Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where Our Heroes Break into Square Enix | Ep #51
This week we don the stripy tops and face masks as Jake reveals he has broken into Square Enix and they chat about Dead Island 2, Tin Hearts demo coming to Utomik, Pax and volunteering on the Wired Stand, FIFA becoming EA FC? And Double fines 22-hour Psychonauts 2 documentary. Also discussed:
- The Last Worker interviews and impressions are landing.
- The Tin Hearts event has taken place this week.
- Deliver Us The Moon update has been delivered to Xbox Series players.
- PS5 console sales in Europe are reportedly up roughly 200% YoY.
- Dead Island 2 is FINALLY on its way.
- Metroid Prime remaster has been criticized.
Play the Tin Hearts Demo on Utomik from 17th – 19th Feb
Question for the show? Email unplugged@wiredproductions or tweet us on @WiredP and @WiredUnplugged.
What have we been playing? What have we been up to this week?
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wired unplugged hello everybody and welcome to White unplugged episode 51. if you're listening to this live direct contemporary you'll know that uh we put this live about 2PM uh normally Aaron we record it uh around five or six o'clock at night but we're recording this you know bright and early today aren't we to a sort of coffee well yeah exactly so if we sound huskier and cooler than usual it's not because we've been talking to Doug crackle yeah Smooth FM yeah all right well first of all how are you even you're right yeah I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm uh it's been busy it's getting busy now yeah um I say it's getting busy now it's been busy since the start of the year um yeah one week yeah yeah it's getting busy in an exciting way where you can start to talk about things which is yeah exactly there's been quite a lot of that I think in in the in the unplugs of 2023 there's been a lot of we'll find out in just a few weeks and every week there's been a while you know it's been like a catchphrase yeah I couldn't think of a cooler reference sorry sorry um right so uh listen we want to start by saying everyone listening if you'd like to help shape the show going forward you can uh we ask you a couple of questions throughout the show like we've been thrilled to find out there's been some decent answers to a question we asked a few weeks ago uh that should be coming up a little bit later but if you would like to get involved this is anything that we're saying that you're like no no no no or yes yes yes you can uh email unplug that wireproductions.com with your love love letters uh you know not hate mail really uh what have you been uh been playing how's your New Year's resolution going which can you just before we begin just remind the folks at home what your resolution is so we can hold you accountable a recap of my New Year's resolution previously as far as gaming because previously unplugged um yes so previously on right unplugged no so my my gaming New Year's resolution was to play what I feel like I'm in the mood for playing as opposed to tackling games like they are a task and always just trying to play the newest thing that's come out respect my backlog and actually just play what I feel yeah what I'm in the mood for um so I've been I've been sticking to that um and you know so so much so that I've done incredible things to play what I felt in the moment but I mean for example we were talking before this I broke into Square Enix the producing director were and just uh just scrolled Myself Away in the room and played the game yeah uh which was which is Amazing by the way and that's the best game like that's like that's why that's why you wanted to go there right because you can't play at home yet because yeah it hasn't come out at the time I think it's out now right it's it's I think I think by the time this goes out it is out yeah um so I've been playing some final bar line um I've been playing some for spoken um as well also Square Enix funnily enough yeah coincidental of course um what happens if you're one of the bigger games of the year so far right yeah I I've got some interesting feelings about it I am gonna I am gonna see it through um but again only when I when I feel like I can contribute to it um from my understanding it's about you know 15 hours through which is a conflicting point of confusion for me because it's um it's kind of put out there as this big open yeah ended adventure with lots of cool magic and the game does have lots of cool magic um my biggest gripe with it in the so far has been like I spent an hour and a half playing through the opening I guess yeah yeah and because of the way it is structured it doesn't really let you play the game in that hour and a half so um yeah but anyway I've also been playing yeah outside of that I've also been playing uh Fire Emblem which is awesome oh um engage I suppose from also engage okay yeah which which just a little tip and I mean this with no disrespect to the voice actors I'm having a much better time with the game from a tonal point of view now that I've changed the language to Japanese yeah yeah I I just feel it just feels like a more cohesive yeah yeah yeah um and and then the thing that I've gotten my teeth most into uh which is surprising is a diminished cap um uh online thing yes recently announced uh well Nintendo recently did a direct things last week maybe three before but uh yeah they announced that the Game Boy Color Game Boy and game of Advance collection would be coming to Nintendo switch online and we spoke about it and uh yeah so here we are just a week later or so and and you've been checking it out yeah yeah great sacrilegious to say well not so much because I'm I'm kind of happy about it it is the first time I am playing the Minish Cap ever right okay yeah it's great it's amazing and I'm surprised at how good it looks blown up on a TV as well it's Charming it's wonderful it's great that's it I'm really glad that people are talking about it like that because like I said like when we spoke about it the first time I and I don't know anybody else who had one of these but I had the Game Boy Advance sort of add-on for the GameCube so all of the games I've heard on the Gameboy Advance were blown up on a TV obviously TV's back then we're a lot smaller than they are now but it's like The Godfather it was it was ancient it was it was uh it was Mortal coil realizing that you know the TVs were just like tiny little square aspect ratio things still back then yeah I don't know yeah yeah it was still like Twin Peaks or whatever so anyway um yeah um and yeah I always think it looked good and now I was thinking about this I was having a conversation about it when we saw the direct because you know a lot of these new games like sea of stars that we saw Advanced Wars obviously they they've kind of got that Game Boy Advance on steroids type Graphics like you know it's weird and it must be so strange for the the more seasoned veterans Among Us listening all watching you can watch this podcast there was an entire YouTuber compliment um you can just go and find us just type in white unplugged on YouTube thanks uh and um you know for people who have watched everything secular like like fashion is a cycle watching things go retro 8-bit 16-bit and now we're getting to that Game Boy Advance era we know that the next one is