Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where Our Heroes Switch it up | Ep #50
Welcome to The Wired Unplugged podcast. This week we crack out the hot water bottle and pass around the Werther’s originals as we hit the BIG 50!
Jake and Aaron celebrate this landmark by shouting out all the birthdays in the Wired office, the doubleheader of a beta weekend with Tin Hearts and Tiny Troopers: Global ops, Lia the wired pup continues to rule social media, but has blotted her copybook by pooping in the Wired meeting room and finally.
Black razor Records are working on a secret project. We would say watch this space, but listen to it instead 👂
Also covered this week:
- MID CE is selling like proverbial hotcakes. We don't expect these to be around for long. Also wins the Grand Prix at TGS. Prizes presented by Shuhei Yoshida @Yosp.
- Let’s break down the Nintendo Direct… any controversial opinions?
- Pikmin 4 is confirmed for a release in July via a new trailer.
- Advance Wars now finally released in April after a long hiatus.
- What is the point of the Splatoon 3 paid DLC?!!
- GameBoy and GBA games are now available via Nintendo Switch Online subscriptions…
- A new ACTUAL Professor Layton game is coming…!
- Baten Kaitos 1 and 2 remaster announced for this summer…
- Dead Cells Return to Castlevania.
Play the Tiny troopers second-weekend crossplay beta at: https://wired.gg/TTGO
Sign up for the Tin Hearts beta at: https://wired.gg/Wiredbeta
Sadly, Derek Acorah didn’t get in touch last week, but if you have questions for the show? Email unplugged@wiredproductions or tweet us on @WiredP and @WiredUnplugged
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wired unplugged hello everybody and welcome to Wyatt unplugged episode 50. number 50. I don't know what the word for half a century is I should have looked up before I started recording half a century in it uh yeah but I don't know what we talked about this before I didn't mean yeah yeah exactly yeah if there's anybody listening here around that age like don't worry about it it's not that big a number but in podcast terms it's a very big number 50 episodes and I can't believe it um it's it's been I'm crazy backdrops I know yeah it's well 52 we know what that is don't we but because yeah the way that things are this has been over a year now so thank you everybody listening maybe you've sort of found us along the way maybe you're on a nice episode 36 42 whatever the point is like yeah thanks for sticking around thanks for joining us um and uh yeah just in case you didn't know this is the wild unplugged podcast in cases maybe you listen on the 50th episode because you've come here because you've probably seen a title which to be honest it's probably about the Nintendo director brought to you by wide Productions where we talk about the Video Game World as a whole to be quite Frank but also it's a great opportunity to talk about all the ins and outs and and news of an indie publisher why Productions because there's a lot going on and I think it's maybe lifted the lid on uh on Indie publishing and putting stuff out when you're not a Japanese megacorp um I know for those that are watching the video version of this podcast I'm dressed like I work at a Japanese evil Mega Corp that's because I did a bad Mark Zuckerberg impression last week and I've decided to wear a little turtleneck just in case I have to do a bad Steve Jobs impression I was going to say you you are a rocking a Steve Jobs Ensemble well it's actually just like like a sexiest Steve Jobs that's not yeah yeah thanks thanks very much yes Steve Jobs who is much better at Magic the Gathering although I'm sure he's probably quite good because to be honest he only would have been you know because like I was going to say yes he's a bit of a like tactical wall or Disney so yeah I don't know what color is it play probably blue he seems like that type of guy to be honest anyway so how have you been we're meeting up fresh off the back of probably one of your favorite Milestone moments of the year I bet the Nintendo Direct they are they are my um they are my Christmases I'll be honest yeah your little chapter breaks in the air sort of thing yeah it's like okay let's let's learn let's let's get some nice information let's see what's going on in the world of Nintendo it starts to get excited you know I I've personally restricted my going in all hype um mentality because it's like okay this is nice something's going to be shown I don't really care about guessing I'm just happy to because then I can't be disappointed and I'll be happy either way when it's just like here's games and I I guess we'll talk about the Nintendo directs a bit later on because there's quite a lot to sink our teeth into I think and and like I said before start recording I've got I've I've actually um I I have some surprising to me uh opinions on a few things um which I'm actually I'm excited to talk about just to see if I'm ether alone or if it's a mutually shared thing or yeah yeah anyone who doesn't know we've decided not to talk about this off uh camera if you like so we can uh divorge a little bit later but yeah let's keep things Rock and rolling because there's plenty to talk about at wire Towers this week as usual and I've got a nice little jingle to kick us off wired propaganda I always feel a bit like a Christian Bale in American psych cycle because um whenever that's playing those heavy dulcet tones if you watch the video a compliment of this I always look like I'm like having a quick bubble bath I'm always like shoulder rolling close my eyes and I'm like ah in between it's the WWE wrestler about to come out exactly I've got to close line from House of headlines all right so what's going on in the wild world uh the first thing the first thing and we'll go all cdbc with this is we have some birthday announcements Jake we have some birthday announcements yeah um okay yeah and the first birthday of um sorry let's let's balance these birthdays for all close together that is like a third of wired or born in the same time period um so we would like to wish Anastasia a massive happy birthday happy birthday anesthesia Anastasia um for those who don't know is um a member of the pr team at Wyatt um she came on board originally to help handle um PR in Russia initially before the dark times and has now expanded uh her role into General PR she's absolutely amazing is has been part of the wide family for quite a long time there happy birthday Anastasia I don't know how old she is so I'm just gonna round everybody to about the age of I don't know what's what's like a good age that you'd be like if someone said that you were that age you'd go ah I'm not really that old or young 24 yeah I'm actually 22. yeah something like that's what I mean yeah why is beyond your years Anastasia happy birthday it's it's very it's very very true happy birthday happy birthday next up is uh is someone that we all know very well and that is our good friend Curtis Curtis happy birthday Kurt at three today yeah yeah I I was saying I was saying when I got told about everyone's birthdays I was like can we can we make up uh can we just mock up some really terribly made handmade birthday cards you know when these shows on television and yeah yeah when it's someone's about from Mom Dad and Jake yeah yeah I always wanted to go in for that but yeah I never did that yeah and and if you are if you are listening today so on the Friday that this goes out uh is actually Steph's birthday today so um yeah I can't believe the Holy Trinity this this week we've got three birthdays in a week so yeah Steph happy birthday thank you as a little birthday treat uh and another little Easter egg for the sort of video watches we will now take three seconds only three seconds of Silence but you can just insert your favorite meme Justice face thank you Curtis happy birthday mate best dad ever all right so yeah that is very cvvc isn't it yeah all right yeah so that's that's the birthday's over and now for an episode of Pokemon uh in this week's episode Ash Ketchum goes to Pallet