Wired Unplugged
Wired Unplugged
The One Where Our Heroes Take a Break | Episode #52 | Wired Unplugged Podcast
On this week's Podcast. It's the series #01 Finale! Jake and Aaron start to unwind as they are looking forward to a well-earned break before we start Season #02. Like on the last day of school, we brought in some games. Videogames! They talk about Resi Evil 4 in VR, Pokemon presents, Tiny Troopers music and so much more.
Also discussed:
- Some interesting things going on with Microsoft.
- Tin Hearts UTOMIK Beta went amazingly well! Thanks to everyone who tuned in to play!
- PAX volunteers assembleeeeeee!!! Sign up at https://wired.gg/WiredatPAX
- Tiny Trooper Global Ops now has a release date and will be landing March 9th!
- Tiny Troopers we’ve announced a special single which will be released for Tiny Troopers by Ivor and the Horde via Black Razor Records – all proceeds will be going to War Child UK.
We might be on our holiday for the next couple of weeks, but we would still love to hear your questions for the show? Email unplugged@wiredproductions or tweet us at @WiredP and @WiredUnplugged.
Make sure to subscribe as it really helps us out!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/YC3P8qd8l7w
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Wired Unplugged hello everybody and welcome to the Wired unplugged season one finale AKA episode 52 which marks a year which is the perfect time for finale hey Aaron how you doing I'm good man are you feeling um finale I'm feeling finale-esque I'm feeling uh a bit sorry I'm feeling so finale because I thought I'd give you a little treat and break out the Ocarina of Time yeah all right well I want it for you okay ready*Sound of gerbil being strangled* so if you want to uh use the Ocarina of Time and travel back you can listen to 52 53 technically episodes that's right of us well we'll take a little mini break and come back a little refreshed yeah that's right yeah we're going to take a couple of weeks off and come back with uh you know a little bit of an idea of what we can do to make season two even better for everybody at home and remember that if you want uh the sort of visual aids to the Ocarina instrumentals here you can find us on YouTube as well as your favorite podcast platform getting ready for enough about how beautiful it looks it's beautiful it's um a uh content creator couple got me this as a leaving gift from a previous thing yeah and I was like this is this is stupidly incredible like I've got to be emotional but it's like it's really nice and it's like a proper like ceramic or something Ceramics yeah Hashem can't play it but uh you can do the two weeks between season one and two maybe the gym Ocarina for an hour but we'll find out uh all about what we've got planned over the next route including us because we're gonna have to have a think about how we can make it even cooler for you guys to be honest um but yeah here we are we've come to the end of season one uh thanks everybody for listening and we've got a jam-packed show for you to go out of a bank so I guess before we get into all the propaganda and stuff like that um what have you been up to this weekend what's been happening I finished the Minish Cap for the first time great okay and it was okay you're adjacent I loved it yes actually actually you do get you do get the Ocarina of wind in it which is great there we go um and it plays uh it plays the same tune that the the flute plays in Super Mario Bros 3. yeah um anyway amazing game love its pieces I see why people have been raving uh about all this time you play on Nintendo switch online via the Game Boy Advance uh service that they have which is which is great I also I also um I took a break you know we we had my New Year's resolution of hey let's play things that I feel in the mood for so I've taken a little break from Fire Emblem um and I have um I I have turned down the Avenue of Kirby and the Forgotten land oh great okay yeah so I I bought this on launch and it's been just sat there wrapped up yeah I was like you know what I I I'm in the mood for some Kirby happiness um so I gave that a go and I am kicking myself that I waited this long because it is just Pleasant every single second you play it a ball of Joy just like our favorite pink friend Kirby by a year old is that right yeah yeah I think so and for me it's got um it's got a lot of happiness but it's also got a lot in common with um I guess for me it's got a lot of in common with Super Mario Odyssey or um maybe more Super Mario uh Galaxy right yeah where you know you've gone some planets in the the bit of my my Google's talking to me for some reason um but yeah trying to check which which game it's closest to yeah you get you get these cool abilities and some level use them in interesting ways so it's like a nice little playground for an ability and so on so it's it's really cool and like I said I haven't played a game in a long time that every second I mean it I can't stop smiling because that sounds so cliche to say but it's just yeah it's just wonderful yeah it just gives off this yeah really nice radiant happiness uh which uh yeah it's it's great it's great how about you what's been uh what's been keeping you busy besides Magic The Gatherings it has been met at the Gathering I'm unfortunately unfortunately for me um my wallet uh today Magic the Gathering announced the new set of cards that will be themed on the Lord of the Rings are coming out yeah June 23rd which is dangerous to close to my birthday so basically I know where all of my money is going which is really bad uh it's good to know where it's going though yeah whatever but yeah I suppose it is is paper cards the right thing um what else have I been playing you know I've been I've been oh I say what happened I dip back into to get myself uh reacquainted with uh I was having just a spin of you know what's us on Game Pass scrolling around and I don't know what it was that gave me the edge but I reinstalled and thus restarted dead cells get back into that yes before the head of Castlevania ahead of the Castlevania thing that's right yes because I'm not sure if it might you know I'm assuming it's going to be separate DLC but it might be the case that you know you have to unlock a certain amount of content first so I've done that and then um Fable too what yeah well my better half has never seen Fable 2 so I've said well should we have a goat people too you've got your dog got the dog yeah exactly and then just having a well over time really I forget I forget I I think it's aged brilliantly as someone