going to be like the PlayStation one kind of Graphics low poly and everything but I'm enjoying this era I'm enjoying reliving the Gameboy Advance area and I'm glad that you are like quite literally with Minish Cap so that's good yeah that's what you've been up to I've been playing um according to the internet and studies at MIT the most complex game on planet Earth it's really true oh really yeah it's really true uh Magic the Gathering by the way I did I didn't realize that it was the most um complex game on planet Earth because it how how's how sorry I think I suppose it's simply dancing all the different yeah combinations you know like in in chess I think this I'm paraphrasing but I'm fairly sure it's something like after the first players made their first move in chess there's like three um million combinations after they've made their second move there's 64 billion combinations so the potential combinations you know yeah um for the next next game so it's like that with magic imagine that where every card has its own rules and stuff but listen you say that but everyone uses the same five or six decks I'm playing ranked I'm playing standard so I'm playing like the competitive Magic the Gathering people using like the same 10 cards so it's so funny to see everyone I saw that in the video and I thought I'd bring that up I like the unplugged lot know that this is the most complex game ever um it doesn't you know so listen here's my issue with magic the government at the moment I'm just gonna have a quick little moment about it I love playing it competitive I like playing it on Magic the gavern arena and I like that I know a lot of people that play Magic the Gathering not a single person plays the same format that I do they're like oh you play standard the the you know the competitive no we don't we play Commander so suddenly it's like oh right I need the commander deck if I want to play games with my friends and there's a lot of people when I go to insomnia or west in just a few months time these events people want to play match up with me but I don't have a compatible deck so here I am now uh on Google Documents making a little list to myself of cards I need to buy on eBay but stick to video games guys it's well easier now I've been playing I've been playing uh I also played chained Echoes which is a nice sort of throwback to the Final Fantasy six kind of jail I've heard about that oh it's meant to be really cool really good like the reviews are like I think it's like high 90s are Metacritic it's on Game Pass for anyone that wants to just check out free uh well if they've got a game pass but it's it's fairly priced like 20 credits on Steam and I picked up solely because of the reviews and like the forespoken intro it has this really pesky book I guess kind of cool thing and also like Game of Thrones which we made a little with a little trip into the theme tune it does this thing where like um it's it's a world ravaged by War and a new player character in one realm the story's about to go somewhere and then you start playing as another character and you did all about eight characters an adventure there's no way eventually you all meet and then I'm just at the point now after this big long annoyingly like you know complex tutorial about war and literally trying to write down okay this this country or region is it all this one we're now all set enough on the big Quest the fellowships finally got together and now we're going right so we're sort of post-driven Dell in in our little thing so now I feel like the real games begun and do you know what I did listen this is so funny got to that point and I thought and now I'm going to turn it off because that means that my next gaming session with it my next gaming session with it is like I can finally begin I know all the characters and like I'm I'm actually excited to get back on it I've been doing that and a bit of Destiny too there we are all right decent Anna strong strong so that was that was that was chained Echoes chained Echoes chained Echoes which sounds a lot like octopath in a way it is you know and so I think the story with this is It's a Kickstarter um and it's been in the woods for about four or five years but I was thinking I was thinking did this take this from but yes it's very it's very similar uh it has so many and it's really inspired by Final Fantasy six if anyone's played Final Fantasy 6 which uh if you're a cool online person might be the best one I don't really agree but but they reckon now that's like it basically like in in a sort of conversation one of the final fantasies is always the coolest one it was seven about 20 years ago and now everyone's like that's normally stuff that's got a remake it's six actually that's what they reckon now well listen you know you know I mentioned that uh Square Enix yeah right I was in a room full of people who happen to be Final Fantasy fans and that conversation comes up like oh what what what's your favorite Final Fantasy game as you know I just casually without shame to drop the bombshell of Final Fantasy 8 yeah don't blame it already I got I got handshakes I've got pats on the shoulder and it was like but it wasn't like that sounds like you just couldn't that's like three months off like alcohol yeah thank you thank you for admitting that that's the first step of recovery it was like it was like you know what you've just said right it's like I I do wellness check are you okay A8 is severely on the right side for this one I don't think it's the best one but it's definitely very good it's good it's very yeah yeah they probably all think 14 anyway right okay let's uh let's get into the uh the propaganda of the week we've got loads of stuff on the way and uh a nice exciting uh call to action for everybody listening or watching at home roll that jingle baby wired propaganda well here we are the propaganda segment of the podcast uh after quite a nice little intro there so we've got uh it's cozy it was cushy yes this could be the sort of veil of lethargy because we've just woken up or whatever you know it's a morning one yeah you know we're chilling hopefully you're chilling too well this week we're both a blast off the cobwebs with a decent amount of news to be honest so yeah this week we just decided to have some toast before we dove into the cereal do you know what I mean yeah oh yeah yeah breakfast baby yeah some Jam yeah literally about one second before this my girlfriend what Passover crossover and I was like smell it all right okay the crumbs slowly drifted yeah a little peace little pastry snowflakes with our you know with it being the morning Lots going on Jake what's going on let me tell you um so um just at the end of last week we had uh Guilford game Fest yeah which uh which is a really cool event held in Guildford believe it or not yeah um home of home of some of the the greatest Minds in in the UK game development you know yeah really good really good gaming scene uh you know super massive games there you had the the folks who were doing Need for Speed Criterion right yeah um yeah lots of Hello Games there's like so many yeah incredible which thanks for mentioning lionhead because that's a very good segue because also we had um we have to folks from Rogue Sun so x-line head developers who are working on the tin Hearts there at the show that had a nice uh talk at the show