Town uh to re-meet his mother for very young people that's a great reference to night news children's TV in the UK okay just trust me all right smtv live though um no uh okay let's break into some uh other news actual news outside of people living their best lives and continuing on life's journey yeah um so uh last week we announced that Mafra is dead collector's edition is out are those orders have started to be shipped across the world to everyone that has ordered them um they're selling so well it's ridiculous I actually do think um I I I'm saying this from my own personal point of view but I think I think there's a lot of agreement internally that this could be the best collector's position that wide has ever done um and usually what you would see what you would see with um a collector's edition is that we would you would usually find an unboxing video but if you go to at wide p pay for product um I don't know um P for packaging um you'll see that they have done a really really nice re-boxing video I guess yeah yeah yeah yeah a packaging video packaging video yeah where you see um where you see all get put together um and you can see all the items how they're assembled and everything I like that it's the unboxing it's the new thing it's it's like a boxing video yeah for that at the moment like it's like companies saying look here are all of the like Suites that we're putting in the packages that will sell you for 30 quid or whatever yeah but this this is how I've seen it it looks it's great it's actually quite therapeutic as well um you know you have ASMR I do think that boxing videos are not the fighting ones but packaging videos are actually quite good you just see the um the hands the hands and how swiftly they move and know where everything is and oh it's like do you remember that really cool video where uh satoru Iwata unboxed the uh the Wii U and he had his white clothes on the gloves yeah yeah he did yeah yeah it's like that it's wonderful it's so good yeah um but yeah we um they are selling so well um they are probably not going to be around for long so if you have a hankering for what one of the most beautiful collectors editions that we've ever done don't miss out don't miss out um speaking of Martha is dead something really cool happens well uh it was recently the Taipei uh game show yeah okay no less yeah yeah is that Taiwan Taiwan Taipei yeah Taiwan that's right yeah um and and Martha's dad uh won a Grand Prix a Grand Prix prize award everyone who knows about films knows that Grand Prix is a very Posh award though yeah and uh what made this even better is that the award itself was presented by uh shui Yoshida uh of of PlayStation Legend and fame uh you know one of the biggest the industry Advocates um for for Indies for Indies outside of Japan as well um is absolutely Legend So I think that means a lot to everyone that works on my first day absolutely does I had such a funny moment I met shahida and it was a lovely moment and uh there some uh game company called remedy who made this game called returnal the sort of company director of Remedy was like Shahi if he's a chaperone and uh I was at a party where he was there and I I I went I went up to the the game director of Remedy who I assumed was like Shahi if she does Handler because he speaks Japanese and Finnish and English or whatever this guy and I was like do you join taking a picture with me and she is either he's like my hero and this guy literally just tapped me on the head as if to say he's sweet summer child he tucked me on the head and he went I I said he's like my hero right and and this guy went he's all our heroes my friend and then he attacked me on the head then he was like yeah he was like this this is this guy it's like my idol and he was sort of like he's everybody in this room's Idol like he was some sort of indie game Yoda right and his big Finnish guy was tapping me on the head and was like I'd be happy to okay I had a good chat with him he was really really he was just happy to be there to be honest and he came to the UK just to see some indie games what a legend yeah I think he ended up um not in a disguise that makes it sound like he's a bit too sneaky but he ended up going around the West is kind of yeah like the indie game uh poster boy yeah yeah thanks for taking that one okay yeah Grand Prix there we go yeah thank you thank you and congratulations to my first dad once again literally on a bit of a tour just to get Awards yes um time Troopers go cross play um beta is happening uh weekend number two on Steam don't miss out um it's cross-placed so it's also part of the Xbox Insider program as well that is a continuation of what we mentioned last week so if you are hankering for some uh four-player Co-op cross play action you're not listening to this in the past again with the times if you listen to this in the future and we are right yeah then you should buy the game whoa yeah yeah yeah convergence yeah um um if you were listening to this on Friday again not only is it Steph's birthday twitch streamer extraordinaire and Community manager Legend um but there is a tin heart sting beta which has gone live today on Steam and that runs from the 10th of February I'm gonna say dates because you know we never know when people are listening especially in Australia where it's it's a different day absolutely so the 10th of February all the way through to the 14th and that will give you uh access to play an entire Act of the game so you get a good couple of hours of gameplay to sync your teeth into so guys but it's a great Sunday afternoon game this this is this is a hot drink game like a hot drink and some like you know social isolation um you know by choice and then just go and have a bit of time with it I feel like you're in some sort of the word for this is immersive isn't it yeah yeah I I agree and um I actually um I was actually on a call about 10 Hearts this week yeah I was talking to Neil um and and he was talking about someone who's potentially got involved in a specific part of the campaign and I sorry this is this is this is horrible why am I saying this because I can't tell you who it is but I was like sorry just say that again are you sure you said that right he's like yeah yeah I'm like okay so I'll tell you after Jake if everybody else everyone else listening just just wait outside yeah yeah ten times yeah this this is uh surely like this is one of those games where you have to see it it's very difficult to kind of uh explain it do it as Justice dickensian lemons is probably the coolest example of it yeah but uh when you when you see how immersive it is you'll understand they're just gonna have a little look and yeah it literally attempted 14 a smaller sport of content to be honest but it's still going yeah yeah well unfortunately we had to send a dog to prison this week for corporate Espionage uh as you know Leah uh the new office wired dog um is is settling in but has caused a bit of disturbance and Ruckus this week so it was sent to Doggy Jail uh which is just a really nice comfy uh corner of the office really to be honest um so one she I don't know the the right way she struggles she struggled one out in the meeting room struggled one oh my God I was gonna say she struggled to adhere to her potty training um yeah she defecated didn't meet anywhere she defecated in the meeting room but not but not only this not only this um had ended up chewing through uh a couple of network cables which caused some confusion it's like why aren't these things working it's like oh the duck is uh the dog has been hired to uh sabotage we're looking at you devolver yeah yeah secret dog breeding company on the side yes send them yeah yeah but no she's uh she's wonderful still has Twitter do follow her on Twitter yes and the last thing that I'm going to say is uh this is something that we'll talk about more in both the far and immediate future um and it is a bit of a tease at the moment but as you know um black razor records exists uh we did some amazing charity uh music releases for arcade Paradise a lot