who's who remembers it at the time her not so much so I suppose it's like showing some Pokemon Red for the first time I'm going no I swear so uh yeah uh weirdly Fable 2 um dead cells and yes the truth a lot of Magic the girlfriend um but hey that's a good combo I'm tempted you know there's a bit of Zoe wanna maker like just just killing it in that game yeah she's in the rain even Friday in that one yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yeah Michael fassbender's in the third one anyway Patrick Stewart and and Michael Fassbender in the third game I'm pretty sure like they got like Star Quality at the zoo on the third game you know yeah engage well so so that is what we put up to uh it's always a good place uh to find this is Twitter uh you can find us at why it's unplugged and let us know what you've been up to all the way from Italy I'm gonna be completely honest with you there's a two-week break so you can let us know but it won't be featured in next week it might feature at the beginning of season two who knows but I I I I reckon Curtis will just put together some uh bloopers you know putting the stuff that we don't want ever to be shown so there's going to be some social content but I mean I don't want to ask you guys a question this time instead you can just behold I'm sure there'll be some sort of highlight reel or something like that or low light reel in case it's bloopers is that what we call one I don't know the highlights for some people I guess because we were recording in winter is technically low light it is yeah especially when we wake up in the morning to record these yeah right let's uh right let's let's start with the last wired propaganda segment of season one I'm going to keep saying this and I'm going to get more and more emotional as we go on so uh let's play that jingles give it a go to the podcast let's try now let's try it now you've got two weeks to work on it yeah this is the guitar back there the podcast for the last 52 or kind of Three episodes we've been giving you the latest and greatest from inside wires like wire Towers I don't know the stats on this but I can tell you right now that there's definitely been definitely been over 250 pieces of wired propaganda pumped directly into your cerebral core like uh and this week is no exception there's a lot going on so Aaron have I let us know what's happening this week yeah I'm going to start off with with some Joy last episode we mentioned that uh the weekend just gone we we had a a beta for tin hearts on utomic um the atomic this time um and I I I'm not allowed to say I I don't think I might say the figures but let's just say it went stupidly well everyone was very happy with how it went down so I think given that we are ending this season as well just want to say thank you to everyone that did check out the game uh on utomic and making it uh a a a a success a delicious success um but yeah no thank you thanks everyone so much for playing hope you liked it there's going to be more details and information on the game coming up very soon as well there's some um behind the scenes Dev diaries that are going to be coming up for tin Hearts as there are for all of our games so do check them out but um I think you'll like the story behind this game uh and especially Jake you know you just know you've been playing Fable 2 randomly you know um a lot of the team uh working on um tin Hearts you know worked at lionhead and helped bring Fable to life so you know yeah it all connects in the end yeah brilliant I love that yeah you know you're never more than six degrees away from lionhead but in Art's case one so there we go great yeah really really glad to see go on what a perfect game to play on utomic as well yeah yeah yeah yeah do you want do you want something else uh again again we've been talking about for a little while now and this was um this was one of the games that we announced when we did um the the brilliantly titled wired direct right so this was a a show we put together that was put out live which was a nice Nintendo direct-esque style show um which which was great and revealed some titles and so on and gave updates and Tiny Troopers was one of the games that we uh announced during that and that was during lockdown era uh where everything was very very remote yeah um but the game has a release date now um and it's launching sooner than many may think and it's out on March 9th so much it is something for people to do well stay away for season two of The Wild and flow podcast yeah that means that means that we will officially not be able to sort of give it we're not going to be there for its coronation are we um because we'll be online we'll be playing yeah we'll be in there but yeah there we go it's in case you're gonna be lost about us yeah but I think um just just a bit of an introduction if you haven't played it before rkd twin stick shooter over the top over the top action I'm gonna say but uh presented in a very child-friendly way yeah uh you know I think you know think along the lines of Toy Story but with more action apparel yeah everyone's favorite ESRB yeah uh thing um so yeah 26 shooter Global leaderboards um if um ah the biggest thing that I think will be very important as well is it's up to foreplay for player co-op you know like the good old days of GoldenEye um but you can also play four players cross play as well so you know if you are if you happen to have a friend who's playing on Playstation but you have your switch uh to hand you know you can sit on the couch whack out your switch they can play on their PlayStation and you can come together and play or Xbox or PC sorry couch Co-op is an incredibly like okay you don't see a lot these days you really don't if you ask like you know if we play like family fortunes we were like which like everyone would just be like uh overcooked um and that's it golden art I know yeah exactly you can't play a multiplayer split screen action yeah um so so I know lots of funds lots of weapons and upgrades to unlock lots of experimentation it's meant to be a nice fun blast Global leaderboards to try and Conquer and Tackle we saw lots of people getting very competitive of the global leaderboards of archives yes expect to see this again yes um honestly it got a bit it got a bit dirtier honestly if I'm honest yeah there was a lot of a lot of bit of her digging back and forth not internally but like yeah yeah it was like it was a mess that's what it was yes for me the Twitter sphere was living at the leaderboards weren't they so all right um and if you want to check out