announcements soon um but within that as well um we're now kicking off um the uh the bulk the bulk of the pr campaign I would say so you know in terms of previews reviews Impressions interviews yada yada um yeah yeah it's starting you know things the cracks starting to turn things are starting to churn um so you know within that as well we're also going to be looking for streamers that want to play so this is a really good game to play um on stream if you're gearing up for your big big core stream right you can play with multiple people at the same time and Co-op cross play as well so format isn't an issue um so if you are interested in checking out uh tiny Troopers then do get in touch get in touch with wide app ydp um and uh we'll be able to get you on board get you on board get you set up get your geared up um yeah we're ready to go I'm really well ready we're ready to go run it back I was like I really wonder then I know it's Global up so I was like why was I why was I stuttering or something about it it's because of that Global Offensive that's what it is and I'm always like yeah yeah I always have that finger when I can't remember which one's right oh my God pretty tiny Troopers uh forward this week then isn't it yeah oh no actually I'm gonna throw something in and another little bonus thing so um we recently mentioned that um Steph came on board at wired as a community manager which is amazing Steph is amazing doing great stuff um but one thing that has also started to gear up again and we mentioned this uh a couple of weeks ago is um Regular live streaming so regular live streaming uh each week that shows off some of the cool upcoming games uh recently uh Steph played and showed off some tin Hearts this week this week if you if you go to Twitch you'll see a stream for tiny Troopers Global Ops uh so you can see the game in action uh she's playing alongside Steve and also uh the other Jake the other Jake friend of Wyatt um and also uh part of safe in our world as well so they they have a bit of fun uh checking out the game in action so if you do want to have a little yeah a little cheeky look yeah through cash rise across the twitch.tv forward slash wired very very very very good yeah and Shout out stuff all right yeah big shout out stuff nice and neat and tidy this week uh we don't have a jingle for questions but the good news is we didn't really get any ask any burning questions did we but you say a lot of people were very excited about RR yeah that's a lot of questions about RR but it's like uh we're the directions should probably answer that yeah in the meantime yeah but a lot of yeah answers and engagement so we'll take that as well um so what I will say is um before we go into the actually you know what it's probably going to come up a little bit later on in there but I'll tell you this I've been playing a lot of this dead space remake um so I'm just going to take this question in time to say and what did you play this week what game have you played this week have you please tell me you've played something have I I um remember your resolution man yes yes I um I played five minutes of golden eye right it was a quick five minutes of golden eye on on a morning uh I played some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on switch uh with some American friends yeah brilliant and uh the main thing that I've been playing that I just want to get finished just because I'm like I know I'm near the end now is uh cluster protocol um so you know it's funny you mentioned dead space but yeah that's where I am at the moment um I I have I have thoughts on it um but those thoughts will spill over for like about I think we'll be here for three hours of me dissecting yeah chopping the limbs off my yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think honestly before before we record this right I go for a little walk and even all week before this I've been thinking about Calista protocol my thoughts and feelings towards it and I think I could do Ted Talk analysis on breaking it I it's it's a weird balance of an equation here on in terms of and we'll talk about this in a bit as well is you know what constitutes success to a business what constitutes success or failure to a player and what constitutes success and failure to the developers as well I have been analyzing all points in my head specifically for me and I don't think we should go there because I will be here for like I've got slides I'll bring out the slides yeah yeah so okay well I'm still glad I asked but Mario Kart as well even playing um I've been playing Magic the Gathering the ranked season comes to an end um I've been I had Swift cards yeah Magic the Gathering yeah that's the kind of card thing that's the card thing yes that's the one it's like Pokemon but uh in my drawer I have um I have in one of these drawers somewhere I've got I've got my own Magic the Gathering Deckers are oh W so I'm doing that the season came to an end um so I'm starting the season afresh this new one uh there's like a new set of cards coming up next week or whatever uh and I'm gonna try and just get to that Mythic rank which is like the top top I mean I'm aiming for top 100 in the UK that's my goal uh in three weeks can I do it probably if I try as hard as I can episode 53 to find out the answer yeah we'll find out don't we um but yes I've been doing a bit of that and then uh in Battlefield 2042 the big shooting game they added in classes which was battlefield's whole stick Battlefield was a game where they they said okay go out there and just be useful for your team that was it wasn't us battlefield but then the last Battlefield was like actually you've got like a jet pack now or a grappling hook but they've just kind of brought back all the classes again so now it's a bit