of that money went to very good causes um but there are more projects on the horizon and they are stupidly flipping incredible um and again I hate to be this person I can't say anything at the moment but I just want to prepare you that there is going to be some amazing music related things occurring and all of them aren't necessarily directly saying hey this is a soundtrack yeah some other things are this is this is this is this is like a foxy unexpected tangent so um all right well yeah I suppose we can't give everybody the everything every week because otherwise what would this segment be the good news is there's always things moving and shaking and the Y propaganda segment so I guess we'll find out about that in two course quite a lot of good things going on in this week isn't it really there's always something it's busy yeah that's it all right so yeah free Leah hope she does a Time get out on you know in good terms um something dogs have punching they come and bought the right word for that as either but hey we'll figure it out we're all new Dog dads and mums right now in the in the wired team so yeah just keep it going and that is that is the beautiful thing though it is three men and a little baby style of it is communal raising everyone is it sounds like the start of a bad joke doesn't it how many video game employees does it take to raise a dog that's 28. exactly exactly put it in some networks 28 and we still ain't got enough yeah yeah yeah we're halfway there yeah okay so this is the uh that the propaganda come into a nice end this week we'll move on to the question uh we got you know the big the big think again don't have a jingle I might sort of do you know I might take it upon myself to fight but the fingers if I saw some music online it's gonna sound like the X-Files because I'm gonna think of something a bit oh just something that is um pensive but also like lounge jazz so it's just like it's a question questions oh yeah good all right all right let me work on it let's see what happens next week maybe we'll just rotate it out do it in different genres all right yeah yeah I've got a keyboard I've got no excuses like a little breakout the guitar I've got an Ocarina I've got a Zelda Ocarina back there as well so very good all right well so this is the questions podcast the questions section the podcast um and we've got a question this week to ask everybody at home and to each other so do you want to bring it to me yeah yeah um do you have any personal favorite advice or mantras you keep in mind when working um it's an interesting question probably changed a lot depending on the different jobs I have at the moment to be honest it's incredibly difficult to uh well actually yeah my my Mantra is this I have an incredibly privileged job but I didn't used to I come from lots of different like really like zero hour contract jobs in fact the area where I live the average wage is lower than the minimum wage how is that possible that's because there's so many Zero Hour contracts you know hospitality jobs and public jobs and stuff so one of my mantras is always that that's always like I'm not in that anymore it doesn't matter how stressful I think my day is sometimes I have to look back and laugh at myself and think a stressful day for me looks like more emails and spreadsheets than a not stressful day for me whereas when I you know had a job before that was like gastric bypasses and life or death situations of patients that was stressful yeah now it's just like oh my gosh a 23 year old millionaire that I'm sending the game to hasn't got his game for an hour so that's a good a good sort of lecture that I have um and my other is that I'm also a leader of an entire team and I think this is maybe it's not as competitive as it sounds but I always think if I can't do their job better than them I shouldn't be leading them so I often get back into the trenches and do the sort of like you know no disrespect to Leah but the dog work every now and then um just to keep myself sharp so then I can I can I can stick with the iron sharpens iron Mantra which is what I believe yeah but also also the ambition always because I know exactly what you mean the ambition is always like you also do you want your team to be better than you in terms of you want them to be aiming to be like I've got you covered I got you covered I am a separate part of your brain that you don't need to use anymore that's exactly that's exactly it yeah ideally I want them to be uh better than me but I will give them absolutely no quarter I will you know because when they do then I'll be impressed but that's it that's my iron sharpens iron Mantra I try to make sure that there's sharp as possible and I'd be my best and we just but I think that's a good Manchester to have there's another Mantra if you uh want to grow in your life in progression which is a Sugar Ray Leonard quote famous boxer I like this one it's good and it's about absorbing pressure and stress and it's uh it's hard to get up and go for a jog when you're wearing silk pajamas you know what I mean hard to put they're working when you're comfortable yeah so you know that's a good way to have and think about that that's where comes from really it comes from discussion I don't know that excuse me I wasn't asking you Alexa or Siri weird sentient creature yeah she doesn't know that that's what I mean she's no hard work yeah I I have no idea why that even happened that's quite haunting um yeah sorry I don't know yeah all I do is think okay right well we did ask for your input thank you but I want to know what yours is I I have I have three I guess yeah I have three and they're from different stages of my life some that are connected to me that I have from discussions with people and one is just from someone who spoke some sense so the first one the first one I will quote Shigeru Miyamoto right the father of Mario um and that one phrase that he said a long time ago has stuck with me for a long time and works its way into everything that I do consciously and subconsciously uh and that piece of advice was a good solution is something that solves multiple problems at the same time yeah that's clever yeah good the second one comes from um it was the creative director of the the first crew game from Ubisoft yeah do you have caught that yeah I I went to Ubisoft uh I played the game before it was announcing stuff got to do some interviews with him and my interview was the last one of the day and I was just left in the office with him and we finished the interview and I I'm gonna try and phrase this delicately so we don't have to bleep things out it's Curtis's birthday that's not making work too hard he said he said okay so what are you going to do for this game and I was about to respond and he said for context in Paris I am sold little cakes like they are effing diamonds thank you and that yeah has always stuck with me as well and I think there's actually some very useful that there's there's useful advice in there if you know how to mine it and it's just something that's always stuck with me and I'm very very conscious of that and that's kind of how how do you approach how do you draw the best light out of something yada yada yeah the third one yeah good the third one uh was from when I was in secondary school and um we did work experience and I couldn't really I just want to spend time with my mate uh who his name was Scott Cooper um not related to me at all by the way um and his his mum his mum hadn't in so I took it so that we could work together and she works at a very very big Tesco so my work experience was at a Tesco was my mate Scott Cooper and we got to spend a week working across all the different things you know preparing us for our futures um yeah and at the end of it we got we got taken into the the cold heartless back end of the of the storm yeah well it's just like brick and mortar and we got taken to the office by the current manager of that Tesco store right and I said do you have any do you have any advice that would be useful for our Homewood career and