as well um really good show lots of people got to go Hands-On and it's always it's always interesting watching people play the game but more interesting watching the people that are lurking like just being like I'm not gonna play this right now but I'm very interested in what's going on at the screen because the game like visually just just it just sings like yeah it was just going oh hello come over come over yeah um but speaking of which if you want a Guilford game Fest you are going to have an opportunity to play the game this weekend if you're listening to this the day it goes live so Friday the 17th yeah um yeah um there is uh a beta going live on you Tomic we spoke about you Tomic uh the the gaming platform before um so you can jump into the Beats from the 17th today if you listen none day of launch uh through to the 19th of February um and if you missed this or if you want to check it out before you get your hands on it um there should be a live stream available on Wyatt's twitch right now where Steph uh is uh taking it for a spin on uh the atomic platform as well so you can see the game in action yeah they are and you can have a look at the platform as well because I think it's on it like we mentioned last time was like a little bit um you know it's a bit of a cool classic isn't it like it's compared to like stage everybody you know like I was getting written about by like Bloomberg and stuff but you told me to spin there the whole time yeah and you had you you had a very good question which we haven't been able to get clarification on on is utomic the longest served yeah yeah I I I I had one more Google and then gave up to be honest but there's nothing to prove me wrong but that's a dangerous way to think I suppose it's a good hypothesis it certainly is a good hyper assistant for those who missed what we're referring to from a previous episode uh you know on live I think was one of the first sort of streaming services xcloud is arguably one of the more talked about one there's there's Nvidia GeForce now I think you was just a crap console isn't it did that upset any streaming thing sorry your fans yeah yeah I think um obviously that was one of the ones that that they announced that was one of the big sales pitch moments yeah and I think everyone just used it as a an emulator yeah yeah yeah yeah right it was basically a Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi yeah uh but but we we hypothesized certainly I was thinking that that yeah it might be the longest running video game live stream the Netflix of games as Everyone likes to say program and it's still going strong can you look a lot with fresh tin Hearts content February 17th to the to the 19th yeah you've got you've got Phil Spencer over at Xbox towers with the Game Pass team going oh my God oh my God the atomic is still there yeah yeah that was a really cool guy friends everyone would be friends he once gave me a batch I think and it was on some Rooftop Bar party thing and he was just like oh you enjoy the show yeah he's a badge [ __ ] thanks yeah and it says I met Phil Spencer yeah yeah yeah he gives it to everyone yes lovely guy yeah we've got more stuff we've got more stuff I've got so much more stuff so outside of the beta um you are going to see and some some of this has already start to go uh live as we start to move into launch window as we get it in our site sorry I was slightly distracted because there is just a random man climbing a very tall tree outside um but link that aside that aside hi that's just way pie um but no no so um lots of last worker the last work of content is going to start to go live uh some people very lucky recently to get uh early hands on some people got to go and spend time with uh York um lucky lucky lucky people a man filled with very interesting Insight across the entertainment industry as a whole yeah and obviously it's making games and and um entertainment and movies and film programs that's what we've learned yeah that's I was just like every other word except content I was like what can I think of um no but um there's some great interviews going live some great impression pieces for the last work going live there's a really good interview that you should read that will give you some insight into some of the thinking uh philosophically behind the last worker as well uh in an interview that went live with uh PC Gamer this week unfortunately because of the the passion contained within I can't read any quote I can't read any quotes um from the article but I promise you check it out it's amazing TV it is too hot for TV but it's also one of those things that you're reading be like yeah yeah you look okay yeah yeah I understand or some people might be like I don't understand I don't agree which is also fine as well debates and opinion are fine yeah they're fine to have they're fine to have Jake yeah yeah it's a very interesting guy who certainly doesn't like to sit on the fence about anything he believes in so it's well worth an interview if you want to see some strong opinions um yeah but yeah so shouts out last workers really on the way yeah and what's come what's come as well uh so something that has been going on this week so early this week um it was yesterday as a recording um but there was a we held a very very Swanky fancy cool intimate uh event uh for tin Huts at uh a venue called The Clock Tower in London yeah yeah I know this place yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so um the Rogue Sun team were there talking to to press showing off the game doing interviews and all that so that stuff is going to start to land uh coming soon um as well over the next couple of weeks so keep your eyes tuned keep your eyes tuned yeah that works yeah yeah keep your ass fixed um no because that stuff is gonna start to drop and um you know I think Costas Chris and the rest of the team rogson are absolutely brilliant it was nice I got to see them at Guildford game Fest um to catch up with them because they they develop their games in a very interesting ways the game's called tin Hearts right but there there is a lot of heart and and personality and um love from them in in the game and I think when you start to see some of these interviews and stuff come out you'll get a greatest sense of of how this game has been built and why um and you know we we spoke about this game quite a lot right the Kenzie and Lemmings um but it also has a surprising yeah wrapped around it and stuff like that right that's the thing isn't it so yeah yeah so look forward to all that coming soon and and um speaking of which um we should have we should we we really should have costs us come back on because having back on Talking Hearts I think especially when we get closer to the time like yeah yeah so we so we can ask some questions because we've been delivering a lot of information and like going yeah more on that soon we'll cost us so I would like him to come in and answer it's like Jeremy Paxman here he's gonna answer some hard questions yeah no but I I honestly I like I I mentioned this before and I feel it's like quite a disgusting thing to have a favorite child but I'm very excited about it I loved it I love to look I'm really really interested in it specifically because I get the Vibes that they're going for and it's something really nice about it like uh I don't want to say Christmasy