more of like you want to be in my deck be a mad dick you want to be a support guy so I had one spin of that and I'm gonna play some tonight so but it's uh what is your favorite Battlefield game for experience I've got I've got I've got two I I actually and now the the clever answer is Battlefield Bad Company too but it's not my answer but that's the that's the right answer for my opinion yeah it's the color but uh I really like Battlefield one and Battlefield five the recent ones I did like them actually yeah um I played Battlefield 3 a lot Battlefield Bad Company two is great but I I did like Battlefield uh one I think that was just really good um sorry the original Battlefield or the battlefield that was called battlefield Battlefield one yeah you're looking forward to a bit of that but uh that's it really so that's the the questions and answers section of the week if you want to let us know what you've been playing you can tweet us at YP or why I unplugged um but really uh the thing that we were kind of talking about the most last week was this inevitable Xbox developer direct and I I guess I'm gonna play a jingle and then I imagine somewhere it might come up in the news well let's find out[Music][Laughter] um so aren't you do a really great job every week of scarring the the the chaff and the noise of the internet and finding the juiciest morsels for us to discuss in this podcast and normally you bring such a bountiful abundance of news we don't even cover it all so let's see how we get on this week it's gonna be the same this week I think yeah there's too much going on so much going on and this was still with cherry picking do you know what I mean yeah um so I think the first thing that we should cover off is what we discussed last week is and you know for everyone listening or watching yeah sorry we know that this is technically a week late but it's worth talking about right uh from multiple point of views so Xbox held their first Xbox developer direct um we had some thoughts and feelings uh Slash predictions in terms of the formats and you ask the question of do you think it will just be the four games and you know because yeah I was like yeah and you were like don't know about that yeah well it was you uh because yeah so I guess it's a great time to mention that Xbox uh did indeed Shadow drop a game there so not only did they secretly announce it they didn't kind of go the sort of more predictable and one more thing here's Skyrim 2 coming out in 50 years halfway through the events they were like oh hi we're the people that made Evil Within remember that really scary game well look here's this like really bright colored game about like being funky and that and there's a cat in it called 808 anyway it's out now see you later that happened yeah um and that's that's exciting to me that's exciting to me because you know there were Whispers of that game moments before the developer direct happened yeah really close patent it hadn't actually leaked a whole game was made without any Whispers without any leaks or anything like that in terms of major confirmed leaks um and that gets me excited about what the future of this format could hold especially if they are because this was hey it's out now on Game Pass go have fun and I it makes Monday you know if they have other projects in the work that may be um you know Shadow drop Game Pass games from some of their Studios that may be a bit more um testing the waters type of thing because you wouldn't expect this game from um from Tango you know yeah yeah yes it's yeah Evil Within ghostwire Tokyo it didn't leak because if someone told you this you'd say no me yeah it'd be like no no yeah I bet they are yeah in this bright colorful comic book game right yeah cool cool um yeah that that excites me in terms of what this format could offer in the future and we said this is kind of an interesting first push out of the garage really for this because it kind of sets an expectation amongst a fan base of what these directs will be moving forward so are people gonna expect that type of Shadow drop Game Pass game going forward are they going to expect that there will be something more than the four games or whatever number of games they say um it's going to be an interesting thing to follow and I have to I have to admit that's quite um it's quite for what we're showing that it's quite hard balance to get the interest right because you know you look at um Forza right um it's you know sometimes of Xbox of course um and and it looks wonderful but it's a very hardcore racing yeah simulator right um so this is the Forza Motorsport you know the kind of key franchise not the Forza Horizon which is a little bit more accessible and stuff like that so this is the you know like the core thoughts right yeah like going through ismos right yeah it's a hard I think it's a hard balance to get right but I think they did a very wonderful job of how everything was paced what was shown I'll be honest the biggest surprise for me was redfull um nine times it was shown they said it was going to be shown but when that game was revealed I I hated I I sorry I didn't hate I was like that is not for me the trailer was like this has been made for cool bro kids and I'm like no I can't this this doesn't seem for me however tonally it the first reveal was a little bit like I don't know if the right word's edgy but it was certainly like a bit quirky like yeah but like manufactured Quirk do you know what I mean where it's like oh yeah okay sort of a streak of color in their hair and someone witchy and yeah yeah um claptrap from Borderlands like yeah yeah but the the one thing I will say is that was the biggest surprise for me because what they did in their slot on the developer direct completely turned me around on what