he actually did give a very something that at the time I was like okay that doesn't make sense but actually something that has resonated with me and he said be prepared to learn perform well with what you've learned and be prepared to drop it all forget it to relearn yeah yeah yeah because of the way and frequency of things change within the Tesco hierarchy of course but actually that's that's something that you can transition to the games industry right how much has changed how much it regularly changes because of innovation and so on that was very useful and I'm gonna add a fourth I'm gonna add a fourth and sorry it's been going over too long that's good career number four episode we got we've got something useful here yeah number four um and because this is a wide podcast I'm gonna quote um Leo I I've got a Leo for you as well if you want yeah yeah okay and this is if you are going to kill a cow to eat oh yeah this is a good one you make sure that you respect it and you use and find a use for every single part yeah that's true of of that cat um and I think that is also incredibly useful to keep in mind yeah and kind of goes back to the Miyamoto quote this is this is just an Italian version of well yeah I said really is yeah a good solution solves multiple problems at the same time yeah exactly that so that's uh yeah I think it's good I love the cow analogy the most because obviously a lot of people who are just a bit I don't want to say Normie but for me but if you don't know how nice beef Shin or beef cheek is you know or whatever or tongues yeah because you're not tried that but what I'm saying is you think outside the box if you kill a cow just to get the filet mignon then you don't understand things enough and if you studied and was like I'm gonna kill this cow don't don't Google us when I kill a cow what do I do no but but when you know you've got to realize imagine just going oh I don't know I don't know what that Shin is throw it away you know just because you don't know stuff doesn't mean that you can't like get to know understand it make the most of what you got and something to give its life to it's very good very very good very Hannibal season one that that's a good quote that yeah yeah very poignant and important um so I suppose there'll be people listening who probably don't work in a video game sector which is nice guys let us know you probably learned some probably cool lessons in us we you know we've done very well I think to keep it down a little bit yeah you know we weren't giving you this sort of don't you really use airport lounges they're not worth it advice and why do all video game events have small food you know stuff like that um yeah do not upgrade to the first class if you go into Amsterdam yeah exactly exactly if you're going short we'll never upgrade to first class so if you've got some real advice for real people then you can let us know um by tweeting us out why it unplugged or at wiredp and we can share your advice with each other next week with the listeners I'd really like to hear that yeah so the question is do you have any personal Mantra or bits of favorite advice and you like to use when working because you know that's a big part of your life until you get to retire that must be nice hey so there we go before we talk about the Nintendo Direct um and some other news and here we are it's Nintendo Direct time there have been other things that have happened this week uh majorly notable that was the steam next best wasn't there a little bit sort of earlier in uh yeah the the week uh how many demos like 892 or something like that a ridiculous amount a ridiculous amount actually the first time though it's been fewer than it was the time before it was like 1 400 at the time before no that's actually so that's good you know no it's not just over and over and over and over again getting bigger and bigger so I like that um so yeah I'm just looking like what else happened this week um well look honestly the truth is it doesn't matter as much as the Nintendo directs to be completely honest was it um my timeline has been about 90 um Hogwarts Legacy and yeah 10 everything else and now Nintendo directs happened my Twitter was still not really about Nintendo because Twitter went down during it did it did yeah so that's a little Time Capture for anyone listening in the future for some reason we'll add a bit of a weird moment yeah apparently um there's been some updates that were that happened um and the the reformatting of of the code in the back end apparently brought some Edge there was a way around it where if you scheduled to tweet for like one minute in the future you'd be fine but if you tried to do anything live it's like yeah yeah it was saying you've tweeted enough and I was and I had one tweet and only one tweet lined up about this Nintendo Direct and we'll talk about we'll see if he can get in advance a little little game for the folks at home see if you know what game I'm gonna about and we'll find out soon okay then so um you're you're a sort of Nintendo about anyone who listens to the podcast will know that every week you somehow manage to bring Nintendo same way I brought Silent Hill up it's it's like it's good to have that to remind and and I guess the people I spend a lot of time with are kind of into the series games escape from tarkov and all sweaty serious Sim so can I speak to you every week and we talk about Nintendo it's great some levity yeah absolutely a nice change to be honest and and so yeah when I watched this um what I'll say is there was a lot here um but if you were complete I was watching it with my partner who's not really Nintendo fan 101 had a DS it played Super Mario Galaxy and Mario Bros under this and that is it yeah great games but is that it moment isn't it as far as I'm concerned yeah so I was interested to talk to another connoisseur and share our thoughts with the wider world so like I said earlier I've got an Ocarina back there exactly exactly well why don't we break it down and I don't know how you want to sort of dissection yeah I mean I I think the the we'll get something out of the way because I I had a very interesting reaction that I wasn't expecting in this as we mentioned alluded to earlier um I I think I want to know did you have any controversial takeaways like a highlight low light that like stood out to you I had a yeah there was a game that caught my eye a lot um that I didn't expect to be that interested in um called sea of stars looks great yes that looks amazing yeah that looks that looked really really really good the Retro inspired turn-based RPG with an incredibly incredibly uh appealing art style no it somehow managed to be fresh it looks like kind of an advanced Wars and it's octopath traveler art style if you like it in beautiful art and I'm incredibly interested in it um I've got the demo ready to go because there was a there's a demo yes so the announcement is that the the game is coming out on the 29th of of August on wait they didn't say it's in the director on Playstation Steam and switch and they put a demo so that was my shadow drops a demo yeah that was it so that was my my other highlight which was off the back of a quite an odd looking game which I can't remember I saw level five and I was like oh level five to do it I can't remember what the game was and then it was like some Persona ripoff I think and then oh they brought the king back like the the real life that's my that was exciting now that was and so it was broken but still somehow like in the words of Jeff goldbroon like life finds a way right someone managed to flip in people still did manage to tweet about the absolute Chad that is Professor Layton what a lab and you know what right me and my mates have been saying for quite a while since our switch came out and there's been like I said day one switch needs a Professor Layton and a warrior where and that Professor Layton thing never happened so anyone doesn't know what Professor later is just get to know like it's like a puzzle sort of Escape roomy detectively pueroes Sherlock