uh cross play in action um as we are recording so you'll be able to go back and watch this if you pop onto the wired um Twitch account uh you'll see uh Steph and co uh testing out um cosplay cosplay live on stream so check it out if you want to see it in action but there's more and this this one is one is um this one this this one is quite special and interesting so um you may remember that for uh arcade Paradise um black razor records released a charity single yeah uh with Ivor and The Horde uh which the the the track's incredible by the way and they did a live performance of it at the launch event that we had in London which was incredible um and four tiny Troopers we've announced that we're going to be releasing a very special uh single um by Ivor and The Horde again via black razor records um but all proceeds uh are going to be going to war child UK great um so you know it's support yeah children need out there that have been torn apart by War um which is very relevant in this day and age um so um you know that announcement's been made there's going to be more um details to share of the next coming weeks um speaking of things coming over the next couple of weeks I'm going to merge these together so we're gonna we're going on a little mini break yeah no not only is there going to be really nice uh additional details for tiny Troopers single going to be released um but there's also going to be some interesting announcements over the next couple of weeks as well and since we're not going to be here um I think I think we just want to put it to you The Listener The Watcher um in Melbourne Australia yeah we're talking to you Stephen oh Donald yeah ah Stephen Alfonso man um no but uh if you want to keep up to date on some of the cool announcements that are coming up whilst we are away do follow at wiredp uh on Twitter and you're in for some juicy announcements coming up yeah P4 PAX East ER paxis which is good but before we get to that before we get to that before we get to that there is one thing that um we forgot to mention um is that because sorry I was just remembering about uh when we were very popular in Australia um yeah yeah um hopefully still are but we made it into the top 100 video gaming podcasts we did yeah we did yeah just like this like charting in a top 40 but the podcast there's a lot of podcasts out there too so yeah congratulations to us I can't remember what country it was in yeah it was like was it like globally or was it the UK it was somewhere that I was like okay yeah it was the UK yeah that's where we are yeah yeah I'd like to say that we couldn't have done this without Sophia Bulgaria or Melbourne Australia you know like established fans there it wouldn't give us the heart to really like shoot for the stars and get to the top yeah okay I'm I'm totally convinced as well because you know if you do want to check out another gaming podcast for us we're away but come back um VGC video games kind of cool just uh launched a podcast of their own yeah um and I'm I'm totally convinced that it's because I've been listening to the to our one um I know I I think they're they're a good Bunch toys uh keep an eye on that very good Insight Andy is not only is he hilarious as a guy but he's just uh very switched on uh Jordan over there as well again hilarious hilarious northerner um but he's also just like down in the Deets to the ground with a lot of things isn't it yeah yeah so I mean I guess check them out they're all right just yeah do that between some tiny Troopers and uh you know waiting for us like Scott Pilgrim waiting for like a post you know that yeah all right great a fantastic way to sort of end uh all the internal uh wire defense but there this is a mix between internal apps because it's the wire Towers on tour on tour 2023 Edition uh and uh first stop Boston Massachusetts I say that but already there's been like loads of events that we'd have taken part of and you can find out more about them over the last few episodes but yeah why they're at Pax we're at packs yeah and we are still on the hunt for volunteers so if you live in the US if you happen to be within the Boston area we are looking for volunteers to help run our stand alongside all of us uh you know you'll get to get into the show early get some cool gear um get given a badge to give you early access alongside us um and we're gonna feed you give you drink all that good stuff apple juice mainly um but if you are if you're interested in getting along uh with us at Pax you can head to wyatt.gg wide app packs um and you can you can apply through there great absolutely um last week and I'll say again it's worth it for the cannoli alone it's so good come check out the cannoli sometimes Leo Leo by just the most ridiculously sized swirly pastry bun so think of think imagine you are you you know when you go to a coffee shop yeah and you know they have a really nice looking Danish yeah right take that and then shrink yourself down to be a borrower and that is what Leo buys he buys it is ridiculously anyway it's like it's like it's like that isn't it it's like a Danish but like the size of like a the largest pizza you can find the size the size of where the Danish people live here yes yes so we've got a uh We've Got It season one of propaganda done I say honestly I'd love to know what the numbers are but I don't think anyone has been able to keep track but there must be well over 250 like little wired updates over the course of the year so far there there hasn't there hasn't been uh there's been some weeks where we're like you know things are wrapping up yeah but there has always been lots of stuff and I think um I think what's always interesting as well is just um you just think that even though a game doesn't release every second there is always lots of stuff going on and work behind the scenes so yeah yeah we're going places next season yeah yeah why is that packed why is it download right okay so this is this is the part of the podcast apparently I'm just a guy on stage of a Macarena yeah having a great time to the heavens like yeah yeah yeah yeah right this is the sorry sorry this is the part of the podcast where we talk about stuff but before we get there let's um sorry I've thrown such shade in disrespect because we all remember flute guy from The Game Awards who is an actual Legend right so if flute guy ever listens to this which he won't I'm sorry if I disrespected you of my Ocarina playing I have never played the Ocarina before so I started heavy metal bands once and they're like there was like a well I mean Jethro tall is a