I thought and felt about the game you know um I think it looks really interesting now I think it's really cool I don't necessarily know if I'm gonna go out and and and buy it um but I'm like this is this is this is really cool you know and a nice open world to explore alone or with or with friends um you know I I really loved playing Left 4 Dead back in the day and this is kind of like left a dead with vampires but with cool quests that open world to explore Go Your Own Way I think it's wonderful I think it's really cool yeah and that was what I found very interesting about the developer director of how that information did just go yeah cool yeah and that was sort of the kind of finale if you like wasn't it of the Showcase read for doing that red four was in the news I just wanted to bring it up for posterity in case anyone wants to say anything about it red Falls also in the news again today because of the recent announcement that the game will require an internet connection full time to play even if you're playing single player now so not sure if that is just for now or whatever but that's something that I think that it's like currently discussing as we speak it was announced like an hour before we started recording and I did not say that yeah yeah it's super fresh though right you know um we both did it right after we finished work so I just happened to chat Twitter and I was like oh okay um so yeah this is a sort of uh I don't know like a story first Left 4 Dead kind of um Vibe then it's coming out on May the 2nd so that was one thing I quite liked about this is that we were getting a lot of disinformation with release date and it was all soon the one thing we didn't get there was that fought so much but they didn't give you a date for that actually everything else actually what they cleverly did with that was take a date away because I think originally it was set for it had either a quarter attached to it or a season yeah and now what they've just reverted to is 2023. yeah okay so yeah so so you know whilst whilst they didn't get a date they kind of alluded to won't meet what their expectation was I guess but yeah but I will say it looks great um I I do think it looks wonderful the amount of attention to detail is fantastic as always and that was my least favorite part of the of the show though um just because it's it felt like words that you've always heard before and you know when they say ah and and don't get wrong this is an amazing level of detail to go to whether like oh and you know dirt accumulates over time as you go across different terrain and you know the it helps tell the story of the car by the end of your race and stuff and you're like oh wow that that's really cool marketing PR Spiel but then when you think about it and you see the game in action it's like it's a racing game I'm following a racing line I'm trying to be very accurate I'm not paying attention to the little specks of dust stuff and it's it's great that those things are there and I I sorry I do want to say that incredible amount of level of attention to detail and the work that goes into that is is amazing but it's it's the same thing that you hear over and over with racing games you know at E3 and so on immersion realism Fidelity yeah and musically Advanced uh authentic you know and you think of you you think of MBA right at the start of a new console site called The Once the one one picture you'll always see it's a close-up of a player on the court with the sweat with the realistic looking sweat and it's like yeah better sweat yeah sweat this is the this is the most immersive realistic uh you know game that the studio has made today and it's gonna have the look sound and feel of a real basketball game you know but I mean I guess that's what people want but but yeah you're right and that I guess you know this kind of TAPS into what I quite enjoyed about the developer direct um which hopefully doesn't sound too brutal because it's actually quite a nice thing I promise is that because it was I knew that it was four games or whatever turned out that was five but you know they said there was gonna be four games when it was four at the time uh I had my Tally on and I've got like a window into my kitchen so I just thought I'm gonna go make a drink I went and made the drink I could still hear it going on but I was like Sony thoughts of time so yeah I I had time to make a drink it wasn't like some flurry of announcements but you know I I think that's kind of the vibe with this entire thing there's probably people that really liked thoughts but it didn't like the Elder Scrolls necron yeah you know yeah but it means that most people leave this thinking oh most of that I quite enjoyed and that's that's a cool thing right you know and and that is what I I think this is that you you've hit the nail on the head there in terms of how it was paced and divided each section Not only was it Not only was every section welcoming to people who may not be familiar or excited for the game but the fact that I did talk to those people like fans like the Elder Scrolls Online section you know I I have I I have no personal I think our scores online looks cool and you know I like I like Oblivion and Skyrim and things like that but um you know I I it's just one of those games where I'm like ah time time uh starting a new mmosphere the hearing hearing the passion and the intricacies of the lore and stuff I'm like it's great it's great I'm like yeah it's made to be appreciated by the people that will appreciate it but also a nice introduction to newcomers and I thought it was very nicely done yeah it is and it's great what you say because I I I'm sure there's lots of people listening in or watching at the same if you don't watch this podcast it's available on YouTube