holmese little but it's it's great and it utilizes exactly and they used a DS in a way that um made it feel fun it was such a video game and the switch has got some kind of cool things you know the HD Rumble and whatnot and gyroscopic things so I I just that infrared sensor on the right joy-con as well which a lot of people forget about exactly and it's a sort of like little gimmicks if you like that Professor Layton would really unearth tap into and and stuff like that so I think that that was a highlight my low light I don't want to say it's a low light but look here's my issue I have a I have a Triforce tattoo right in case you want to know I I'm a big Zelda fan I trust me I am but this tears of the Kingdom I I'm I'm it's it's kind of washing over me a little bit I'm watching it and I just went that's fine oh that's Matt Mercer that's what I said I said oh baby that's not Mercer she's like who's that I was like you know Cassidy from OverWatch oh right okay that was like the conversation that we had about tears of the Kingdom we were crying you know uh like holding each other this is the best day of our lives like you know like the bucket family from whatever in our blankets like we've done it I wanted a Golden Ticket moment and all I got was who's Matt Mercer oh right and I now thought oh is that is that Ganondorf was about that versus Ganondorf uh I I like quite a bit of Zelda but I was that was it that was it like Jake I'm I'm so happy you said you know you know you know I love Nintendo we've been through this and that I am a big Zelda fan yeah your hand that I am excited for tears of the Kingdom but I want to be I want to be openly honest that Zelda trailer was not a good trailer in my opinion especially where we are now in the campaign do you know what I mean there is nothing at the moment that has cohesively gelled together all the information of the game and I'm not saying everyone should know everything um but if you watch the trailers there's a lot of disjointedness they're like different games almost yeah yeah yeah yeah you know everyone made the the meme straight away of Arts Legend of Zelda nuts and bolts um you know when link rocks buying that car that is obviously created which just leads me to believe that the horses are being screwed over again I know yeah yeah no but that the trailer did nothing for me like it did not raise my excitement um it actually I I'm sorry for saying this I actually feel a bit foreign I feel a bit annoyed by it um yeah in terms of what it provided and what it didn't provide it and you know one of the opening shots was I think it was meant to seem menacing and it was uh a static shot and you had like the three giant skybird creature things flying around and unfortunately I was like I'm sure that's meant to convey an eerie emotion but that shot has been done better and looked better in the trailer for Twilight Princess with the uh again the Dark Realm flying creature things and I thought that just looks a bit when I was watching my immediate thought process was there's quite a lot of mobs and enemies that looked a bit like rubbish and and I was like it was showing like man and I and I honestly thought and I heard Matt Mercer's voice straight away clocked it was him and I thought there's no way he had been the mainland Zelda and again it sounds like I'm disparaging about this this isn't like the Mercer hate Club I like him but I was just like first of all he's in everything so yeah second of all so do you know what my immediate thoughts went they're doing another one of them I caught Hyrule Warriors like a tease again I thought I thought this was like going to be in a compliment game to like tears of the Kingdom because I thought oh my God it's just showing mobs and mobs and it was like some sort of like Tower Defense thing and I was like oh no this is the one this is the thing but um you know what right okay mate all right bringing it up but yeah I was watching my partner right who's not a Nintendo girly and she was watching a lot of this going this when it came to the Nintendo specific stuff it was very clear suddenly and I didn't really think of it like this and maybe we're too deep in she was like I don't know what this is supposed to be like you know Metroid Prime but 80 of that Trader was like you noticed don't you but if you didn't know Metro Prime uh until like near the end you'd be like what is what what is it save a Splatoon you can talk all you want about a Splatoon we'll talk about that in a bit as well but you didn't see any splatting yeah so so like if you watched that and it was like great stuff is coming to Splatoon but they say well what is Splatoon if in case you know we're one of the 480 000 people that are watching this right live yeah yeah yeah so so I just found but but even with even with tears of the Kingdom let's assume you heard about this breath of the wild maybe you're a younger a younger person that's just got into video games recently remember the before that is six years old at this point especially so so you don't know much about this elder you've seen that like Link's Awakening thing on the switch Maybe but that's it you watch it you just go what was that so that was that was that was it and it seems odd because Nintendo obviously always they seem to always know what they're doing but that was a little bit you know Elden ring was off the back of this incredible series of games secure Rose well which not many people enjoyed but bloodborne and Dark Souls so they know where the bar is and they're also a very Japanese company with you know seriously like they don't like to disappoint but they knew exactly what they needed to do with Elden ring they they bark at it very well and the end of the day the game was what it was they actually kind of gave everyone a little play of the game three months before lunch but with this I'm a bit like guys I I I I know you're a Matt Mercer Stan yeah uh the moment the the words started being spoken as like okay that's Ganondorf um and I was underwhelmed actually I was like oh this feels a bit too a bit too anime and the words being spoken were so pantomime at the same time yes the Japanese voice over Ganondorf which I saw by the way I watched it in Japanese it's good uh it's also very very and not because it's Japanese but it's very very like ridiculous he's got a menacing lead he's got a deep voice in it though yeah so it seems a lot more legit but ganondorf's you know like he just thought like oh I almost Bowser you laugh he's like got that voice in in in the Japanese voice over so I felt like oh okay uh-huh got one more point of disappointment on Zelda yeah the collector's edition is not good oh especially for the price um you know it's it's kind of like what you'd get in um in a way my personal feeling is it's something that you would get in like a Nintendo store exclusive it's like you get a set of four badges yeah an art thing and it's it's and it's like yeah it's like like you say like the world you've got a cool statue of the master sword and for those that don't know what Aaron's on about because like retail is a bit of a Fickle thing you know what would happen sometimes is and you alluded to this last last uh last week when we talked about E3 um but but basically yeah like how do you get incentivized people to buy your video game in in one specific shop let's say GameStop well you'll give a GameStop exclusive but how do you have it where the GameStop exclusive isn't so good that it creates some sort of Monopoly well you'll normally make something like a key ring or something tiny and it felt like it felt like a bunch of odd tat so again like top of the podcast we talked about the marvelous dead um sort of special prestigious which again on Twitter and you can see it being um you know and um look at the just just just just do a little A and B not that I'm trying to start anything I'm just out saying just have a look and you'll know what Aaron's on about um but yeah I I felt I felt a bit confused by it that's the word I would say confused um however I can't remember like