thing isn't it with like their feet or whatever yeah yeah it's a blood ceremony they had like some sort of like pan pipes and all that was pretty cool like sort of like a cult like in the mix with yeah oh it works yeah like yeah not ceremony they're like a Canadian like uh I don't know how you describe like do metal band or something like that I don't know the random music recommendation here all the pen pipe yeah it really works kind of like that imagine that like Old Black Sabbath era like groovy you know songs about sabbaths and witches yeah Blood Moons but then with like that Jethro Tull stuff we'll find out hey look all right see what happens see there you go maybe that's that's the natural merge for season two we are the Panthers and Jingles so this is the part of the podcast where Aaron presents to me like I told you before I always feel that Aaron's some sort of Shaman and I'm some sort of Barbarian King who just sits in a tent and brings me the news and I go yes um this week there's been a lot going on in the regular old game in these two sometimes we it's quite quiet because a big Triple A game comes out and everyone gets scared and no one does anything but this week we've yeah it's been here after hit uh I think what have we got what have you seen on your travels so this is something that uh was slammed in my face not too long before we started recording um and that was the news that um Resident Evil 4 remake is going to have a VR version as well which has uh already started development and it will be free DLC for the psvr too now only uh I know we're both stupidly excited for Resident Evil 4. can't wait for it yes we are what I'm interested to see is ah big big this because we have Resident Evil VR Resident Evil 4 VR right yeah which is um which is amazing so I'm interested to see what the experience is like on psvr2 within the scope of the Resident Evil 4 remake as well yeah um yeah so for um might not be aware of the situation like Resident Evil 4 20 year old game uh that's why it's been remade yeah yeah 21 years old I think actually uh recently at uh I think it's an exclusive remake with oculus uh yes okay if you if you're a watcher of this past there's my Oculus right there I own it I've played it and I loved it I loved it I've done Resident Evil for a bunch of times but it's the full game in VR now for those that might be completely un acquainted with how it works normally to make people not vomit everywhere uh the VR headsets kind of have this like teleportation systems how skyriment VR works it's not full movement you kind of just decide what you want and you warp there apparently that makes me sick less but I don't know like blinking around everywhere jarring for me it is a bit Resident Evil 4 is not like that you can you're full movement you walk and it's the full game it's not a version of the game it's not a spin-off it's the full game and it's great you know not Mr Happy chainsaw guy you can duck under him you can you can literally throw your knife from hand to hand like some sort of Crocodile Dundee bad guy and you can shoot a knife at the same time right yeah you can yeah literally it's so funny like you you know you reload you can get your empty magazine and throw it at enemies heads like there's so many amazing cools quality of life stuff obviously like in Resident Evil 4. there's a medallions or whatever hidden around yeah that becomes a lot more immersive in full VR the woods you're kind of pushed through Alleyways and stuff like that um rather than even before at the beginning you're in like a wooded area and you're still on tracks but you can see the woods around you and they feel like there's a lot of depth to them yeah there's it it's brilliant and it's incredibly immersive and the graphics are identical to the graphics of Resident Evil for OG now Resident Evil 4's remake looks stunning and the power of these modern headsets I suppose we'll talk about that in just a moment has it gone far beyond like the Oculus um I mean the the PlayStation VR 2 which you'll come on is super expensive and you need the PS5 to run it so it's not like the Oculus which can run by itself Wireless completely you know um but yeah if that looks like well Resident Evil 7 and 8 have a full VR mode which is just a full game in general but you still play it with your regular controller and basically it's basically just like panoramic view but the immersion is off the charts in it so if they can do that in that that'll definitely be the Benchmark I think for VR game but it's I find it quite fascinating that Resident Evil seems to be like the the standard everyone says the best VR games are Resident Evil and I think that isn't GTA San Andreas being made in full VR uh I think what yeah that's like oculus's big thing they said oh yeah well they announced and we're gonna do San Andreas which will probably be the next gold standard but isn't it weird that Resident Evil of all games is the one that's kind of pushing it you know in terms of a full game you can play so this is no different which is great but yeah great news to hear this would you play a horror game in VR would I play a horror game in VR um yes yeah I I don't I'm gonna say yes right I played the Resident Evil 7 VR experience and I was like this was really cool but you are just sort of you know experiencing stuff um I like to play Resident Evil games in a specific way however I do know that every time I have seen Resident Evil 4 VR being played I'm like that looks flipping cool and I feel like I need to play it um but it it kind of feels like it I I for me I think I would have to play it flat yep and then play it in VR as well because I I think I think the experience itself does open itself it is fine to have both experiences right um because you know I've played Resident Evil 4 so many times in the past from GameCube onwards um but the VR version it does enough unique things that I'm like it will still feel fresh so absolutely yeah and I'm with you like to the point where because obviously like in VR everything's very slow because this is going to sound ridiculous right this is this is the thing about VR that's very very hard to understand last you've played it because it can't be really expressed like uh you know you know how people say like you can't download an atmosphere like sure you can watch concerts but if you go to one that's different vr's a bit like that right and you take things in quite slower I think because it's a way more immersive so like that first Resident Evil 4 Village moment feels way more intense and stuff and Resident