by the way um but but uh you know yeah even if it's not for me like you say you're watching it you're going wow and like it's good that you reminded the passion in video games so you're watching it are you feeling a good way about it yeah so that was uh so yeah so it's kind of catch everyone up then that Elder Scrolls necron is an expansion uh for The Elder Scrolls Online big sort of Elder Scrolls uh mm made by xenomax necron is in Morrowind but not the Morrowind DLC that we've already had this is in the never seen before just spoken about yeah aspect of necron to the east you know rumors are maybe the new Elder Scrolls is going to be set there or whatever and that's coming out in June uh actually this is the kind of outlier in a way that right after the developer direct they did another direct uh where they just focused on us because they know that you know this is a game this is a service game anyway yeah the Scrolls you pay to get in at this at this level and stuff so we saw that we saw a Hi-Fi Rush which was the shadow drop game um again like another Bethesda thing that techno software's Bethesda game seems to have been doing really well on on the Internet by all the chords we saw the first it opened with uh Minecraft Legends which is that um like hyper casual strategy thing I I really oddly I really oddly appreciate the Minecraft section for a very weird reason there was one guy yeah there was one guy in an accident with an accent with an accent who just spoke like a person I was like exactly what you mean I I when that yeah I know exactly what you mean he started talking and it was like yeah and I was like it wasn't like you know Mark Zuckerberg's metaphors yeah that's great Mark we're gonna get into anything I love Aaron sorry I don't do accents and it's like Mark Zuckerberg's like pretend that he likes video games and going I loved Arizona sunshine and then yeah anyway whatever this was like a guy who was like yep with Minecraft basically what we've done yeah is yeah it's my uncle I smoke do you know what I mean I'm like oh yeah okay every man was like the Highlight for me yeah um yeah yeah we we think we think it's pretty cool so I played like uh I played uh level fives sequel to The Studio Ghibli and level five jrpg Nino Cooney which was called Nino tuni Nino toony it was actually really rubbish wasn't it like you know could he do the Revenant Kingdom or something prevalent Kingdom that is occasionally these little tactical kind of pick mini moments where you would do little Siege battles and yeah Minecraft Legends is like a full game of that so I was watching it and I was like oh it's a bit pick mini it's a bit you know um yeah I can't honestly say that like I'd put money down for it but knowing it's come out Game Pass in April I played that other Minecraft game uh whatever it was called the the not Defenders right you know what I'm about yeah Heroes I don't know the Diablo esque one wasn't it I did that in one sitting right and I was like okay I can't even remember the name of it which is really bad I know but but I I thought it was it washed over me fine but it was good I'm gonna check this out as well that was it was a nice way to start it off like you know yeah I I think it's um uh Again Minecraft isn't my jam uh unfortunately but I appreciate those that are into it I ions I totally understand why um but I I think it uh Legends looks it's Legends right Minecraft Legends that's it yeah yeah I think I think it looks it looks really nice um there's a nice genre Twist on it the fact that they still keep the um the openness of what you can build and how you can build and the contractions that you can do to defend you know your location and things I I think that's really cool and um what a really this what a great way to get newcomers into a new genre that they may not have played before which then Sparks all this other interesting other games forever a field and I think that is something that is missing from games these days are those Hamer experiences of genres that are quite hardcore um yeah I always thought that's what I I always say yeah I wonder how many sort of x-com Warlords were born from Mario and Rabbids you know because you know uh you know tactical Minds on that so uh yeah I mean the developer direct was quite nice it did one thing that I really liked it seems as temper expectations rather than build them too high and you know how most um how most sort of events end over and here's our mind-blowing one more thing they were kind of like and just to let everybody know just as an FYI we know everyone wants star field it's gonna get its own show later okay bye now that's how it ended it ended with them tempering and expectation rather than going and here is it unfinished we really had to rush this one out to make you happy guys Starfield teaser trailer more info soon they were like we know that everyone wants it we're working on it it's coming out soon we just don't know when do you know what I I did have this I did have this thought um and then I came to my own conclusion of why this was that developed a direct landed exactly the same day that golden eye was released on Xbox as well and I'll switch Yeah a part of me was surprised that that didn't end up in there now obviously that was announced before but what still what a nice big amount say oh if you don't check the news you can play Golden I know but then I I also thought that whilst that is called it may have detracted from Hi-Fi Rush maybe yeah yeah exactly that touched by Rush yeah yeah high five Rush yeah so yeah I thought it was interesting a nice little treat but and like you say so there's one thing that I didn't really touch on it you said I think is a great great thing to mention is how many more of these do we think that Xbox might have