but like I like the idea you know what I mean so yeah it's like the festive childhood joy and you think that you know the story is about you know the greatest toy maker in the world it's been approached he's been approached by industry by the man to say hey you're really good at this but we wanted to match produce stuff without your personal love and attention on it and we'll give you lots of money do you want to do that which is kind of a reflection of the end of developers relationship with Publishers in a way which is an interesting juxtaposition in terms of how this game has come to be and fallen into our hands and what really is the truth behind how Rogue some feel about working with a publisher but in fact they actually do love working with a publisher wonderful people get getting on a podcast you want to find out that's like James went on to an executioner now we'll get out of the interrogations tell me friend yeah yeah I turn into a terms and conditions on a terms and conditions ad person on a on a American medical advice sorry you may die like Pharmaceuticals are so bewildering for anyone not in America I remember seeing that uh an advert about like constipation tablets and it was like a woman smiling at a barbecue that was about 45 seconds I think it's 13 seconds was about the ad and then about 20 seconds was reading out all of the side effects that might happen and one of them was a heart attack and I was like it's constipation medication it's terrifying anyway you might even go to advert if you know what I'm on about you'll know that it's not hyperbole there it's like this incredibly long winded with the constipation joke there um a barbecue advert I don't know maybe maybe I just find the clip and put it on the socials I'll see what I can do all right yeah but whilst we've got going on next week something short and sweet I promise so um recently you would have seen that deliver us Mars uh released uh via our friends uh at keoken yeah um via our other friends our Frontier yeah yeah um which is the sequel uh Slash follow-on to deliver us the moon which we worked on with with kaokin um game is amazing but um whilst the team's been working on Deliver Us Mars they've also been working on some improvements for the Xbox series version of Deliver Us the moon so uh by the time you listen to this there is an update Live for Xbox series consoles which brings together improvements optimization stability um and yeah just gameplay improvements so get that downloaded get it updated and take another trip back to the beautiful satellite in the sky you know it's one of the most underrated things uh overlooked should I say when games get optimization updates like you know I've played bloodborne over Christmas and I was like wow this really is a PlayStation 4 game because so many like I played that like I just mentioned I played Destiny and I've been playing no man's sky as well and then you know what at the time it was like oh we're gonna make a PS5 version of Destiny and I was kind of reading the news like all right but then when you go back and you go it's amazing what they they do so it's great yeah it's really good that it's going to be something like this because imagine how many people are gonna go back and play this especially now that they've seen Mars or or maybe maybe they missed Moon the first time and now they get to check it out and there so if if for some reason that's you you know you can write your wrongs right now in High Fidelity baby great shout out to the cocon brothers I remember when them and their Hench Hench bodies joined me for a podcast listen listen this isn't the Swoon podcast but aren't they dreamy they are very handsome then yeah yeah no but but like they are they are handsome don't get me wrong there's we can't lie about that um but just as people they are just really really nice yeah they yeah they're almost like they're like well it's like NPCs like basically or something like that like they'd be Tavern owners in some sort of like DND campaign who like these yeah who can just do everything two Warrior brothers who gave it all up oh my god well I'm making fanfic I'm making that's how dreamy they are guys that's it yeah all right so we've got one last bit of information and it's not even information that's a it's a sort of cool arms it's a call from the trees from the canopy of the the jungle um so as as we mentioned before we're going to be off to Pax we're going to announce the titles that were taking very very soon but in the build up to guns Pax we are looking for volunteers uh so people that would like to volunteer to work on the wired stand at Pax you'll be fed you'll be dressed you'll you know you'll be looked after oh you'll be you know patted on the head yeah no no I'm on the shoulder in in terms of like a supportive hey you had a night out but we're gonna get through this together exactly exactly everyone must experience that um but yeah if uh if you are interested in joining us at Pax and helping uh the team Rock things in Boston then you can sign up at wired.gg forward slash Wired app packs it's worth it just for the cannoli if you're asking me the cannoli yeah it really is and it's such a great show to to be and I'll say this you know last year uh unbiased of course but last year the the wired The Hub was the place to be it was such a nice atmosphere there were so many people like congregating and and sort of just yeah being there so if you you know if that's the sort of thing that you buzz off it's just like the environment or whatever the atmosphere then there really is an atmosphere there it's not like uh yeah you know some cold careers Fair Booth it was nice like it was very very it was nice it was nice you know we shared the contents of our well-stocked fridge we've passes by people would use this as a hub base yeah they'll come by every day then go off and then come back exactly yeah have an apple you know yeah exactly I can't we don't really want to go into it we're above it now we don't we don't really want to talk about how amazing uh and popular the stickers were because like uh power too much power for packs that was but popo shut us down yeah exactly yeah so free the stickers isn't it well listen there's a lot of propaganda this week as usual a lot of 10 Hearts needs there as well to be honest yeah creating Hearts heavy or 10 knots forward um but that's for good reason isn't it so thank you very much for the propaganda there's been a lot going on in The Wider world of gaming this week too um before we get into that though I'm gonna use a a jingleless segue to remind everybody that we have a section of the podcast where we like to ask or answer questions that have been asked uh by you the folks at home you can tweet us at wide unplugged or wiredp you can email us unplug.wiproductions.com most of you to be honest are using Twitter so um we were posed a question a few weeks ago about the last of us and we were asked you know sort of what uh basically what gaming movies would like to see yeah which adaptation either way around would we like to see right and um we asked hey which wired game would people like to see and why right and we've got some responses so I would you like to kick us off uh with the first two yeah yeah so um you know we put out um the the question back out to The Wider masses um on you know which which wide Productions