Evil 8 I actually wonder how much that would scare the heck out of me because like uh there's a without any spoilers there's a house benefit oh mate mate that in VR I just think that that flat was it's Resident Evil 8. now you know seven and eight got a little bit of criticism for having a lot of kind of scripted jump scare moments right where things are right in your face that mixed with VR though I think is a bit you know Resident Evil 7 has lots of moments where you know characters come out of from around the corner and grab you by the face and laughing and I don't know push away and fly away or what would I do so I I think I'd need a horlicks afterwards to be honest that's that that's a good follow-on to what I wanted to ask you actually so you've played Rosie 4 VR on Oculus I have you yeah how how how long did you find you could play for what what was comfortable from like a stamina perspective and just yeah you know could you could did you find stuff being like you could play like a normal session of the game or did you break it down no I um I like I think a lot of my gameplay sessions are sort of in chunks anyway because like I'm I'm 10 minutes here five minutes over there yeah yeah so it's never more than like two or three hours at a time anymore but um I'll tell you what though like yeah like it has an option to sit down but I felt like that didn't feel right I did feel like I needed to be like you know my fight or flight had to be excited um but no I I think I was playing it in about two and a half hour sessions um but yeah like I didn't think it affected stamina too much and stuff like that uh to be honest it's not it's not like I remember when the Wii had uh you know this elder had the twins like the the weak motion controls and people were saying oh it's tiring to do it you know um but yeah you have to give respects to make that experience work right because if you think you know when you play Resident Evil 4 traditionally you have the third person view where you can see enough around you to know if someone's approaching from behind but you know when you're playing VR you have to take into the consideration that people don't move as fast as other people yada yada and what that means for yeah how many enemies can come at you at once where they can come from what sign person is there because not everyone can turn their head at the same speed right so it's the the considerations that have to be addressed and tackled and obviously have been with for vrs uh and that's the thing right because they're kind of like invisible considerations that you probably wouldn't necessarily just think of straight to your head like you know I remember one thing that I thought you know obviously I'm really privileged to have like full motor controls and things like that right so I'm playing it and there's a part where your ammo's on your belt on your chest sorry I run out of ammo and then I'm like I I'm like reaching for my ammo but I'm missing the part of my chest so I have to look down oh there it is you know to get to get my ammo um which is funny because I was like panicking because I was like getting corner so I'm like God damn it creates these cool moments like even me telling you this it sounds cool right like there's a point where I moved into a cup you know but they have the option to be able to do that by a button as well in case you can't easily like you know move your hands so fast and things like that so they've actually made it like you know with a ton of accessibility options basically which for VR which is quite a cumbersome thing to have on your head and your neck because that's the big criticism people have with you especially the sort of Proto VR headsets was like it's it it's cumbersome even the Oculus it's it's it's it's quite heavy on your neck and and it has to be so tight on your head so when you move around that it doesn't bother you that it can be like that so yeah VR is uh interesting this is the first thing that I have uh we are but I guess this is the part of a bigger conversation a much bigger conversation is that um I guess guess we say in that psvr too it's out I don't know this is what you you know it's down here and I the reason I'm stuck running stamina with my words right now is because I'm trying to establish in my head whether or not I think this might be like the third iteration of VR I've had a quick look at everything like it and and I think that the first iteration of VR that we had like the HTC Vives and stuff like that right the Oculus Rifts with wired they needed a PC to work and they were very very cumbersome very expensive the second iteration that we got were a bit more affordable I think these Oculus uh these oculuses uh about the same price as a Nintendo switch right now but it comes as its own thing yeah you can browse the internet on them you can do your shopping on there you can watch YouTube on there you can play games on there so it's a full multimedia thing inside itself and it needs a USB to charge this though it's the first one I've seen with pure full length AAA games in high fidelity like that seems like it has the power to play Resident Evil 4 remake for example just just before the podcast about an hour before the podcast everybody's uh favorite uh game that just won't quit no man's Sky uh just announced Boom the full game's integrated with psvr too by the way are too enjoy yeah here we go they just Chuck it out don't they like unbelievable if you've been following no man's Sky you'll know what I'm on about you've got to laugh at it because the speed and and energy in which floaties up to town hilarious psvr two came out today no man's Sky were just like no biggie we've just done this upgrade for everybody it's gonna work on better on the Nintendo switch there's Nintendo switch only features we've got gyro controls oh did we mention it's out on psvr too as well yeah free update no worries see you later enjoy enjoy we'll be back in a week with something completely different uh so yeah but I'll tell you what I play I played on the first psvr I was gonna I was gonna ask you if you've played it because I played I played no man's sky on psvr one I was gonna ask did you have much of an experience with psvr I I played um I played a few psvr games um and that was because yeah essentially a good a group of work friends live together and and they had one um and we'd have some psvr sessions um and it didn't make you want to run out and go and buy one right no because for me the most amazing things on psvr one were the micro experiences so for example that