well obviously like I always thought that Xbox were and I kind of kind of joked about this to my friends and not too mean spirited away I always thought like Xbox really try and be cool and that they're really generous with what they give you know Phil comes out in a leather jacket Phil Spencer of course uh comes out with a leather jacket and goes hi guys here's everything I've got here's Kiana guys really really tender would like don't even show up they're just like here's a pre-recorded video and Splatoon you little freaks you know have for some of that but the fact that the fact that Xbox you know are like oh we've got surprises too makes me just go all right come on you know it's it's it's great so I really I really really enjoyed that uh because you know although I don't really personally give that much uh interest and love into like thoughts or in Minecraft and I don't play The Elder Scrolls Online I watch the whole thing about stuff I don't really care too much about I'm gone ah that was really nice you know so it was nice it was nice because it was insightful as well it's like oh okay yeah absolutely yeah so yeah I can't wait to see the next one if the next like you know imagine this again it's like I'm already excited about the thought of this again in six months time with maybe that ever wild Fable you know all the uh you know the obsidian thing that they're doing whatever yeah allowed about yeah that's my stuff yeah uh world's two exactly imagine that with that oh my gosh so brilliant okay there we go so that was the Xbox developer direct as promised uh let us know what you thought of it uh if you're interested in any of the games on the way you can do so by tweeting us at wired unplugged on Twitter or you can email us unplugged at wiredproductions.com uh there's no other way to contact us so like don't like that I will leave a Spotify review or whatever asking us a question you could leave us a Spotify review but just don't you know have a question in there um whilst it was happening in the news this week well as lots of stuff and as promising as per usual we're coming to the end of our time but um I think one that links in nicely to what we're just talking about is um there was a bit of uh an update on E3 um this week um where um some sources are reporting um that Nintendo PlayStation Xbox will not be attending E3 this year the first return to physically free now one thing we do know let's let's be very let's just be clear and separate this out when it says that they're not going to be attending E3 that means that they will not have presence on the show floor so that doesn't mean that there won't be a state of play it doesn't mean that there won't be a Nintendo E3 direct and one thing that we do know because it was confirmed is that Xbox will be having an E3 presentation at the theater over the road from the convention center and um that they will be doing their own gaming showcase within that space as they've done prior yeah so technically they will be activating something at E3 yeah but they won't be on the free show floor there will be E3 adjacent yes you know because yeah Jeff's summer of game fish things will be happening as well absolutely June 8th I think it is one day it's happened before after my birthday but uh yeah yeah it's it's around exactly EA would have first to really do this where they were like we're there we're here we're right there you can play our games but uh not there we're not paying those prices devolver used to have a a nice to have a car park outside of the convention center like over the road like a block away yeah yeah and just take over the whole thing and it'll be like oh they have a little Festival this is hot dog trucks so everyone seems to be doing that so you're dead right uh for those that are really care I suppose this is only for people who are really into the granular details or whatever E3 of course on the new ownership by very popular consumer show Runners read pop who are responsible for the packs series of events as well as egx here in the UK so uh yeah they've taken an E3 mantle and they seem to by all accounts be kind of boxifying E3 this year uh games commifying I guess games comma fine yeah I wonder if it really will have a business to business area as well but uh yeah the E3 season seems to still be in a full effect and I was excited to hear that Xbox are going to have a show as well as you know Jeff doing his bit so shout out yeah uh and then you know I mean then Nintendo always shop with an E3 Direct that's not confirmed or denied or anything so it's a summer Showcase in there yeah I you know I I think I've seen a lot of people be quite put out and disappointed about this and I don't understand why because you know it can be a bit of a shame to be like yeah I'm going to my first E3 and unfortunately Nintendo won't be there or PlayStation won't be there that's fine but and that's not the reason why you're going to E3 right you're probably on business or you are doing a consumer thing which is fine but think about the purpose of e3 why it is meant for from a business perspective[Music] um what it used to be for should I say and now it has become more of a a media event over being more primarily useful for business because if you look at um look at the um the E3 conference that Nintendo did when Reggie first came out came out on stage and said I'm about kicking ass taking names and we're about making games I know they showed Star Fox and all that jazz then he was like oh here's the DS and here's the Metro game on it here is a new Zelda game Twilight Princess and everyone goes mad the audience reaction is amazing every time I watch it I get goosebumps it's fantastic yeah um but peppered throughout that is the core reason of why they are there is because they