uh game would you like to see is a movie or series and white yeah and uh I'll I'll take I'll take the first one so uh there was a really interesting one from at franlicious on on Twitter Twitter and on Twitter uh there was a message from uh on Twitter that was um so uh they have said close to the Sun or Martha is dead now before we move on as well Martha's dead got a a lot of a lot of love within this um yeah I I was looking I was looking through all the responses and it's like for a set how about this for Martha's dead how about a limited uh time only hbr Series so my first Dead how about a movie um on Disney Plus for master is dead yeah what about a kids show on Disney Plus for Martha is dead yeah yeah um sad um it's beautiful by the way it's beautiful emotionally driven um so close to the Sun or Martha is dead um I think close to the Sun would make a very interesting uh TV show um probably similar to civil along the lines of Doctor Who Um not in terms of hey we're traveling through time but um in terms of you know Doctor Who always had that educational slant to it originally when it kicked off uh similar to Pokemon right where it was like oh wardrobe conducts electricity and all that jazz um but you know I think um given that it had like the the an ultimate World Tesla focus and you know it took a lot of Tesla's inventions and brought them to life once that didn't get made ones that they didn't believe were test preventions then turned out to be Tesla inventions um you know there's a lot of educational fun episodic things that I think you could do with a closer to the Sun um TV series you know I uh I think it's quite common knowledge now about Nikolai Tesla I think he's kind of in our in our sort of General Minds like we know who he is people who haven't heard of him will immediately get told oh did you know he's actually the guy who invented electricity or whatever yeah but I don't think it's actually like a any sort of proper like TV show about Tesla specifically or like a you know the Tesla files which is about the CIA or something but it's not like any like anything focused on them so that would work very well all right yeah there we go yeah I think so look at me like let's give him my genuine love I see like it's because I've been inspired by our next dancer which is yeah call the house who also says Martha's dad and he says Martha's dad would make a great movie or miniseries release it for Halloween and I'm sure it'll bring in the money money there we go a bit of financial advice there from here there you go so uh I mean my office dad has got a a very nice story to it and I think a lot of horror films are very focused on sort of the cattle prod it's a jump scare yeah um and so I think that's the that's what makes a good horror film great I think a decent story I always think a good horror film could be good if it wasn't scary you know like if you took away all the scale would it still be good I think Murphy's dad can stand on its own two feet um has some similarities to some horror films I've seen before in the past but I can't say what they are because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone um but I'll say this I think that it would definitely make a small mini series lights work so well and imagine the even like the way where it's sat is like really unique yeah I think that I'm trying to think of a TV show set somewhere like that I almost feel like it needs to be made by a combination of Chris Nolan and M Night Shyamalan in terms of you know the films that they have that you can watch through several times and the first time through you like what and then you know you get to a Twist or Twitter what yeah and then when you watch them back again for a third fourth or fifth time you're like oh my God look at look at all this stuff that has been dripped throughout this I I know I understand like wow I love it when I I've been watching Mr Robot which is a a series uh widely considered to one of the best to ever do it it has a bit of a lull in season two I'm currently on season two I had to wait week after week to watch it back in the day but now I'm binging through it and there yeah it's got twist and twist and twist and twist all the way through the show all the way up until like this sort of final episodes yeah and it's when I'm watching it I'm like watching it with my partner who's never seen it and I'm like oh is that too obvious nope okay fine you know and I love it when you're watching it and it's all making sense oh yeah so there we go so mark two for my first step close to the Sun got a good match we've got a final one from well do you like to take it away yeah yeah so we've got a fun one from uh Martin poles of course on Twitter and they say a falconer series would be the best a Witcher like series with Side Stories and lots of action and I think the falconer would be incredible yeah I think the balcony would be um really great and I think we spoke about this before and I think we spoke about it with Thomas directly as well through different things but um I think one of the things we spoke about before was how interesting it would be to see to be a witness to what happens within the world of the falconer so you know you have all these islands and different cultures and stuff that you know what are they experiencing from the ground up you know what does this conflict look like from these different perspectives and I think that's a very good way to do it rather than saying hey this this TV series is all about you as a falconer it should be yeah how that conflict affects everything Cal so you know there's lots of really cool things that you can do there and I actually think actually think speaking of Magic the Gathering I think the falconer would make a very good you can make a very good magic set yeah yeah well I know that this this has been a great blessing for me to get into magic gathering this year because they're this year they're releasing and like not like sometimes they do like special art versions of original magic cards but they're the same cards as normal so like I don't know lightning bolt but they've got junji Ito to do it right funnily enough yeah they did actually get you on Geo to do like some cards but a real set um they're releasing like a Lord of the Rings one this year which is wild and the Warhammer one which is also wild so like honestly sufficient like like official like yeah is it so like the cards sting sting would be a bit an equipment card and that will be in it so like they actually so people will actually be playing right yeah because the 30th anniversary of magic this year see so that's why they're doing it yeah but yeah like [ __ ] it something like that exactly it makes sense you need to have like a really complex lore to do it but balcony has got it full 360 view Thomas has obviously got this entire world set up like you know Middle Earth itself or something like so yeah shouts out that the [ __ ] ear works it could like it could be an addition that he's got Bullock uh bull work and then the falconer the TV show could be something completely separate and uh somehow tie everything together it could be the bridge between these different things it makes sense I bet he'd love that as well wouldn't he yeah um but there you are so all right great so thank you very much everybody uh for answering the questions see what happens