Resident Evil 7 demo experience was really cool yeah the Star Wars Battlefield Battlefront one that way flying in the X-Wing was flipping incredible but again you know you're talking about like a 20 minute M20 they were like Tech demos aren't they basically which was great though because I'm like hey this this is good how do you do more of this yeah um and then I played um uh that horror launch game as well where you're um you kind of like driving along in a cart and Outlast uh out last VR something no something I I know what you mean no but there is like yeah you're on Rails aren't you basically yeah yeah so and that that that likes because it's like again similar to you saying about Resident Evil and the trees and the environment there were moments where you you do look into the depths of locations you're like wow this atmospheric thing is really good it's a shame that I'm on a train uh I'd like to look around yeah um yeah but you know I think that had um uh it wasn't it wasn't a comfortable experience in terms of how early VR not early but how less Advanced VR was at the time you know there was issues with making sure the headset was right that it was aligned correctly so that the 3D was right yeah because even if you've got it on a little bit wrong for those that don't know what Aaron means like it it's that kind of when you got your 3D glasses on wrong in the cinema type Vibes yeah yeah yeah that that was like so you know I was I had moments of going wow that's that's very cool um yeah but I think that's it for me but you know looking at um looking at the content for psvr2 looking at the reviews for the units themselves as well I'm not I'm not saying oh I'm going to run out and buy a personal one right now but there is a lot there that I think is like you said like the third era of VR I think um from a quality functional perspective it looks like this is a very great place to um to getting on the VR train yeah and I don't mean sorry I don't mean as an entry level I mean it's like this is good VR do you know what I mean yeah absolutely and and um you know I think this is what I found interesting about the psvr to like trailers and stuff they've kind of all been saying these are kind of full games that you can play rather than what you mentioned earlier like these experiences there's loads of these games now they're a great five minute games but they cost 25 pounds 30 pounds uh and and and everybody leaves saying the same thing wow this is really going to be something yeah so I wonder if this is going to be the time where the conversation changes to wow this really is something you know and and it starts to sway people I was I was checking out um I was checking out some of the the wonderful John Letterman from digital Foundry uh he was tweeting a bunch about some of his initial early experiences with psvr2 and then going through the games and um you know he was talking a lot about um you know Gran Turismo and and how that uses psvr too and all these things and you know from a guy who's you know very switched on when it comes to Tech and the praise that he is putting upon it that is that is a big um it does make me excited to yeah it's a bit of a decent testimonial that isn't it yeah digital Foundry for those that don't know our bunch of guys on the internet who are incredibly dry they're not here to make friends they're here for one thing and one thing only to tear apart the technical aspects of whatever stand-up and threat of them whether it is physical Hardware FPS games you know they take they they are you know like when you get like an Xbox version and a PlayStation version at Port of a game and you think wow who's gonna be the heroes that determine how well they perform compared to each other it's these guys digital Foundry are like dry but like a good type of dry like a Jacob's cream cracker yeah right good so other brands are available yeah and also it's worth mentioning that obviously you know we got some psvr2 stuff on the way so stick around this could be it yeah I mean to be fair we've mentioned it last week you know there was some really good first impressions coming out for um for the psvr2 version of the last worker uh that's getting a lot of Praise uh for as well so keep an eye out it's gonna be worth it yeah really interested to see where this goes and you know as we get into season two there's going to be a lot more uh talk about psvr too I'm sure I'm just gonna call it psvr from now on because you know no one's talking about psvr one anymore right what else have we got going on in the gamer news how else has the world decided to see us out for a couple of weeks right so I I we we've tried to keep this off um you know kept cropping up from time to time tries to keep it off the the list of discussion points yeah for a while and this is um the situation surrounding the intended acquisition of the Activision Blizzard bite Xbox yeah um and we've kept because it kept coming up and it was like will they won't they Ross and Rachel style uh from friends um but uh it's worth bringing up today because a series of weird interesting things have happened this week um and this is all based around uh earlier in the week um Microsoft uh went to present to a Trade Commission to explain why this deal should go ahead and why they disagree with some of the reservations around the deal and as part of this they did two things technically three I'll come on to the third thing because it's just very interesting to me but um first thing uh Microsoft have announced that uh Microsoft Xbox PC games um will be heading to Nvidia GeForce now uh which is a rival streaming platform you know a business rival as well yeah and they the whole thing of that was hey Nvidia endorse and agree that this acquisition is a good thing um and we'll Circle back on a few of these things um the next thing is the biggest thing and it was alluded to before but um essentially um the Microsoft also announced that they've signed a 10-year commitment with Nintendo uh to ensure the Call of Duty uh series releases day and date on Nintendo formats with content and feature parity now that's a big thing and we'll we'll Circle back to this as well here's the interesting thing here's the interesting thing that I found um so that was a message and announcement that was put out but the the information was released by um a guy on Twitter his name is Brad Smith now if those of you if there are people out there who don't know Brad Smith is welcome to the club but he's a very important individual um and he is the vice chair and president of Microsoft