do business updates they talk about market share pricing stock allocation blah blah because they would have shareholders and potential shareholders come along because it was about buying shares buying faith in the future of the company and so on and it's not about that anymore it's not about that anymore like if you look at retail sorry another business reason so retail retailers would send buyers to E3 right so for example let's take game would send their team of buyers to go check out meet with their Partners at all the different companies check out the games and then make some decisions on we're going to support this with you know marketing thing X Y and Z we are looking to take x amount of units if you give us an exclusive pre-order deal that doesn't happen anymore because game and many retailers don't deal directly with all of the game Publishers anymore they take a selection of and then the rest is through a third party like you and I uh not you and I but a company called you and I um yeah yeah um who who handle orders for stock outside of the the main Big Five let's say so the business of video games has changed retail in video games has changed media since December well sorry since late last year through to now look at what's happened in the media space that is changing as well history is not what I meant to no isn't what it was originally meant for is essentially what I'm saying it's still a magical moment don't get me wrong but so much has changed absolutely and a lot of it will come down to the fact that yeah like why dance to the tune of everyone else where you can just go a week early in your own venue Do Your Own Thing you decide you know yeah so very very interesting uh but still it's gonna be an absolutely jam-packed Summer full of games and announcements of the ilk yeah um all right what do you want to talk about oh that's what I was going to say all right then so so uh all right I I've got a we'll do we'll do the the bottom bit of news but I guess I'll segue into it right by talking about another bit of news watch this base uh I had to re well in the words of John Carpenter horror Legend who tweeted about it he said that the Dead Space refurbishment that face refurbished I love it that space refurb uh the physical launch sales uh were announced uh this week and they're half of Calista protocol now having played both games um I've got to tell you that uh it kind of I'm gonna be completely honest with you I thought cluster protocol was okay but that space uh and I wanted to love it because I yeah I'd rather listen to some new material than than a cover song or whatever okay so when I was like no the Demon Souls remake I got a brand new TV this week and the first thing I wanted to put on my my Telly was the Demon Souls remake that and Ratchet and Clank are still like the best Fidelity like Graphics at the moment anyway Dead Space they have a a little refurb I've been playing it smashing through it nearly done with it um do we even I could have done it the reason I didn't do it it's because I've been distracted uh I've been distracted by uh lots of new material within the game it seems to have kept the core intact quite a lot whilst adding a lot of stuff yeah Isaac the main character Now talks and he has his helmet off and the two like you know hired goons at the beginning of the game now have like full backstories quests side quests there's characters that are only alluded to in the uh first game that now have you can meet them it's changed some aspects of it there's different rooms there's loads and I always found that really interesting and it makes me think Hmm I wonder if the other remake horror games this year will have anything like that well this takes us onto our last bit of news doesn't it this this one this one what's going on this one excites me so um as we know another prominent remake is coming off the back of a really impressive stint of Aruba for the franchise so Resident Evil 4 is getting a remake um as we know it's not too far away which is very exciting yeah massive bunch of new details have been announced for the game this week that seems like it's taking a dead space approach of keeping the core journey of the game intact and I think they referenced it the the the the the um the Creator Rex has said what is it about with this is turn up what was there to 11. so you know maximizing you know the vibe and so on um but similar to Dead Space I've announced so many new things you know like side quests are going to be in the game um it's going to be new weapons they've shown off some new enemies as well so there would be these really cool like werewolfesque fluffy demon dogs there's this guy with like a crow mask with a massive Hammer who looks more intimidating and scarier than chainsaw guy um there's new Ashley mechanics so you know you don't have to just dump her in the corner of a room or in in the bin and say wait there while I just deal with these people um so you know they've added new ways to bring Ashley into the mix to make like two um two player-esque puzzles I guess so you know you can send Ashley through uh a gap that only Ashley can get through because Leo is Leo sorry Leo Leon Leo Kennedy um it's just got super buff he's got super yeah um and then you know she can she can make her way through and then and do her own thing and then atreus or exactly and Joel you know like that sort of single player PlayStation Affair they've got the uh the kind of useful uh MPC companion rather than uh the president's daughter Ashley he was famously a drip and really annoying Leon Ard annoying but I kind of got Stockholm syndrome reverse Stockholm syndrome we were saving yeah uh but I was still like oh I'd like to love her um well and now it turns out she's good she could be quite useful yeah