when you do beautiful um I'm sure we'll find a question for you before the end to ask him we'll put it on the socials and let us know and you can help shape the future of the show thank you very much everybody time for a jingle I'm going to look at the world outside our little snow globe[Music] Google[Music] wow Google has been given this week it's been it's been a lot on yeah um but there's also a lot of news it's so big that I I sometimes play a little game just from my own Amusement of can I guess what Ann's gonna bring to the table this week I guess three things none of them are here and I was like yeah it really is okay but that's good I was thinking so I have you for anyone that wanted to know what happened I was thinking Aaron might have mentioned wanted Dead which is just some like Bonkers looking game by the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive people um that it's got like the craziest reviews like it's getting like nines and then it's getting two out of ten so it's like doing a like uh yeah yeah and like like it's absolutely the whole thing is crazy the sweary Suda curse right like sweary in 2-51 you know yeah yeah exactly but like even the like this is I just as I said I told Aaron the soul I'll tell everyone at home the Publisher's website uses the quote it's an effing train wreck to describe the game but that was used to describe the completely separate music career of the main voice actress but somehow do you think that's intentional yeah it's somehow part of the charm I guess so I thought he was gonna talk about that I thought you might have brought up um actually only two bits in these this week that I thought do you bring yeah the other one was wild Hearts launch today uh which is yes which has been a bit of an interesting one because this is a for those that don't know like you know what Pokemon is kind of Pokemon yeah it's a j RPG but it's Pokemon right and even when it makes another Pokemon s game it's always described as a Pokemon type game so like there's not many games that are like a monster hunter type game so when wild thoughts is coming out and it's getting good reviews I'm I was interested um but yeah uh also so just run for the they were sort of the things that I thought you gave me but we're not bringing up there you go but by saying that we kind of have oh there you go good for SEO I suppose yeah so there we go so like like you mentioned there's a lot to go through and I don't think we necessarily have the time to go through everything um but I guess I guess we'll kick off um we're looking off at the top and see how we go yeah yeah so um something uh interesting and newsworthy I thought um throughout uh the pandemic lockdown covered and all of that um you know there was issues um for all format holders in terms of the availability of um chips and Tech uh to build consoles on Mass um you know time has started to clear that issue away um you know you would have seen recently that Microsoft wax kratos's ax yeah just in the middle of London yeah and then there was different things happen around the world and this is this kicks off um a live from PlayStation um ad campaign right which is a campaign that is meant to say things are kicking off now we have more Stark you're gonna have a much easier time um finding a PS5 now so let's introduce you to all these amazing games there's a really cool ad where it like mixes in Spider-Man Horizon like all in real world settings that's very cool yeah like in London there was a giant Kratos ax which had smashed into the floor uh it's very cool and stuff like that so yeah I remember seeing us and thinking wow they must be gearing up for something massive because they're doing all these real world events like there was a one of the robots from Horizon zero Horizon yeah it was in there I think like Berlin or something and I was like whoa what are they doing and it's literally just a flex to say hey if you want to buy one you can now yeah and you know that that appears to have been truth there's a piece will be truth to to their claims and to the uh the more ease of uh availability to access PS5 now um as um you know it's been reported that sales are up 200 year on year yeah which is which is which is huge um so you know it's good to see that Sony are seeing improved inflated yeah uh success I think I think um I think last week as well um the PS5 had overtaken the switch in quite a few territories to be the number one selling console as well so yeah so um you know it's good to see that there is some Welly being put behind it and hopefully I'm hopeful I don't know about you that it does kind of fuel the release of some more interesting first party games I feel that's my big hope yeah I'm a huge PlayStation fan and I found myself a little bit um yeah a little bit of sort of disillusioned by what I've seen like the AKA like I'm just hungry I'm just hungry anyway I'm hungry I get grumpy that's all and I'm hungry at the moment and I feel like I can't remember the last really really good because it like it ends up this is what happens I I I like return all I loved returnal I thought I went back into it and I was like I know it's good I didn't love it but then about even though I don't think about how I feel about that game I think to myself I loved that but if I go and play it now I'm like actually no and I don't yeah I love the soundtrack yeah I love the soundtrack is one of the best I've ever heard I love this at the time because it gave me something to play yeah so yeah yeah SSD loading connection yeah and I know what everyone's saying you've got God the war around Christmas so just shut up and play that but I just want to buy it has not brought me back I'm like I'm pressing the little Kratos ax return button come on leviathanax get back to me but with my hopes and dreams and interests and it's just not happening I'm stuck in London you're in Wales I think there's like a distance yeah yeah yeah yeah just out of range to go the wall uh so yeah I'm I'm hoping it's it's the sign of of you know the PlayStation 5 2.0 uh which uh I guess has been um right now probably put on pause whilst they focus on the brand new it's not even out yet the time of recording but it will be I think in a week or two psvr too I mean they have been showing off some cool stuff with that you know I saw I don't know I don't know either but Resident Evil 8 some of the features yes there's a map and you can actually pull out a full-on map and have a look and stuff um so I was quite interested I looked and a psvr too is more expensive than the PlayStation 5 itself so that kind of dampens the names yeah it's expensive it's it's it's interesting isn't it because it is it is an investment but the what it is clear is that the technology within the headset is is is great um especially the way that it's using that the haptic technology that you can that you know you found in the original PS5 controller as well that's it yeah um I don't know I think I I think it is a step forward for VR as well um we had um there was some there was some journalists who got to check out uh the last worker recently on psvr2 as well and wrote very favorably of you know this is a really good showcase game for what psvr uh two can do um which is which is always good to hear but I I think I I'm excited for it but I'm the same as you that um it is a high barrier of entry um