right okay right so he put a tweet out um which contained the Call of Duty message but he said this in his tweet this is this is um he said we've now signed a 10-year contract to bring Xbox games to Nintendo's Gamers this is part of our commitment to bring Xbox games and Activision titles like Call of Duty to more platforms now within that he has said that he they have signed a 10-year contract to bring Xbox games to Nintendo's Gamers that isn't we have certain tenure contract to bring Call of Duty it's not it's nothing so what's going on what what's your interpretation of all of this no I know everyone's gonna hope it means it's gonna everyone wants it to be Game Pass don't they well so here's the assessment on on that front because Game Pass I think it is the um important thing in here because what I do believe within this uh and you know it's filled by a lot of things and how Microsoft also feedback their internal um results right in terms of they don't go for units sold of Game X Game Y or number of consoles sold it's subscribers subscriptions active subscribers to Game Pass um from it's very clear that what they are really gunning for here is not the future of the console business it is a future within a subscription business because you know the the news with Nvidia and then they're saying hey yeah Nintendo all these things I think you know we're not necessarily going to be talking about Xbox in the future but we are going to be talking about the Game Pass ecosystem yeah I think that's about right yeah I think that's right because it because at the end of the day if you own a Nintendo switch for example and you have Xbox game pass on it you don't even need to it means it is removed at a barrier of Entry to get into the game pass which is a PC or an Xbox and you'll still be put you'll own the hardware of the switch show but you'll still be paying Microsoft your eight pound a month you know or whatever the heck it is I can't remember how much it is like it's like 10 pounds a month I can't even remember that it's like 16 pounds or whatever the heck it is but anyway the point is like they're still going to get money from other platforms but yeah like to me I I saw this and was like they really need this to go through don't they because that is they are literally going to everyone who's not Sony and saying we'll give you anything please Nvidia GeForce now and just to be completely clear like like Amazon's alluding too early yet well you just said it directly it's a rival streaming platform but you know if you're unaware of what it is it's a stay dear esque you know um thing with a pretty decent uh array of games on offering as is to be honest same with Nintendo it's not like they're throwing these companies a bone so to speak they're not these companies are absolutely fine without them so the fact that it's like they are literally you know my honest opinion of it is it's like they are trying everything they can to say well you think I'm being selfish courts of law you think that I'm being selfish you think about some Monopoly well look at this look at my good friends and the games industry Nintendo and Nvidia they're big players they're somebody's and they think we're great so come on to me it's just like it's pure go for the throat material for Sony like if they if Sony this goes through my gosh my PlayStation 5's gonna be looking so sad the very interesting thing within this to me is or signing a 10-year commitment with Nintendo right this is absolutely 100 it isn't it and content complete like they don't complete feature parity day and date now absolutely no can the switch handle the last three Call of Duty releases on there that's that's the thing of manufacturing something as big as war zone and what that does 28 gig by the way for the photo yeah so you know I think you can be uh that's nothing on switch cartridges yeah it it's such a it's a such a size that it would be very interesting to see how something like that could run natively um but I think the suggestion might be looking towards and Nintendo not directly but they have offered it as part of what they do on switch with third parties and so on um you know you can have Cloud versions Cloud version yeah I haven't had a good experience with that myself no um I tried to play the cloud version of control because I was like I'll play the I'll play the start see what it's all about um but it it wasn't it wasn't a fluid experience so you know and and we have to remember that this does you know this is a 10-year deal right um so you know they're probably looking further ahead of what's next what's beyond yeah um so Nintendo have on the way that could perhaps help yeah facilitate the future Call of Duty titles yeah but uh yeah I find that is incredibly ambitious on their behalf because uh you know in case like you listening to this and you don't know the internet so what we're talking about right in specifics and I'm assuming that you all do the Nintendo switch is six year old Hardware at this point that is and when it came out it wasn't state-of-the-art what it came out it still couldn't quite you know run with the horses in terms of graphical Fidelity you know the the when it came out was two years after The Witcher 3's launch and it it took years to Port it because of the the struggles it facing yeah what it's managed to do with those limitations has been very creative and and the world of breath of the wild arguably like the greatest game of Our Generation like what was was done on this platform so it's not like it lacks it lacks in terms of the The Joy it brings in its creativity but but in in pure power and Technical Fidelity like it is the weakest and Call of Duty is the kind of title it always pushes the boat out it's the best looking game on my PlayStation 5. absolutely Last Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 relay reimagining or whatever is stunning like how they can do that and what happens a lot of the time is a Nintendo switch version will be a bit lacking won't it and features you know the FIFA uh and and things like that and in fact that that I'm happy that that's FIFA version existed uh those versions of FIFA exist on the switch um and you know the Wii U before it because you would get the one thing that would always make me chuckle every year which was Joe scrabble's IGN republishing the same same reviews saying exactly the same thing every single time but just with a little note saying this year is exactly the same the teams have been updated with players but there is there is no improvements there's no updated