so yeah um yeah wow that that's more that's more Jake um they've added some the thing that I find uh the most interesting is that they've kind of gone back to um do you remember the Resident Evil one remake on GameCube I said um yeah and the Retro and they introduced introduced the Crimson heads so if you didn't burn the zombies bodies if you didn't take their head off they had a chance of rising his Crimson heads which were fast and even more dangerous and deadly they've got a version they've got a version of that in the game so if you down an enemy um if you see them can false or wiggle slightly it means that they have an opportunity to be reborn as a more deadly gonado um so you know you have to take them out uh with with a stealthy knife kill or something just to end them completely so that that's that's quite a cool addition to this and my favorite thing my favorite thing because I was a big fan of Resident Evil 3 and this was a big thing um is you could mix your gun powders to make more ammo and different types of ammo that is back in the Resident Evil 4 remake which is very exciting because they've removed one thing which is either happy or sad depending on how much you love running away from Boulders by tapping the a button um is that they've done their best to try and remove as many quick time events as they can yeah yeah take from that what you want I don't I don't appreciate those Bolder running scenes No me me neither really so I recently played Resident Evil for on the Oculus Quest which is unbelievable you it's one of them where you can't even watch it on YouTube but you have to be in it to understand yeah it is insane how good that is it's a full game in VR and you can literally Dodge duck dive Dash and Dodge crappy knife oh you can literally throw me an eye from hand to hand like in Fantastic Mr Fox John Wick yeah honestly honestly that's the only thing about it I mean it made me too full of adrenaline I was just going I turned my gun sideways as well hell yeah I yeah so this is really new information so new that even though it was today it was announced uh people uh you know if you're checking us out on Friday you might not have even seen this this comes from an exclusive of Game Informer where they've got 13 Pages yeah come on do you see that yes so the Mad thing is it seems like I feel like well I did only play dead space this week I it's a month and a half away the Resident Evil before we make and I think it's a isn't it the next the Silent Hill 2 remakes out ah so yeah Halloween has got big boots to fill you know I'm very I can't wait for this for this game however I I have one gripe I have one gripe and people are gonna be like oh you're so stupid yeah stop stop having an opinion um but my my gripe with it is that everything I see of it I can see the mechanical Shadows of Resident Evil Village and I have to I have to think that this game was made possible because you they added third person motor Resident Evil Village and stuff and there's something in the aesthetic of what I've seen of four and some of the enemy designs that I'm like I feel like it is quite not far away enough from the aesthetic and visual and a splendor of a village and I I like the village but I feel I'm like does it still feel like Resident Evil full Vibe I know what you want about so far I'm being very nitpicky I guess for those that may be uninitiated like what I'm referring to is the fact that Resident Evil Village is like the eighth Resident Evil game which takes place like you can probably imagine in a village which was probably the differentiating factor between Resident Evil 4 and literally all the other ones the fact that this is made in the same engine as eight means that suddenly they're very similar they look the same and they have a lot of similar feels suddenly you know so I know what you mean I know exactly what you mean if if this was made before eight when eight came out maybe it could get away with it but when it works backwards I know exactly what you mean I really really do so yeah interesting excited for it all the same but that's just this Shadow there that I'm like oh what I don't know well you know I'll end it on this you know dead space I knew I was gonna like it on paper but I wasn't actually anticipate you know and you know gonna go and play a game again that you've already played you know you're like that's good it feels safe so I'm I'm feeling good when I played it I actually forgot how good that space was and I was really happy with the stuff that I saw that was new and it kind of blurred the line in my head where I'm like is this a fun memory or is this a new one I couldn't tell you know I was like a replicant uh I couldn't tell which memories have been implanted and which ones are real um so I'm really looking forward to this and I'm really looking forward to again having that nice little line crossed a little bit of not no not quite remembering what was a good old memory and what was actually something very cleverly designed and it's actually something brand new how well will this new monster that you explained in the bull mask work next to our Mr Happy chainsaw like we're gonna we're gonna find out together and I'm really looking forward to it so there we go another jam-packed episode of the wide unplug podcast next week is episode 50. so please join us for that who knows what Shenanigans will go on but thank you everybody for listening uh if you've been playing anything this week uh or you watch Xbox direct uh developer conference whatever the hell they called it let us know uh you can tweet us at wide unplug no questions for you this week you ask us something how about that and welcome back to you all right see you soon Aaron thank you very much stay warm everybody goodbye word unplugged[Music]