I I'm very boring man I dream a lot about very realistic things so I'll have so many conversations in my life that I'll actually just happened in dreams I'll dream that I go to work or something and I can't remember now I didn't do my due diligence before this because we're recording this in the morning so I can't tell if what I'm telling you right now is a lie or true and podcast fans you might remember this I I'm of the belief that you on a previous episode of this podcast floated the potential idea that you may just play as Zelda in it and I can't remember like either you're so good that you're so deep in my brain living rent free in my head I am making up Aaron Cooper conspiracies that are so good they could be true but when I was watching it I thought right okay let's see if Aaron's thingy is gonna be right and I'm watching it and I'm still getting that you know no we have had that conversation in the past and gosh for that it was actually a shot and it's a distant shot where there is an individual riding a horse in the dark for a field and the hair is Flowing yeah yeah the hair is Flowing um we know that link is fabulous but not that fabulous yeah I pointed out I pointed out one thing last night after that I was like do you know what was good though there was one shot where the grass looked terrific oh there we go a positive it's like a there's a secret positive to all this but I don't think the secret positive is there's a very very very high chance this game is going to be absolutely superb and I think that our frustration is probably it's just not showcasing how good it's gonna be properly I think that's kind of it isn't it this is this is how I summarized it last night as well was um I am still excited for tears of the Kingdom I think it is going to be a fantastic game I do not think that was a good trailer though and that has frustrated me especially when you look at the caliber of trailers that breath of the wild had and and things like that um yeah you know I think I I think one thing that is the trailer is probably try insane and you mentioned you know it's very mob heavy mob heavy heavy yeah um is that you know breath of the wild was this is a world that is recovering that has been smashed to Pieces uh and is in a state of recovery everything is quite sparse there is the relaxing piano music as you ride around on a horse this makes it feels like this is going to be a more populated dense World in terms of the threats and dangers and the amount of things yeah that are out there so you know it kind of helps paint a sense but my sorry the fact my moaning shall we say my disappointment comes from the trailer itself I I still think the game's gonna be amazing um it hasn't put me off but I'm just a bit like that was a disappointing trailer in my eyes and again and I I I I I I'm glad that you kind of share some of that because I was like last night I was thinking am I the only one that's thinking this and you know you look at and we'll move on to the other stuff actually because I think the direct itself was packed with so many cool things yeah exactly exactly and we're going to do the sort of sense check of again he he's using my partner's sort of what did I learn about the game mechanic um we'll talk about something very exciting if you know if you don't know what this game is and you watch this trailer you learned nothing apparently Advanced Wars uh the trailer had no gameplay it was just like some anime looking stuff um but for those that do know Advanced Wars you will know that it's This brilliant turn-based tactical cutesy looking but quite cleverly deep um yeah right war game if you want to call it that kind of uh it inspired a lot of stuff for like into the breach I would say would be inspired by Advanced Wars it's um you know if you liked Mario and Rabbids uh but you don't want to go full x-com Advance towards might be the game for you it was a bit of an odd one wasn't it because it was announced some time ago yeah then the pandemic happened um and then they were kind of like well we're just going to park that here and everyone's been saying all right but normally guys when you park something you kind of give us a date and Nintendo like I I think actually that came from um it was partly the pandemic but I think it was also because uh the Ukraine Invasion the situation with Ukraine and Russia had had kicked off as well and I think Nintendo were like yeah one year like a year yeah this probably isn't the the the right time for this but if you make that decision then when is the right time you know is is their decision to release it now saying yeah actually you know it's it's it's not as newsworthy now so we can't really you kind of held to your initial standards of your morals there right yeah yeah but but at the same time Advanced Wars is amazing like I I devoured those games on the GBA as as a kid yeah um on my SP uh with the backlit screen yeah um yeah you know I I smashed in uh Joe strike on the DS as well with the two screen gameplay um yeah I even made um there was a game for GameCube which was um I can't remember what it was called I don't think it was called Advanced Wars something but it was like setting the Advanced Wars universe and you could take control of units in like a third person semi-strategy semi Shooters that's the one yeah yeah yeah yeah played that one to death as well I played Advanced Wars on the GameCube because I had one of those things that you could play yeah yeah exactly exactly so for those who don't know the the GameCube was to the sort of TV console at the time and that was paired alongside the Nintendo's Game Boy Advance that sort of era yeah and you could buy a little accessory that you could slot your GameCube on top of like a little stand like a little Docker Game Boy Player and then you could put plug in or put in your your Game Boy games and play them on the big screen with a nice controller so I actually sat through a lot of Game Boy Advance games and I think that's a perfect way to segue into some pretty cool news we found out yesterday um and again uh if you know you know it I felt like it was one of those moments Nintendo switch online is their offering of of games and how Xbox has a game pass and Playstation have whatever it is they have I forgot uh the the Nintendo were just kind of like look just play some of our old games there's no Nintendo 64. there's um Super Nintendo and there's NES well now Game Boy is come to Nintendo switch online and you can play an offering of Game Boy you know original Game Boy Game Boy Color and okay pocket Game Boy Pocket games so they showed that off and it's beautiful sepia tones you know it and to me that's that was great to see um you know Tetris in there and and yes Kirby and Super Mario 2 landed the six coins which has an amazing soundtrack uh that evoked a lot of memories and then at the end of that they were like oh and one more little Game Boy related news the Gameboy Advance is coming out as well boom and then it showed one of the most underrated games ever and I would wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone listening I can't even remember the name of it because I I just call it that Mario and Luigi jrpg yes yes that game onto the uh on the GameCube uh because I had the Gameboy player was like one of my favorite game experiences like I loved that so much you know I again I that was the game that I played and finished on my GBA SP as well and I remember exactly where I was and how I felt the moment I finished the final fight in that game because it was it was a challenge it was like a several party yeah I call them yeah Dragon Ball Z goes on and on and I was playing it in the dark with a quilt over my head between between like things like that advanced towards sort of not shown in the gameplay and stuff like this if you if you're a Nintendo fan I felt like this was the direct for you it showed off a lot of stuff um and those those game point GBA games as well you can play online yeah without a Link cable it said that because yeah look there's like you know you can