but I also recognize that the quality and yeah and and commanded is justified by how it performs so yeah and I I agree I think that I think that's probably the thing that people need to concern themselves with like if you want that VR world to be exactly how you want it to be not like what it is at the moment it's probably gonna cost even more money so there we go yeah PlayStation on the uptick certainly in terms of like you can buy it if you want and if you do there are a couple of good games that I made that sound like there isn't it's just because I've had to wait you know month after month it's been a couple of years now but like if you got into a PlayStation 5 right now there's so many of the games that you could check out you know Demon Souls remake and the like so there we go great great stuff uh yeah should we move on yeah absolutely yeah so this is this is an interesting I want to put this one in because I have a little interesting story behind it as well yeah okay so uh Dead Island 2 uh it has been meant that it's finally come gold after a long long time of being announced that one E3 long time ago in that really cool one of the areas one of the cooler trailers uh it was a really cool trailer right yeah yeah which I think the latest Goat Simulator parody it did I think it did which was a really nice cut so if anyone that doesn't know what we're referring to uh Dead Island 2 the sequel to 2011's Dead Island was announced at E3 2014 with a really cool CGI trailer uh which features a sort of a jogger Venice Beach kind of situation and um yeah it's you have to watch it just type in Dead Island 2 trailer and then yeah there was a really funny goat simulator 3 bait and switch uh trailer that was used just last year which looked and started like that Island too which is a game we knew was coming and then it was like psych we're all goats so uh yeah the um so I mentioned it was announced nine years ago so what makes you bring it up right now what makes me bring it up right now is because nine years ago I was at the office of the then publisher ahead of e3 sat in a little private room with uh with some colleagues and I was being shown in person some of the controller actually playing Dead Island 2 being played at that point in time it looks incredible there was hilarious moments the scope of what they were showing was big yeah as well I I don't know how I I don't know exactly what I can say but I want to bring it up because I saw it being played at an incredible level of detail showcasing some good scope all the way back then in 2014 2014. yeah 2014 yeah it was 2014. are you wondering how much of it is intact or or you know yeah because you know it has had a an interesting um an interesting journey and developer story and um you know things have happened along the way people have been acquired yada yada um but yeah I'm wondering of you know what remained what changed um yeah it's just incredible because again you know it I just remember seeing it all the way back then just taking notes and all that jazz and photos that don't really have much of a mark in in time I mean obviously the kind of gold standard of uh using uh you know years as a time frame is 2014 is three years after the launch of Skyrim but what you might uh sort of uh be interested in knowing is that uh the place we're just talking about the PlayStation 5 finally getting into the swing of things and the fact that quite a lot of people still don't have them the PlayStation 4 only launched towards the end of November 2013 so the point we're trying to make is the vast vast majority of people were still on the PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 at that time when Aaron saw Dynamite too and that's since then it's come out what's up do you know[Music] if that is the case it may have been the year before when I saw it even yeah because I think I think the PS4 hadn't um anyway ignore me it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but that period of time you're all right it's uh honestly like it's interesting like like I mentioned um the um the the Dying Light Series has come out since which I think has scratched a lot of people's itch for this and then we had buying like two very recently so I'm really interested to see what the appetite for Dead Island to is because the the truth of the matter is the same people who are excited for it when it was announced nine years ago but probably made some quite dramatic changes to their to their life some of them haven't some of them might have some of them you know might not even you know might have been sick of zombies by then there's been a lot of Walking Dead since then I'll tell you that much you know um but either way it's definitely worth noting because it's it's it's uh yeah nine nine years later we're gonna see it so hey that's interesting all right cool yeah so we're we're low on time so do you wanna I'd like to just burn through the the next one because I want to mention this yeah I like electronic music um a lot and I like experimental electronic music a lot and uh there's uh this incredibly influential Duo of electronic musicians called autica from uh Rochdale in Manchester they signed to warp records Apex twins what records yeah yeah so so you know they they're like they're like Aphex Twin and like autica are like the two big names if you're into like really decent weird experimental electronic music and it was Street there's been a long running mystery for a very long time because it's a Duo and they were both featured in the credits of Metroid Prime and no one ever knew why and during an AMA about three months ago one of them broke NDA and said look we went to Austin Retro Studios wanted us to work on the soundtrack we made the whole soundtrack and last minute Japan were like nah and uh okay so yeah I found that really interesting and I and and I think eventually they released bits of the soundtrack and I was really interested and Metro Prime just got remastered recently and I was I remember a bit of trivia and I was like I'm looking forward to to checking it out and I yeah I think it did credits I don't remember it from back in the day so I'm gonna have a look well this is what brings us up to it so a bit of a tenuous segue that I want to put a bit of Pop Quiz trivia in there but the Metroid Prime remaster as recently um come to light you know it came out last week it was Shadow dropped and the Nintendo directs got great reviews looks great High 90s Metacritic the credits though uh have been criticized because rather than like have the credits of the original it kind of is a bit of a footnote it just says the Metro primary master was was made by uh you know we'd like to thank the original side by the workers inspired by the work of the original development team of Nintendo uh yeah and that was it so it might as well just said thanks to those guys but now here's us that was it was one block so no individual credits so you're if you worked on Metroid Prime your name is not in the credits uh if you are just part of the yeah the original team so yeah there we are just wanted to say that quickly yeah wow probably the last we say about that the better to be honest I think that's a crazy thing but hey um a little bit of a pub quiz trivia for you as well about warp records is that um they they worked with us on the soundtrack for grip a lot of uh