modes there is no x1z yeah it's it's uh yeah it's a state of affairs with Nintendo and third party you know do you have a high profile case that comes to mind this MBA which was such a disaster and the fact that it you could buy it but it couldn't fit on the the Nintendo switch even if you had to complete the empty switch that they ended up giving away for free NBA uh was free on the Nintendo switch for about a month and a half because of that so I'm really interested to see what happens because Call of Duty's file size is a notoriously greedy very interesting news Microsoft are making some big moves and uh I'm really looking forward to seeing what their character Arc goes during wild season two because just to make everybody aware this acquisition happened during I think episode four of why I don't talk to season one by the way for those that don't know so so it's a returning character let's see what happens but that's how long this has been in the works for uh you know billions and billions of dollars uh and many many governments so yeah let's see uh cool good good little uh yeah I'm gonna do it previously on next time we talk about that yeah and and the final thing is just a nice little uh a nice little Cherry a nice little Cherry um and so next week next week um we'll see Pokemon day being celebrated same time every year um and uh as part of the celebration uh Pokemon company have announced that they are going to be um streaming slash showcasing a Pokemon presents which is their version a Pokemon version of a Nintendo Direct which is set to be around roughly 20 minutes long with some new updates within the Pokemon world so that's going to be interesting to check in on obviously they had uh the release of Pokemon scarlet and violet scarlet and violet scarlet and violet um but you know that launched with issues right which they have said they are going to address so it would be interesting to see if that gets announced um it might be poor taste if they announce a sequel to the mainline entries during that time because I think it's a bit like a bit of a Twist of a knife if you haven't fixed what was broken but um yeah I think some of the rumors are there might be a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game um a couple of years back they announced that hey a detective Pikachu game is coming to switch not a peep on that for a while um so yeah it would be interesting to see what comes out of that um I think got any you got any thoughts well no I think you're quite right that yeah it was Spike Chun soft wasn't it who made Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and they did say it in a few like a few months ago that they're working on a large unannounced like title uh something else I saw I can't I can't take credit for this because I saw it online uh on Twitter today which I think is a it's a good shout uh is it would be cool this is maybe not what I would uh expect but what I would be cool is if they announced that you know for Nintendo switch recently uh announced a Game Boy service in the game foreign Gen 2 Pokemon games added to that the Game Boy versions now you know no that would be great because one game that was announced for um switch online again for the N64 was Pokemon Stadium one and Pokemon Stadium two now those games famously had connection with the Game Boy games yes they did so you could trade Pokemon to the game back and forth so you could use some of your team in Instagram 3D and I think you could also you could also play the game through I I think okay Stadium right there was a little thing you could play just like an emulated version of your game I think I can't remember but part of the first wave of Nintendo switch sorry Game Boy games for the Nintendo switch online service Pokemon trading card game the game oh yeah that is yeah not red and blue and yellow and silver and golden so I wonder if that'll be it uh I always remember this because it's become a bit of a meme because I'm not really a big Pokemon fan uh but like I in in sort of like the sense that the last call I was on before this was with two people who were about 40 minutes talked about the Pokemon go Fan Fest and I just sat there just getting on with my spreadsheets just like I'm just gonna that's cool it might as well it was like it's like the sort of nude equivalent of like being in office while two people talk about love Island in it yeah it's like just crack on but I don't know what the hell you're on so one thing I do remember and I was bringing it up as a meme remember Pokemon sleep that they ever announced at the end I remember about six or seven years ago that was announced they also announced Pokemon smile didn't they yeah which was like yeah and you catch Pokemon by brushing your teeth or something I'm interested yeah so so sleeping a lot like you know all these Fitbit style things I'm interested speaking of Fitbit stuff there is one thing that I would love to see return that I thought was amazing and they never saw the light day again and that was the poker Walker Walker Walker yeah yeah I was watching I was watching a YouTube video from about 2000 and 11 or something yeah and that's one of the poker Walker and I was just thinking about that yeah uh so yeah I'm interested to see what will happen it's it's probably going to be like some like DLC or something isn't it I'll see but hopefully some quality of life for scarlet Violet Pokemon indigo that would be great wouldn't it yeah very very clever yeah if that works then boom anyway we won't know next week or the week after because we're on a little Hiatus we're gonna uh dissipate like Voldemort when he leaves Professor quirrell's ads but nicer than Voldemort or Sauron when he get gavis's forces in the East but nicer than Sauron um we're gonna be back stronger than ever Karina with the Ocarina that's been that's been like the joy of this episode musical finale like Joss Whedon but nicer so on that I'm not sure about you just Sweden Voldemort and Sauron in the same last minute she is yeah finale the portals opened right yeah look forward to lots more in wire dumpling season so thanks everybody for listening for the last 52 but really three episodes Aaron it's been a pleasure and don't like for season two don't come in here with like a handlebar mustache or an event all right I want you on your best behavior and I'll do the same I'll make the same promise we'll have no crazy changes let's make sure that we come back and nearly ever finished the way it was uh maybe all right to be continued see you all soon for season two bye word unplugged