play some of the Mario Kart games and that in full foreplay and I was like whoa they're very beautiful yeah and the best thing the best thing from for me from the the GBA stuff um is when I gotten when I got the SP yeah uh my parents also got me um Super Mario Bros 3 which I think was Super Mario Bros 4 Advance or something like that it was Super Mario Bros you know giving a lick of paint as well um and I played that game front to back it felt fresh it was great the one thing that they have included that I never got to do which I always wanted to do as a kid uh was Nintendo had a little device called the e-reader and you would plug that you'd plug that in and then you'd swipe some cards that you could collect in the case of Mario it would unlock different levels like new levels that weren't previously in the game before that had been that were contained on these cards that you swiped um all of those e-reader levels are included yeah so I'm going to get to play this and experience stuff that I never got to before so I'm like this is cool yeah it's really good and yeah I'm a big fan of that I I like like that's what I call it the Game Boy Advance aesthetic like that sea of stars um that I mentioned at the top top of the direct section it it's got that Game Boy Advance aesthetic yeah like Golden Sun yeah exactly exactly so so I mean yeah brilliant I mean um what other moments are we have here we had the big moment for sort of nostalgia and the GameCube era because we got well a hell of a shadow drop didn't we um yeah and here's here's the thing in terms of Shadow drops everyone was expecting that Advanced Wars you know leading up to the presentation it's like Advanced Wars it's going to Shadow drop yeah Nintendo just gonna drop it and it'll be there with Advanced Wars they announced hey it's coming out in April and I was like okay um and then Nintendo were like we do have a shadow drop and it's Metroid Prime remastered and it's out after this presentation digitally or you can buy it physical at the start of March and it's like what yeah like don't get me wrong this this has been rumored for a long time um but I think uh that was that was that was I I really enjoyed it I really I really enjoyed that moment I am gonna wait and get it physically um yeah but I really enjoyed that moment because I loved Metroid Prime again I was in a period of my life where you know the the Summers were long and sunny and happy yeah um and you know Metroid I remember playing Metro Prime you know for the first time through a summer um and I devoured it I loved every single second of it and the moment I heard the music and saw some of the locations heard the power beam again I was like I think I am ready to take this again and they've added twin stick twin twin sticker twin stick uh control scheme as well which which is an interesting thing really isn't it because if you look at what's coming ahead that Retro Studios are working on Metroid Prime 4 at the moment um you know I think people probably would have imagined given that you know Metro Prime 3 released on the the way we and it had um really cool motion controls aiming so you know is this indicative of hey get used to this because this is what the control scheme is going to be like for Metroid Prime 4. you know is there any um preparation that's being done there but I think it looks amazing I think it looks it looks great I was um weirdly like you know a couple of uh years ago um when VR was first taking it stride one of the the big sort of things that my brother-in-law who's a he's a big software and and Tech guy you know he does his job he he got he was one of the first guys to take on like the HTC Vive and all of that and weirdly of all the games I played at his house he had Metroid Prime running in VR yeah still have to play with a controller but yeah but but you could look and aim with your head and I played the entire tree of Metro Prime in VR on some sort of emulator wow about two or three years ago so for me although this is good I've recently redone it at NVR so I was like okay I'm good but but great and good news for people who maybe have heard about this and you know they uh they probably got a flavor of the 2.5 D with with uh what was it what was the Metroid called uh from last year dread exactly that was like the old school Metro and anyone playing out would be like well what's the new sort of Metroid like well now you can find out um but yeah it was cool that there was a quite a lot of like on The Day news we got that GPA and Game Boy collection stuff Metro Prime Shadow dropped the other sort of kind of stuff that you could enjoy as soon as you watched it was there was a demo announced for octopath traveler two which marches in just a couple of weeks February 28th and and like I mentioned there's a demo for sea of stars that was out uh there was another demo I can't really remember what is off the top of my head I think it might be one of those like games about like teenagers that all have Supernatural powers and are in high school but not Persona because there was quite a few of them but yeah it was like um Ghost Trick uh there was um rain something yeah massive detective agency rain code raincoat and then there was another one which I was like oh that looks that looks kind of cool which was um uh there was one which was about uh uh police Deca police Deca police and I think that one looks actually kind of interesting to be honest I'm like I I actually I actually did announce which I'm a partner who's not really uh into Japanese sort of culture at all and uh it doesn't like the look of like Persona or um and I was like no no this now this let me tell you this is gonna be a game that's a police that's it's like oh something has changed in the Matrix and now for some reason you have the face of a cat it's like okay yeah yeah and now you go into the wires from serial experiments Lane that's a good anime reference for the fans at home yeah yeah I've got to say I think I'm doing myself as a service by not mentioning that I've been whinging and whining and bloody moaning for Pikmin four for a long time and that's how they started the Nintendo Direct yes and they're like it's out in July by the way I love a bit of Pitman I love that sort of mate yep mate I was pleasantly surprised with how drawn I was to Pikmin for with that trailer like what they have done with the change of perspective uh the fact that it now feels it it seems like it feels like an adventure and a journey and a trek as opposed to you know missions within times and stuff oh yeah um you have that dog companion and you see everyone like climb on the back of it just to get across the water and things like that you've got ice picking that can freeze Lakes for traversal I I am actually very excited for it it seems like it's a game that's going to include more mild Peril band Yes some like reading that's like a hell of a username as well I always thought I'd like to come across someone called apparel um but but yeah you're right there was like kind of irritating Resource Management aspect of it um right there's one thing I wanted to say I'm human at the games industry as a whole for not giving this game I've never heard of it's dude right there's a game that's getting a remastered that was announced for the summer that I am fuming that I did not know about and I'll tell you why I like slay the Spire as much as the next man in fact yeah more than the next month I like it more than most people I know apart from Gary fan of the show friend of the show sometimes co-host um he's a big side of spy ahead but listen if game these days it's a roguelike deck builder or it has deck and elements and it seems to be that it's kind of the recipe for successful lot of indie games now is they go do you know what add roguelike elements or do you know what are deck building elements because that's new and fresh Well turns out this game I've never heard of and banned an Amco called baton kaitos Eternal wings and the lost ocean from 20 years ago by the way was already doing this and no one cared well I