Warcraft records artists yeah featuring grip yes the best the best label going so I burned quickly for the the next song yeah please so this is really interesting as you know we do um a lot of behind the scenes uh videos and and content around games uh that are about to be released and we document parts of the development Journey you know we get a bit of deeper Insight from the devs double fine have gone to the next level on this yeah they have released a 22 hour 32-part documentary chronicling the entire end-to-end development Journey for Psychonauts 2. um so this is warts and all seeing the full I think it's like a seven year Journey maybe so it's from uh the the concept the concept of you know Psychonauts to all the way through to hey this is now out the door in people's hands so it's like a massive a massive Journey um I'm kind of intrigued to go and watch it when 22 hours become available to me yeah um but I I do like I do like it when people of this caliber show off you know and I'm sure I'm sure there's some classy fancy edits in there but when people do go to the limits to show the full extent of the Baltimore Journey behind games because you know there's a there's a lot of personal things that go on and you know conversations that you won't normally see the one um you know something that we've uh been inspired by when we do ours as well was the series that um uh I I forget the name but the there was a developer documentary for the full development of hellblade uh Center was sacrificed there was yeah and that that is because Ninja Theory yeah because that is just a full-on hey we're just gonna drop updates via video here to show you the full journey and it shows you them working on hey how you trying to figure out the how do we get Triple A quality in a smaller lesser team and all the compromises and everything that goes into getting it to where it needs to be so very interested to check that out you know Psychonauts 2 was again a long time coming almost as as long as Dead Island uh too it really was I think my opinion on this is incredibly useful as a resource um you know in in the sort of film and TV industry there's a film and media students in universities all around the world that are studying sort of the making of The Shining and I wonder how many young filmmakers and stuff were inspired by the Lord of the Rings sort of special feature documentaries and all of that now I think a lot of them yeah exactly and I think a lot of Dev Diaries kind of act as a little bit of marketing for games so to see this kind of entire 22 I think there'll be a lot there and hopefully it'll inspire a lot of people going who Maybe only see the flashy side of video games so I'm hoping that this is going to be and we know now that in universities people are learning about video game all aspects of it code and market and everything uh you can even learn to be a product manager like a lot of people don't even know what that is so so resources like this will probably be studied I think and I think this is stuff like this like this transparency is really really cool so I you know not a huge fan of cyclone it's a very ambivalent towards it I think it's cool but but but yeah I would watch this in a heartbeat so there we are the great that's good that I figure time for one more quick one yeah uh shall we should we finish off with the one yeah after that yeah okay so this is um we've we've spoke about this a few times and um the the relationship the partnership uh with EA and FIFA has come to an end uh so you know the the legacy of people buying buying FIFA every year is gonna is unfortunately also going to come to an end in terms as far as naming conventions go yeah um so it's been reported that um EA Sports are now looking to sign a deal with the Premier League um which is a smart move um and within that the name that we might have to get used to uh the replacement for FIFA is going to be eafc yeah which will obviously just be shortened down to FC by everybody on it it'll be yeah and uh some of that isn't in here is um you know reportedly as well that that's meant to be um a really foxy deal that's worth uh 500 million pounds um so you know and that and but but in case you're wondering what's in it uh for the this would be an interesting one if maybe you want to know that this deal is set to make the Premier League 95 million dollars every year that's that's how much it is because uh for anyone doesn't know the numbers attached that 500 million seems like a lot of money every year FIFA makes EA 1.6 billion dollars every year so in case you want to know what those numbers are looking like that's what it's looking like so yeah yeah it's gonna be crazy because that's that's you know me and Aaron we work in this so everyone talks about it most people only buy two games a year FIFA and then normally like Assassin's Creed they'll call the duty but it's nearly always FIFA in one hand if you're Jewel wheeled in one of your hands is always FIFA so uh it's gonna be FC now maybe a premier league a commercial marketing Powerhouse behind like teams that are so big that when I go abroad uh and I I'm in a taxi or something like that they just say where are you from and I say Wales and they just name me players that play for Real Madrid or Manchester United or whatever but I was in I was in Thailand in the middle of a jungle at some random Hut getting some chai Yen which is like basically like bubble tea yeah and uh spoke a bit of Thai and then the person was like are you English and English was like yeah and it's like oh let's talk about Michael Owen uh just some just in the middle middle of the Jungle you know apparently yeah yeah exactly so that is exactly it uh all right funnily Enough Michael only is eight miles away from me I live in the middle of the world right now and tracker well he lives in the same house has one because it's only six of us we just have to check in on each other yeah yeah yeah so that's happened in the Premier League down the way yeah yeah he's my neighborhood he's my neighbor um yeah that that's an incredible uh potential there for for you so we're ending on that we're ending on probably a bit of boring news for people into like you know video games that aren't sporting related but the biggest news of the week I reckon it is it is it is it is Big because it's kind of the end of an era as well I think you know as you mentioned you know people have two games one of them is usually FIFA it's been called FIFA since way back when do you know what I mean it's been this since it started yeah State Pool and you know the game itself may not change I mean obviously there'll be um The Ultimate Team I know yeah yeah there'll be some things that that will change and develop and so on but you know it is um it's it's The Changing of the Guard I guess in a way it's going to be interesting to see how how people take to it and hopefully you heard it here first so on that cheery crazy football mad note we'll see you next week for some more information uh some more news uh probably not all FIFA related let's be honest with you uh for episode 52 which even though it's been more than a year marks one year of podcasts there we go oh so a big one so listen bring your best clothes uh dress up nice we'll see you then all right nice one have a really lovely week everybody goodbye for now[Music] word unplugged[Music]