did well I owned it there we go I owned the first one on GameCube why isn't anyone talking about why they had groundbreaking that card base mechanic was here's one that you should look into and it's it's of the same era yeah and I think you would love it and I would love to see this get a similar treatment to bait and Catos as well um Lost Kingdom oh we're gonna say Lost Odyssey and I was like yes oh no I Lost Odyssey though but yeah that's good but lost kingdom again uh another card based uh Adventure game uh where you're summoning creatures on an adventure to fight things in your path really good story it looks great for the time uh and you could capture creatures that you whittled down into blank cards and stuff amazing I'd love I'd love to see that get the same treatment but seriously this game uh I I never played the second one um and it's unclear to me when they say two they mean Origins which was like a prequel right um but uh seriously it's an amazing amazing game like I I loved it I loved it it ate up my GameCube memory card well did you know you probably did you're probably the wrong audience for this bit of trivia because you probably know it but uh the reason that they didn't do another one after this is because the team ended up getting split and most of the re most of the brains behind the operation of battlecast went on to work on these games called Xenoblade Chronicles so that's the kind of start which was you know so yeah I I was like there's no information to me actually oh there we go yeah well it's a lot I'm like oh I like the same Talent uh went on to these underplay Chronicles so I'm really excited by this because I I just love cards I love that films I love throwing like but but this isn't a really this to be very clear this is not it's a it's a full-on Jr that looks of it um so I mean there was a lot of other stuff but but you know it just just bits and Bobs I I think um I think from for me the only other thing worth mentioning was like yeah I was a bit like everything was a season pass everything managed to be there was like wave one wave like a Splatoon three DLC announcement was like we're announcing season pass three they said that that was available today which it is you can you can get the season pass today can't get anything with it because it doesn't you know so it's just pre-order but but why have a season pass if your season is just two events uh mate we we need to talk about this actually because I this this underwhelms me um one because it's like hey this is paid DLC you know you can get as part of the season pass great this won't be rolled into the Nintendo switch online expansion plus service whatever it is which is a shame um you know the fact that wave one is nothing uh don't get me wrong it's cool for Nostalgia because it's like hey you can get on this train and go to the hub from Splatoon one however when you are here everything you can buy in stores is exactly the same as you can buy in the other stores there seems to be no content given outside of just you can you can use this as a hub now instead yeah um which is like what and then the the second part looks more interesting because that seems like it might be um directed by hideo kochima yes yeah yeah but it's it's uh or you know yokotaro um yeah um but yeah that that for me is um that's the more interesting one because it looks like it's uh like feudal Splatoon and you know throughout Splatoon 3 story and and through all the other games actually you get these Scrolls and it tells you bits of the story and it's like how humans and the human world disappeared and the squid people and the octolings came to be and things like that that's why I'm just like yeah yeah it's it's bizarre and Brilliant but um that could be interesting um but at the same time it's like it was so limited in what it's shown um I think wave one at the moment unless they announce like oh and you know you can play interesting maps from that game that you can't play that's interesting but the fact that it was just like you can go to the hub from Splatoon one it's like okay and during splatfest you'll get a different performance it's like yeah I found it wrong I love a bit of Cali and Marie but um yeah um yeah yeah yeah it's a bit it's a bit Yeah it seemed a bit confusing uh and again if you're not a Splatoon fan and you don't know the story of the octolings and all that like me you just went what is this and now that I found out I'm a bitter I was on about level five so I just wanted to give just for for posterity what I was on about earlier was there was this game which was and now look again I I know I know we're just two people talking about the Nintendo I don't want it to sound too disparaging but before Professor Layton and the new world of steam uh and I guess around about and on about being decked on about like you know or you know yes yeah for that they showed off Fantasy Life the girls who steals time which and look I just need to say this I'm not saying it's an animal crossing ripoff but what I will say is it's the same UI the same font and I can't believe that they've got away with it level five I've taken they have the same eyes they have and just just do a try it's the same speech bubble and text I was like what the heck anyway so it's uh level five sort of story seasons sort of that you mentioned Animal Crossing there was a there was actually there was another game that was shown it was like fashion designer oh Fashion dreamer from actually dreamers who really do do story of Seasons yeah yeah yeah um and that I'm like that is a cool concept but the moment they went into the um the the dress-up mode shall we say and you can see all the items you have that is exactly the same way that it is in Animal Crossing as well yeah it looks like one of those browser games that people play like you know like brats or what is it you have a passion for fashion I was like that's the Bratz slogan that's okay that's lit no yeah it works on a Bratz game one of the first things I did at 17 years old also I kind of Bratz forever diamonds I actually know that game as well yeah I don't know why yeah but anyway whatever you could hunt for treasure on a beach with your pet companions anyway yeah so so that was the big big news um this week Nintendo the direct and it means that anyone else it lays waste to any other announcement basically really Jake I I know I know that like we've done Nintendo Direct more than justice but the one thing that I do want to point out um and we don't have to go deep into this at all but I just want to throw out a satisfying nod to dead sales return to Castlevania because that looks Hello that looks so good yeah that looks so good it really does the way that it was just a segue in from soundtrack hit after hit after hit and then that's coming up March the 6th I will 100 be checking out day one and can't wait to get get it I actually haven't looked at you know if that's the same release date along other platforms I'm assuming it is um rather than it'd be a switch exclusive that'd be odd so yeah um more on that next week but everybody thank you very very much for sticking around for 50 episodes or maybe you're not talking but anyway it's good to have you here whilst we celebrate episode 50 with the big bad Nintendo Direct to finish us up uh I think by that Lee will be on parole by the time uh episode 51 goes around so uh if you'd like to keep an eye on uh all things wise feel free to check out the Twitter accounts Twitter is working again so you can find us at YP we're on at wide unplugged and be sure to give your musings and uh your personal mantras uh I'll give you the question of the week again do you have any personal favorite advice or mantras to keep in mind when working like a bit Alan Partridge at the end of all the radio points thank you everybody yeah yeah I'm gonna go in there I'm gonna go and get my assistant to make me a drink uh no I'm joking uh have a really nice week everybody see you soon happy Birthday to everybody whose birthday is all 50 of you and I'll see you next week goodbye foreign